Item details
Item ID
Title Vurës
Description 3A DNS 12:42 check tape Doran Rörösōq Vētuboso Story (introduced, not traditional) about a hermit crab and a barracuda. The hermit crab tells the barracuda that it can go faster, and when the barracuda is disbelieving, the hermit crab challenges it to a race around the circumference of the island. The hermit crab posts its friends around the island, so that as the barracuda swims around, each time it looks to the shore, there is a hermit crab, up ahead. The hermit crab just stays at the starting point, and when the barracuda finally gets back to that point, it is exhausted and dies on the sand. The hermit crab then calls together all the other hermit crabs and they have a party and eat the barracuda. -- 3A HWM 12:56 22.06.02 Hosea Waras Vētuboso (Rëwöt) Traditional story about two orphan brothers, Wöwut and Mōdō. Before their parents died, they told them to make sure that they maintained their food gardens. They didn't, and when they had no food left, no-one would feed them so they had to eat food scraps. Finally they met a young woman, M̄eter, who took pity on them and invited them home. However she wanted to be the older brother, Wöwut's wife and she made him take Mōdō out with the pigs. He fed Mōdō food scraps, but he died and M̄eter and Wöwut lived together. -- 3A NBQ 03:14 Noris Meneg Qiat Vētuboso Procedural text describing how to bake taro in a stone oven. -- 3A RKM 03:14 15.06.02 Roy Kipe Vētuboso Narrative about making a traditional marriage ceremony. -- 3B JMT 17:58 Jimmy Brown Vētuboso Traditional story about a fish-boy, Mes Tuvun. An only child saw a fish in a pool by the sea and she told her parents that she wanted to take it to be her brother, so they took it home. The two of them went shooting fish and Mes Tuvun caught lots but the girl didn't catch any. They then argued over who should carry the fish, and when Mes Tuvun won, the girl told him to go back to the sea because he wasn't really her parents' child. The next day they went shooting again and Mes Tuvun ran back into the sea. The girl was sorry and tried to make him come back but he wouldn't. -- 3B DDL 01:46 25.06.02 Drusila Winne Vētuboso Narrative about an average day in the speaker's life -- All transcribed, time-aligned, translated and glossed.
Origination date 2002-06-15
Origination date free form
Archive link
Catriona Malau
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Vurës
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Region / village Vētuboso
Originating university La Trobe University
Operator Catriona Malau
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles Catriona Hyslop : recorder
Roy Wutot Lomegev Kipe : speaker
Jimmy Brown : speaker
Noris Meneg Qiat : speaker
Doran Rörösōq : speaker
Hosea Waras : speaker
Drusila Winne : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/56ED720F69BD4
Cite as Catriona Malau (collector), Catriona Hyslop (recorder), Roy Wutot Lomegev Kipe (speaker), Jimmy Brown (speaker), Noris Meneg Qiat (speaker), Doran Rörösōq (speaker), Hosea Waras (speaker), Drusila Winne (speaker), 2002. Vurës. MPEG/XML/VND.WAV/PLAIN. CH1-200203 at
Content Files (12)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
CH1-200203-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 29.2 MB 00:31:53.640
CH1-200203-A.trs application/xml 32.4 KB
CH1-200203-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 1.03 GB 00:31:57.990
CH1-200203-ADNS.txt text/plain 90.9 KB
CH1-200203-ANBQ.txt text/plain 23.3 KB
CH1-200203-ARKM.txt text/plain 24.6 KB
CH1-200203-B.mp3 audio/mpeg 20 MB 00:21:53.0
CH1-200203-B.trs application/xml 29.6 KB
CH1-200203-B.wav audio/vnd.wav 723 MB 00:21:55.980
CH1-200203-BDDL.txt text/plain 12 KB
CH1-200203-BJMT.txt text/plain 176 KB
CH1-200203-HWM.txt text/plain 86.9 KB
12 files -- 1.78 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 12

Collection Information
Collection ID CH1
Collection title Mosina (Mosin) (Vanuatu)
Description Collection of 11 audio tapes and 4 MDs containing recordings of various Vurës speakers. Most of these recordings have a transcript, and many are also time-aligned in Transcriber and glossed in Toolbox with English and Bislama translations.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Catriona Hyslop
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative
RO-Crate Metadata

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