Description |
SIDE 1: Text in Orokoro; Roro (begins at 1m 26s)
SIDE 2: Text in Toaripi; Sinaugoro (begins at 1m 21s)
Original disc held at the National Library of Australia (MS 9275, Album 2, Box 1)
Side A:
Story of the boys and the plate of food being read in Orokolo language (Gulf Province) and Roro language (Kairuku, Central Province).
Side B:
Sinaugoro story, Rigo District, Central Province.
The story translates - A small boy sat on the mat, and he told his big brother, “Give me some food, I am hungry” but the small had no food to give his brother. They said, “let’s go to our mother,. Yesterday, she gave us some food. Today too, she will go and give us some food!” They went to their mother. On the road, they met with a boy. They told him, “We are going to our mother, she will give us some food”. But one boy told the both of them, “Your mother is going to tell you to wait until night, my mother gave me this food because I asked her. Look at that coconut, I think we should climb it and eat one.” His sibling said, “No, let’s climb the coconut, later I will come and give you one and you will eat it”
Comment: There are grammar errors in the story so it is assumed that it may have not been written by a native speaker.
Transcribed by Eileen Bobone
(Steven Gagau, January 2021) |