Item details
Item ID
Title Multiple languages
Description Side 1:
• Javanese (by Dutch Boy) 0-4. Oration or story. Recordings done by L. Martin.
• Nauman (or Nauruan). Word list - twice repeated utterances. Bible verse. Minimal pairs. Conversation between two speakers.
• Gilbertese. Phoneme inventory? Wordlist/utterances. Oration. Book reading.
• Pashto
• Cantonese
• Hungarian
• Mixteco. The Mixtec and Mazatec languages of this item are specifically San Miguel el Grande Mixtec [mig] and Huautla Mazatec [mau]. The voice reading them is almost certainly Kenneth Pike's (1912-2000) [information provided by Ryan Sullivant]
• Mazateco
(unfinished-see other side)

Side 2:
• Urdu record (copy) -5.33
• Bengali record (copy) 5.45-15
• Tagalong 15-30
• Kuanua (Lesson Series) 30-55
• Mazateco (from side 1) 995- . Words inflected for person.
• Amharic (semitic language of Ethiopia). Words and utterances. Reading from book by Lepsius.
• Thai (phonology from Cartwright's Grammar) 1218- . Informant Rayun Bunmunkun. Vowel sounds. Consonants. Phoneme inventory. Examples of tones
• Telefolmin

Newton's list comment:
Playing time in minutes
Indigenous language of Java, Indonesia
Austronesian language of Republic of Nauru, Micronesia.
Austronesian language of Republic of Kiribati, Micronesia.
An Eastern Iranic language spoken in parts of India, Pakistan and Aghgan.
South Chinese dialect.
Eastern European language.
Indigenous language, Central America.
Indigenous language, Central America.

Language related to Hindi, but used principally by Pakistani
Language of Bangladesh and parts of Eastern India.
Tagalog - a language of North Luzon Island, the Philippines.
= Tolai, Austronesian language of the Gazelle Peninsula, New
Britain, PNG.
Indigenous language of Central America.
Papuan language of Thurwald Range, east of Sepuk River,
Western Province, PNG.

Archival tape notes:
00.00 AIATSIS announcement. Tape 420, side 1. Javanese, Nauruan, Gilbertese, Pashto, Cantonese, languages.
59.45 End of archive tape. Tape 420, side 1 is continued on the next archive tape.

00.00 AIATSIS announcement. Tape 420, side 1 continued. Hungarian. Mixteco and Mazateco languages.
37.55 End of Tape 420, side 1.
Tape 420, side 2.
Urdu, Bengali, Tagalog
60.20 End of archive tape. Tape 420, side 2 is continued on the next archive tape.
00.00 AIATSIS announcement. Tape 420, side 2 continued.
Kuanua, Mazateco, Amharic Thai and Telefolmin languages.
57.35 End of archive tape. Tape 420, side 2 is continued on the next archive tape.
00.00 AIATSIS announcement. Tape 420, side 2 continued.
Kuanua, Mazateco, Amharic Thai and Telefolmin languages.
16.00 End of Tape 420, side 2.

AIATSIS Identifier: A16640-43

Translation of the Kuanua language Lessons series, midway through Side 2; provided by Steven Gagau (Kuanua speaker), June 2017:

Kuanua words, phrases and sentences translated to English (Kuanua-English)
Lesson #1
mai - come here
iau poot - I arrive or come, I am here now
mai lulut - come quickly or come in a hurry
iau poot lulut - I arrive quickly or I am here in a hurry
una ki - you sit down
una tut - you stand up or you get up
vana - go or walk
iau vana - I go or I am going or I walk away
vana lulut - go quickly or walk quickly or go in a hurry
iau vana lulut - I go quickly or I walk quickly o I go in a hurry
toia i poot? - who has arrived? or who has come?
iau poot - I arrived or I have come
toia i vana? - who has gone? or who walked away?
iau vana - I am going or I am walking away
toia i vana uti? - who came here or who has come here?
iau vana uti - I came here or I have come here or I have walked here
tutana - man
vavina - woman
bul - child (boy or girl)
toia i vana uti? - who came here? or who has come here? or who has walked here?
a tutana i vana uti - a man came here or a man has come here or a man has walked here
toia i poot? - who has come? or who came? or who has arrived?
a vavina i poot - a woman has come or a woman came or a woman has arrived
a bul i poot - a child has come or a child came or a child has arrived
i poot lulut laka? - did he or she come quickly? or did he or she come in a hurry? or did he or she arrived quickly or arrived in a hurry?
maia i poot lulut - yes he or she came quickly or yes he or she arrived in a hurry
i poot lulut vang? - did he or she really come quickly? or did he or she really come in a hurry? or did he or she really arrived quickly or really in a hurry?
u poot vang? did you really come or arrive?
maia iau poot - yes I did actually come or arrive.
u vana laka? - are you going or leaving? or are you going away or walking away?
maia iau vana - yes I am going or I am leaving or I am going away or walking away

iau tatike tai go ra tutana - I said to this man or I spoke to this man
u vana? - you go? or are you going? or are you leaving?
i vana ka - he did go or he did leave
iau tatike tai tara tikai - I said to another person or I spoke to another person
una mai - you come here or you come over
i vut uka - he just came over or he just ran over
ba tai kaigu tutul (iau tatike) - I said to my helper (refers to a servant)
una pait go - you do this
i pait ia ka - he just did it (what he was told)
toia i tatike go? - who said this (he or she)? or who is asking (he or she)?
i tatike ra awa? - what did he or she say? or what is he or she asking?
i tatike tai toia? - who did he or she say to or who was he or she asking?
tai tikana tutana - to one man
tai tikana vavina - to one woman
tai tikana bul - to one child (boy or girl)
tai tikana tultul - to one helper (refers to servant)
tamagu - my father
tinagu - my mother
turagu - my brother
taigu - my sister

tamagu i tatike tai tikana tutana - my father said to another man
ona iau tatike mai u pait ra ava - when I say come here what were you doing?
kaugu - mine
kaum - yours
kana - his or hers
tamagu - my father
tamam - your father
tamana - his or her father
tinagu - my mother
tinam - your mother
tinana - his or her mother
turagu - my brother
turam - your brother
turana - his brother
taigu - my sister
taim - your sister
taina - his or her sister
tagu - mine
taim - your sister
tana - yours

tikana tutana aivu natuna - one man had two children
tikana tutana aura vavina, autula bul, aivat na tultul, ailima na natuna - one man had two wives, three children (from one wife), four servants/helpers, five children (from second wife)
aura tutana dir vana - two men went off or two men were going away
aura vavina dir tatike - two women said or two women were saying
autula tutana dital vana - three men went off or three men were going away
autula vavina dital tatike - three women said or three women were saying
ma ra muruna tadir i biti tai tamana - and the youngest said to their father or and the youngest were saying to their father
tama, una tul tar kaum tiniba ta kaum tabariki ik - father, you give out our share of your belongings
a natuna a luaina - the first born (daughter)
a natuna a muruna - the second born (daughter) - the word “muruna” does not directly refer to send but the one after and can be used to any person down the family line of children
a tamana i tul tar tadir ma tadital ma i biti - the father said to them or told them that he will give to the two of them or all three of them (daughters)
iau tul tar iu - I give to you
iau tul tar tamumur - I give to the two of yous’
iau tul tar tamumutal - I give to the three of yous’
tamana i tul tar ra gem tana - her father gives her a loaf of bread
tamana i tul tar ra en tadir - her father gives the two of them (daughters) some fish
tamana i tul tar ra vat tadital - her father gives the three of them (daughters) the stones. The stones are used for cooking food in family homes in earth ovens or in banana leaves used in early days instead of cooking pots.
tamana i tul tar ra boroi tamumur - her father gives the pig to the two of yous’ (daughters).
tamana i tul tar ra pap tamumutal - her father gives the dog to the three of yous’ (daughters)
tamana i tul tar ra pap tar tam - her father gives the dog to you

toia ta vavat ba natuna i lul ra gem tana? - which one of you did a child asked a loaf of bread from?
na tabar iaka ma ra vat - you just give him stones
ba ona na lul pi ra en da tabar iaka ma ra vui - or if he asks for fish, just give him a snake
ina tul tar tikana en tana - I will give one fish to him
a tena vinarubu i tul tar tikana boroi tam - a hunter will give one pig to you
a tena vinarubu i lul tikana pap tamumur - a hunter asks for a dog from the two of yous’ (for hunting)
a tena vinarubu i lul tikana gem tamumutal - a hunter asks for a loaf of bread from the three yous’
ina lul aivu en tadir - I will ask for two fish from the two of them
ina lul autula en tadital - I will ask for three fish from the three of them
ina lul aivat na en tavavat - I will ask for four fish from you all
ina lul ailima na en ta ra tutuna, tai natugu, tai turam - I will ask for five fish from that man, from my son, from your brother.
ina kul ra gem tai ra tutana - I will buy a loaf of bread from the man
una kul ra nian tai ra tutana - you will buy the food from the man
na tulvue ra tava - he will give water
dira kail ra viono - the two of them will get the meat
ditala ve tar ra bulumakau - the three of them will tell us where the cow is

iau ga ruk tago ra kubam - I entered your house
pa u tul tar ra tava tagu - you did not give me water
upi da puk ra ura kaugu me - so I can wash my feet with
pa iau ga tar ruk tago ra pal laka - did I enter this house before?
pa uga irop ta nam ra gunan vang - did you come out your place or home?
pa iga irop kan kaigu uma - did he come out of my garden?
pa amur ga ruk tago ra pal - both of you can not enter this house
iau ruk tara kubam - I will enter your house
ina irop kan nam ra gunan - I will depart from that place or I will leave that place
iau ga irop kan go ra pal - I departed from this house or I left or came out from this house
iau ga irop kan go ra uma - I departed from this garden or I left or came out from this garden
iau ga irop kan go ra mon - I departed from this boat or I left or came out from this boat
una tabar iau ma ra tava - give me some water
pa uga tul tar ra iap - you did not give me fire (usually a burning wood - in place of matches)
pa ia we tar ta birau tana - I did not see burning fire (on wood)? note - we tar is talk!
pa iau we tar ra la tadiat - I did not see smoke on fire (on wood)? note - la
a tava ure ra ava? - what is the water for?
upi ina puk ra ura kaugu me - so I can wash my feet with
upi ina puk ra ura limagu me - so I can wash my hands with
upi ina puk ra ulugu me - so I can wash my head with
upi ina puk ra ura talingagu me - so I can wash my ears with
a iap ure ra ava? - what is the fire (burning wood) for?
upi na vamalapang ra ura kaugu - so it can warm up my feet

kadia lavur tabataba dia pait ia ma ra siliva ma ra goled ika - their statues were made from silver and gold only
a tarai ka di ga pait diat - the people made them (statues)
di vung ra ngie diat ma pa dia tata - they made their mouths but can not talk
a kiau na matai diat ma pa dia gigira - eyes but can not see
a talingai diat ma pa dia valavalongor - ears but can not hear
a bilaui diat ma pa dia lulung - noses but can not smell
a limai diat ma pa dia bibili - hands but can not work with
di vung ra kaui diat ma pa dia vanavana - they made their feet but can not walk
a kongkongi diat ma pa ta nilai diat - throats but no voices

tago go ra gunan ba ava ta vana tana - this place you all are going
upi ava ta vatur vake - that you will take possession of
vakir i vorogop ma ra gunan Aigipto - is not the same as Egypt
nina ava ga irop kan ia - where you have deaprted from or exited from
nina ava ga vaume ra pat na davai tana - where you planted
ma ava ga vabilim ia ma ra kaui vavat - where you have washed or wet your feet
ma ra uma na aibika - and your gardens of aibika ( green leaves or spinach edible)
a gunan nina ava vana tana upi ava ta vatur vake - to the land or place you are going to to claim and take possession of
ra gunan na lualuana - land or place of mountains
ma i malamale - and valleys
ma i momo na bata marama ra bakut - and wet with rain from the clouds
a gunan Ieova, kavava Kalou i mata ure - the land or place your God looks after and cares for
a luana go - here is a mountain
a male go - here is a valley
a gunan go - here is the land or place
a ta go - here is the sea
a uma go - here is a garden
aibika go - here are aibika (plants and leaves)
a vuai go - here are fruits (and nuts) of trees
a bata go - here is rain
a pat na davai go - here are seeds
a pia na pal go - here is a church (building with a congregation of people/faith community)
iau vana ta kaugu gunan - I will go to my land or place
iau vatur vake kaugu pia na pal - I will keep my church
iau irop kan kaugu uma na aibika - I come out or depart from my garden of aibika
iau mata ure kaugu uma na aibika a kamana - I will look after my garden of aibika there
iau vana upi ina vaume ra aibika a kamana - I will go to plant aibika there (garden)
iau vana upi ina vabilim ra pat na davai - I will go to water the seeds (planted to grow)
iau vana upi ina ian ra pa, ma ra vudu - I will go to eat taro and banana
iau vana upi ina momo ra tava - I will go so I can drink water
ra lama - the coconut
nuve - which one
nam - there
go - here
ave - where
akave - whereabout
uve - where to
mamave - from where
ati - being here
uti - to here
mati - from here
a boro - out there
u boro - to there
ma boro - from there
go kamana - still there
a kamana - is there

go ra tutana i poot ra kubana - this man arrives at his/her home
nam ra tutana i poot bula - that man also arrives
boina ba dir a varagur - it is good that they go together or accompany each other
iau vana ura ra valian - I will go to the beach
u vana bula? - are you going too?
maia iau vana bula - yes I will be going to?
boina ba dor a varagur - it will be good if you go together or accompany each other
iau vana tadav kaugu pal - I am going to my house
nam ra tutana bula i vana tadav kaugu pal - that man is also going to my house
amir a varagur - we will both go together
boina ba amir a varagur - it will be good that we are going together or accompany each other
u vana tara parau - you are going on a ship
nam ra tutana i vana bula tana - that man also will go on it (ship)
boina ba amur a varagur - it is good that you are going together or accompany each other

The Lord’s Prayer;
tamai vevet arama ra balana bakut - our father who art in heaven
boina ba da ru ra iangim - hallowed be your name
boina ba da vut kaum varkuai - thy kingdom come
boina ba da torom tam tara rakaraka na gunagunan varagop dia torom tam arama ra balana bakut - thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
a bung gori una tabar avet ma ra veve nian - give us this day our daily bread
galiaka una kankan ure avet ta kaveve mangamanga na kaina - and forgive us our sins
varogop kir ava kankan ure diat ta kadia mangamanga na kaina tadav avet - as we forgive those who have sinned against us
galiaka una ben avet ta ra varilam - and lead us not into temptation
una valaun avet ta ra magit i kaina - but deliver us from evil
tago kaum uka ra varkurai - for thy is the kingdom
ma ra dekdek, ma ra variru - the power and the glory
pa na mutu, amen - for ever and ever, amen

Iesu ia ra tena niaring tuna - Jesus is devoted to praying or is always prayful
tara bungbung na keake ma tara bungbung na marum - in the daytime and in the night time
i ga araring vatikai tana - he always prayed
ma kan a mongoro na pakana aumana tarai na vartovo dia ga varvarait vurvurbit na Iesu - a lot of times the disciples who followed Jesus everywhere
dia ga giregire vatikene go ra managana magit i ga papait ia vatikai - saw what he was doing all the time
a niaring - praying
ma dia ga nunure ba a niaring i ga maravut Iesu upi kalamana kana niongor ma kana papalum iga tamtavua tana - so they knew that helped Jesus to give him the strength for his work and for his work to grow constantly
kari ia ra vuna tana - and that is the reason (for prayer)
go tikana bung, kana tarai na vartovo dia ga tadav ia ma dia ga biti - one day the disciples met with him and asked
luluai, una tovo avat tara niaring - Lord, teach us how to pray
ma Iesu i tovo tara niaring kai ra luluai ta diat - and Jesus taught them the Lord’s prayer
a Kalou a bona tamaidat - God is our heavenly father
ma vakir ta tutuna ati ra pia i vorogop me ure ra kini na bartamana me - and no other man on this world is like his as our heavenly father
Iesu bula i ga biti ba da ru bula ra iangi ra Kalou - Jesus also said that we all must honour and praise God the Father
damana da gire ra tinata tara niaring - as we see these words in prayer (Lord’s prayer)
ma gori, a mongoro dia ti vatang vakuku ia - today a lot of people call his name in vain
ma dia vavalima vavaongo bula tana - and they falsely promise in his name
io i boina pi data managa ru muka ra Kalou - so we all must honor our God always
upi ba a matanitu kai ra Kalou - so that the kingdom of God will be here
go gori da nunure ba a do na vunavuna na matanitu ati ra pia - today we know that there are many governments or kingdoms here in the world
ma go diat tikana matanintu na palapaka parika - but it is only a physical government or kingdom of the world
ma go ra matanitu kai ra Kalou i tulungen - and the kingdom of God is spiritual and heavenly
ma a matanitu na mangamanga na takodo - and a kingdom of righteousness
ma ona da araring vatikai upia - and if we pray always to him (God)
upi na poot i vorongop ba da araring pi ra rakaraka na gunaguna na buka lulut ma ra bona mangamanga na parika - when we pray we will receive from him blessings in our world and his goodness and righteousness
una tabar avet a bungbung par ma aveve nian - you (God) provide us our daily food
ma ra da lavur nian i bura ba marama ra bala na bakut - our food comes down from the heavens
ma Kalou i tul taria ta kana ngala na warmari - and God gives us out of his great love to us
a monogoro tuna bula gori, ure dia ki na vaniara upi diat a ian - a lot of people today when they prepare to have a meal
pa dia nuk value pa ra Kalou - they do not think of God
upi diata pite pa ia lua ma ra niaring - to be thankful by praying
koko data nuk vue ra lotu ure ra nian - we must not forget to pray and say grace for our meals
Origination date
Origination date free form no date given
Archive link
Arthur Capell
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Gilbertese, Cantonese, Mixteco, Mazateco, Telefolmin
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Region / village
Originating university University of Sydney
Operator Nick Fowler-Gilmore
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
DOI 10.4225/72/58540190c9d56
Cite as Arthur Capell (collector). Multiple languages. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV/JPEG/TIFF. AC1-420 at
Content Files (15)
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Show 10 Show 50 Show all 15

Collection Information
Collection ID AC1
Collection title Arthur Capell recording collection
Description Recordings from a wide range of languages across South-east Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, North America and Europe.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Amanda Harris
Julia Colleen Miller
Lauren Booker
Jodie Kell
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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The Mixtec and Mazatec languages of this item are specifically San Miguel el Grande Mixtec [mig] and Huautla Mazatec [mau]. The voice reading them is almost certainly Kenneth Pike's (1912-2000).

by Ryan Sullivant - on 08/06/2018 at 05:23 AM