Item details
Item ID
Title About the Maitai people
Description Comprehensive explanation of the story of the Maitai People:

Migration story up to 1.10 (Mite, Chamkok Lumkong, Htaqwu 2, Jairai, Nanyun, Tanai, Lamong etc.), four family names 3.30.

How the name Maitai came to be used up to 5.30. All (Naga) people crossing river with the help of a tiger, as the turn comes to a Maitai person, calling to the exhausted tiger, Itai '', Mai-tai vang'OK, let us go'.

5.20 begins about Oxhangvriov dance celebrated after planting season (somewhat similar to Yawngkun song Olisa 'O o o ha', the first three notes are sung by single person and the last note is followed by the rest, which is a working song at times like building bridges, clearing road or even in the field.

13.32 begins about a women song Tsaqpolo, sung while riding a swing.

21.50 begins women dance called Geqmevmo Rio (rio-dance) practiced any time of the year.

30.30 begins men drum dance three-person-set called Vang Rio- Merit feasting (Ram tho Rio ''prayer container dance' -women dance- while a person is singing Wihu song the rest of the women dance holding and beating gong.

37.00 begins flute with three holes played in a festivity around July after rice planting, at the same event when women are swinging, the similar practices are found among Bote, but Kaisan does not use the flute for festival.
Origination date 2019-01-22
Origination date free form
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Vong Tsuh Shi
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Maitai, Bote, and Kaisan
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Region / village Dunghi, Sagaing
Originating university La Trobe University
Operator Julia Colleen Miller
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles Vong Tsuh Shi : researcher
Junshang Jaishien : consultant
Sandek Mobanyaq : consultant
Khavhtonx Dangvang : consultant
DOI 10.26278/VH1C-WH78
Cite as Vong Tsuh Shi (collector), Vong Tsuh Shi (researcher), Junshang Jaishien (consultant), Sandek Mobanyaq (consultant), Khavhtonx Dangvang (consultant), 2019. About the Maitai people. MPEG/VND.WAV. VTS08-nstmai20190222_01VSZ_KD_Story at
Content Files (2)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
VTS08-nstmai20190222_01VSZ_KD_Story-01.mp3 audio/mpeg 37 MB 00:40:22.110
VTS08-nstmai20190222_01VSZ_KD_Story-01.wav audio/vnd.wav 1.3 GB 00:40:22.70
2 files -- 1.34 GB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID VTS08
Collection title Maitai recordings
Description Maitai recordings
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
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