Item details
Item ID
Title Motu - Manu Manu Children (Motu Tape 3b)
Description Loose insert (2). Papua 3. CUT 1: Children's flute songs from the Samoan and Raratonga - Bloody dreadful use only for contrast with own culture. CUT 2: Motuan Children's song - two group on reef shell fishing. Boys care giver. Girls sing this song. CUT 3: Manu Manu Children's song. Song for teasing their older brother. They accuse the men of catching fish, beaching the canoes, cooking and eating the fish and bringing none home. CUT 4: Children's song from M/M (Manu Manu). Children tell older brothers that when they marry they'll have to look after them and have reward later. Offic...(?) village ...(?) and whistle. CUT 5: Children's song M/M (Manu Manu). Sung by girls while boys stage mock tug of war. CUT 6: Children. Transplanted from Manus - A Manus fisherman's song. CUT 7: (crossed out) Another Manus fishing song with clapping. Deleted. CUT 7: Still another Manus song introduced by ...(?) fisheries officer. CUT 8 HIRI Recapitulation. a) First step is to go up Vanupa (?) and cut canoe logs. Before this there is a village meeting at which men who are going to take part place axes in pile. An elder describes (in Motu) what will happen. Then it happens. (Good sequence strong voices).

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(Steven Gagau, March 2018)
Origination date 1966-01-01
Origination date free form 1949-1966
Archive link Item not owned by Paradisec
Susan Cochrane
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Originating university University of Wollongong
Operator Aidan Wilson
Data Categories historical text
instrumental music
Data Types Sound
Discourse type singing
DOI 10.4225/72/56EEC5AB0ADC6
Cite as Susan Cochrane (collector), 1966. Motu - Manu Manu Children (Motu Tape 3b). D160_5-020 at
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Collection Information
Collection ID D160_5
Collection title Audio and songs from Papua New Guinea and Samoa
Description Audio recordings from Papua New Guinea and Samoa. Areas and languages include Mekeo, Manus, Motu, Sepik, Mila Mila, Manam, Mambu also Pidgin and Samoan. Data includes songs, radio recordings, music, and interviews.
Files held in University of Wollongong Archives:
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Data access narrative "Access Conditions: Available for reference. Contact University of Wollongong Archives in advance to arrange access""Access Conditions: Available for reference. Contact University of Wollongong Archives in advance to arrange access"
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