Item details
Item ID
Title Stories at Hailge (mostly Tom Yaya)
Description 1. 3/2/97 Jerry: Saguma Story 0-38s | 2. 5/2/98 Panyibe Yaku: ung urip 0:39 | 3. 6/2/97 Don: Kera Dava Kangi 4:31 | 4. 7/2 Yapo: Kaile History 10:03 | 5. 8/2 Yak, Tom Yaya, in Melpa 12:57 | 6. 9/2 Kewa, Tom Yaya (No Wapi) 16:50 | 7. 9/2 Kewa, Tom Yaya explains the above 24:00 | 8. 9/2 Dena Namje, man for new house 28:22 | 9. 9/2 explains 30:14 | 10. 9/2 Jakob Paik starts T.Y. 30:44 | 11. 9/2 but quits because it's Melpa | 12. Peter Kerwa, T.Y., Walpi 31:47 | 14. [sic] "Peter Kerwa explanation 43:07 | | 16. Yrta: Uly-Era story (Temani) 45:55 | 17. Bakari, TY explanation 24/2 52:05 | 18. Bakari story 24/2 61:17 | 19. Waima, TY explanation 24/2 72:59 | 20. Waima TY 24/2 77:31
Origination date 1997-02-24
Origination date free form 1997-02-03 - 1997-02-24
Archive link
Alan Rumsey
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Melpa
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Region / village Lects variously designated as Melpa, Ku Waru, Temboka, Kakuyl, and Imbonggu belong to a single dialect continuum with perhaps 250,000 speakers.
Originating university Australian National University
Operator Frank Davey
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles Alan Rumsey : recorder
Jerry Allen : speaker
Peter Kerwa : speaker
Jakob Paik : speaker
Panyibe Yaku : speaker
Yapo : speaker
DOI 10.4225/72/56ED6BCD50123
Cite as Alan Rumsey (collector), Alan Rumsey (recorder), Jerry Allen (speaker), Peter Kerwa (speaker), Jakob Paik (speaker), Panyibe Yaku (speaker), Yapo (speaker), 1997. Stories at Hailge (mostly Tom Yaya). MPEG/VND.WAV. AR1-029702 at
Content Files (2)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
AR1-029702-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 80.2 MB 01:27:33.939
AR1-029702-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 964 MB 01:27:45.970
2 files -- 1.02 GB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID AR1
Collection title Western Highlands of PNG recordings
Description Audio tape recordings made during linguistic - anthropological field work in the Western Highlands of PNG, mostly with Ku Waru people since 1981. Video and written material will be added to the collection eventually. Lects variously designated as Melpa, Ku Waru, Temboka, Kakuyl, and Imbonggu belong to a single dialect continuum with perhaps 250,000 speakers. Note first that when I use the term Ku Waru to name an ethnographic region, this should in no way be taken to imply any kind of sharp boundaries either among regional dialects areas or among distinct 'peoples' in this part of highland New Guinea. The dialect spoken at Kailge where Francesca and I were based belongs to a dialect continuum which includes over two hundred thousand speakers (show area on map 1). Although the dialects near the outer edges of this region are not mutually intelligible, within it there is nothing but continuous gradation among them. Nor is there any single set of mutually exclusive names for dialects or 'languages' within the region, or for the continuum in toto. The term 'Ku Waru' that we have fixed on for ethnographic purposes is one that is used to highlight what is common to the locales on either side of the Tambul Range, from Kailge across to Winjaka (show on map), but for other purposes the Wijaka people and dialects are differentially classified as 'Kakuyl' and the Kailge ones as 'Napilya', after the major rivers that flow through their respective valleys. What is true of dialect gradation within this region is equally true of other dimensions of cultural or ethnic differentiation. While people draw distinctions among features and practices associated with particular locales, there is extensive intermarriage and other forms of social interaction across such difference, and no sense of sharp boundaries among discrete ethnic groups. To be sure, there is an important distinction drawn between the bo 'indigenous' and the kewa 'foreign', but this is a sliding scale rather than a categorical opposition (Rumsey 1999a). (rec by email 8/6/2004)
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