Item details
Item ID
Title Texts 12
Description Text on cassette cover: [Side A] date Dec. 89 ; - refugees from Ladakh:ka ; - lama yangi ketsya:Ky ; -mahni ʈahŋgen:Ka ; - Karmu: 26 ebete ; - Karmu + Kyahlsang beten : Karmu-khyahls ; - Karmu X 1989 in [unintelligible] (betet 2 mal) (us in between not recorded) ; First three grouped together with note: T. 23 last 4 grouped together with note: T. 24.

Side A: AH at start "4th December 1989, recordings with Karmu and Gyalsung" - Karmu and Gyalsung speak alternativngly, recording very quiet for first half. No Side B.
Origination date 1989-12-01
Origination date free form
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Anne-Marie Hari
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Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
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DOI 10.4225/72/5705B4AE69902
Cite as Anne-Marie Hari (collector), 1989. Texts 12. MPEG/VND.WAV. AH1-019 at
Content Files (2)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
AH1-019-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 28.1 MB 00:30:46.539
AH1-019-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 1010 MB 00:30:46.519
2 files -- 1.02 GB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID AH1
Collection title Hyolmo songs, stories and grammar drills
Description Collection of Hyolmo songs, stories and grammer drills (language learning and conversation), recorded in Helambu Sherpa in Nepal.

Originating University: Summer Institute of Linguistics
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Access Information
Edit access Lauren Gawne
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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