
33701 search results (18 ms)

Content Languages
'Are'are (19)
Abadi (3)
Abanyom (2)
Abau (6)
Abkhaz (2)
Abu (3)
Abui (38)
Aceh (109)
Adabe (1)
Adang (5)
Adi (17)
Adi, Galo (18)
Adnyamathanha (2)
Adonara (27)
Adyghe (2)
Adzera (31)
Aekyom (11)
Agarabi (1)
Agob (855)
Agta, Casiguran Dumagat (1)
Agta, Central Cagayan (5)
Agta, Dupaninan (68)
Ahtena (79)
Ahwai (1)
Aiklep (1)
Aimele (1)
Aiome (2)
Aiton (8)
Ajië (3)
Ak (5)
Akei (6)
Akrukay (2)
Alamblak (1)
Alekano (3)
Alor (5)
Alta, Northern (1)
Alyawarr (17)
Amaimon (2)
Amanab (2)
Amarasi (206)
Amba (retired) (2)
Ambae, East (55)
Ambae, West (28)
Ambrym, North (13)
Ambrym, Southeast (16)
Ambulas (4)
Amele (4)
Amharic (2)
Ami (3)
Andra-Hus (4)
Aneityum (48)
Angal (2)
Angal Enen (2)
Angal Heneng (2)
Angor (2)
Angoram (11)
Anindilyakwa (138)
Anmatyerre (3)
Anor (2)
Ansus (2)
Ap Ma (5)
Apali (3)
Apma (67)
Arabana (270)
Arabic, Standard (2)
Araki (3)
Arammba (2)
Aranda, Lower Southern (63)
Arandai (3)
Arapesh, Bumbita (6)
Are (3)
Aribwatsa (10)
Aribwaung (9)
Arifama-Miniafia (2)
Arop-Sissano (2)
Arosi (25)
Arrarnta, Western (2)
Arrernte, Eastern (193)
Aruamu (2)
Askopan (2)
Asmat, Central (197)
Assamese (4)
Asumboa (2)
Atemble (33)
Au (2)
Aulua (39)
Auslan (78)
Austral (2)
Avatime (5)
Avava (14)
Awa (39)
Awyi (4)
Axamb (19)
Ayerrerenge (2)
Babatana (29)
Badui (69)
Baeggu (9)
Baelelea (11)
Baetora (47)
Bahinemo (400)
Bai, Southern (9)
Baikeno (7)
Bajau, Indonesian (7)
Baki (13)
Bali (228)
Baluan-Pam (106)
Banam Bay (7)
Banaro (3)
Banggai (2)
Bangka (2)
Banjar (12)
Bannoni (13)
Barai (8)
Bariai (2)
Baruga (2)
Bata (4)
Batak Karo (22)
Batak Simalungun (3)
Batak Toba (3)
Bau (4)
Bauro (7)
Bauwaki (3)
Bavarian (2)
Beami (9)
Bena (2)
Bengali (11)
Benyadu' (3)
Bete-Bendi (2)
Biak (10)
Bidyara (20)
Biem (2)
Bierebo (2)
Bieria (4)
Bilakura (4)
Bilba (16)
Bilua (30)
Bima (14)
Binahari (2)
Binandere (4)
Bine (10)
Binumarien (2)
Bislama (731)
Bisu (4)
Biwat (21)
Blablanga (22)
Blafe (12)
Bo-Ung (374)
Boikin (5)
Bola (3)
Bongu (34)
Borong (3)
Bosmun (3)
Brokpake (32)
Buang, Mangga (2)
Bugawac (5)
Bughotu (24)
Buhutu (2)
Bulgarian (3)
Buli (retired) (2)
Buna (2)
Bunak (10)
Bungain (2)
Burarra (107)
Burmese (155)
Buru (retired) (4)
Burum-Mindik (8)
Bwaidoka (2)
Bwanabwana (4)
Cakfem-Mushere (2)
Cebuano (30)
Cemuhî (2)
Chambri (3)
Chamorro (78)
Changriwa (3)
Cheke Holo (31)
Cheq Wong (16)
Chin, Lautu (6)
Chin, Mro (47)
Chinese (7)
Chinese, Hakka (3)
Chinese, Mandarin (536)
Chinese, Min Nan (26)
Chinese, Yue (161)
Chuvash (149)
Cinda-Regi-Tiyal (5)
Czech (2)
Daga (3)
Dakaka (45)
Dani, Western (7)
Danish (2)
Dano (2)
Darang Deng (7)
Dargwa (5)
Darling (2)
Dawawa (3)
Dedua (4)
Degexit'an (11)
Dehu (25)
Dela-Oenale (114)
Dengka (2)
Dera (10)
Desiya (21)
Dhangu (3)
Dhao (3)
Dhuwal (2)
Dima (2)
Dixon Reef (2)
Djambarrpuyngu (2)
Djeebbana (28)
Djinang (42)
Djinba (5)
Djingili (2)
Dobu (16)
Doga (2)
Dom (2)
Domu (2)
Doromu-Koki (2)
Duguri (2)
Duna (23)
Dusun Malang (5)
Dusun, Central (18)
Dutch (5)
Duwet (12)
Efate, North (87)
Efate, South (636)
Efik (3)
Efutop (2)
Ekajuk (3)
Ekari (26)
Emae (21)
Embaloh (10)
Enga (231)
English (6994)
Ese (4)
Eskayan (26)
Estonian (2)
Eton (57)
Ewage-Notu (3)
Faita (71)
Faiwol (2)
Fas (74)
Fataleka (4)
Fataluku (10)
Fijian (129)
Filipino (70)
Finnish (2)
Foi (81)
Fore (14)
French (123)
Frisian, Northern (2)
Futuna, East (3)
Futuna-Aniwa (27)
Gadaba, Bodo (23)
Gadsup (2)
Gaelic, Scottish (2)
Gal (15)
Galela (3)
Galoli (3)
Gamilaraay (2)
Ganda (2)
Ganggalida (3)
Ganglau (2)
Gangulu (2)
Gants (26)
Gao (8)
Gapapaiwa (2)
Garig-Ilgar (17)
Garrwa (20)
Garus (4)
Gata' (10)
Gayo (14)
Gedaged (3)
Gela (12)
Georgian (2)
German, Standard (10)
Ghale, Kutang (13)
Ghanongga (64)
Ghari (5)
Ghayavi (58)
Gobasi (3)
Gogodala (5)
Greek (3)
Greek, Ancient (2)
Gudanji (22)
Gugadj (10)
Gugubera (12)
Gungabula (29)
Guntai (84)
Gunwinggu (200)
Gunya (12)
Gupapuyngu (2)
Gurdjar (3)
Guriaso (60)
Gurindji Kriol (2045)
Gurinji (827)
Guwamu (4)
Gwak (3)
Habun (2)
Hakö (6)
Halia (8)
Hanga Hundi (2)
Hano (188)
Hatam (2)
Hausa (3)
Hawaiian (2)
Helambu Sherpa (207)
Helong (14)
Heyo (36)
Hindi (2)
Hindustani, Fijian (17)
Hmong Daw (3)
Hmong Njua (3)
Hoava (2)
Hula (12)
Huli (2)
Hungarian (3)
Hyam (2)
Iaai (4)
Iatmul (21)
Iban (83)
Ibatan (81)
Ibu (2)
Icelandic (3)
Idaté (7)
Idi (266)
Ifo (3)
Igbo (2)
Ilocano (136)
Indo-Portuguese (18)
Indonesian (675)
Ipili (3)
Isaka (2)
Italian (293)
Itawit (4)
Iwaidja (13)
Iwal (2)
Iwam, Sepik (7)
Iyo (4)
Japanese (185)
Jaru (2)
Javanese (27)
Jilim (291)
Jingpho (2895)
Juwal (2)
Kabardian (3)
Kadara (2)
Kafoa (7)
Kagate (147)
Kahua (6)
Kaiep (4)
Kairiru (4)
Kairui-Midiki (3)
Kaki Ae (10)
Kala Lagaw Ya (10)
Kalam (75)
Kalanga (2)
Kalasha (27)
Kamano (2)
Kambaata (125)
Kambera (2)
Kamu (67)
Kanasi (3)
Kanga (193)
Kanum, Bädi (6)
Kanum, Ngkâlmpw (23)
Kanum, Smärky (21)
Kanum, Sota (8)
Kap (7)
Kapingamarangi (3)
Karnai (4)
Karuwali (10)
Kaur (7)
Kayan, Baram (10)
Kaytetye (3)
Ke'o (13)
Keapara (4)
Kelon (18)
Kemak (16)
Kendayan (12)
Kerewo (3)
Kewa, East (3)
Kewa, West (2)
Khamti (33)
Khamyang (48)
Khehek (10)
Khmer, Central (2)
Khwe (2)
Kilivila (31)
Kilmeri (3)
Kimaragang (49)
Kinalakna (2)
Kiowa (3)
Kiribati (12)
Kis (2)
Kiwai, Northeast (79)
Kiwai, Southern (10)
Kodi (4)
Koiali, Mountain (7)
Koiari, Grass (16)
Koitabu (23)
Kok-Nar (6)
Kokota (28)
Komba (2)
Kopar (9)
Korean (4)
Koro (retired) (2)
Koromira (3)
Kosena (2)
Kosraean (2)
Kovai (2)
Kpasam (2)
Kriol (948)
Kua-nsi (4)
Kuanua (75)
Kube (5)
Kubo (2)
Kui (2)
Kukatja (7)
Kulon-Pazeh (12)
Kulung (2)
Kuman (15)
Kumukio (2)
Kunbarlang (28)
Kunggari (13)
Kungkari (6)
Kuni (5)
Kuni-Boazi (2)
Kunimaipa (2)
Kunjen (2)
Kuri (3)
Kurti (6)
Kusaghe (2)
Kuthant (7)
Kwaio (3)
Kwamera (46)
Kwanga (2)
Kwara'ae (21)
Kwoma (73)
Kyenele (3)
Kâte (11)
Labu (9)
Laghu (10)
Lakon (3)
Lala (3)
Lamaholot (7)
Lamenu (5)
Lamma (9)
Lamu-Lamu (4)
Langam (30)
Lanima (2)
Lao (4)
Laragia (43)
Larevat (5)
Latvian (4)
Lau (141)
Lauan (7)
Lavukaleve (8)
Lawunuia (4)
Lehali (2)
Leipon (5)
Lele (51)
Lelepa (146)
Lenakel (29)
Lengo (4)
Letemboi (29)
Lewo (35)
Li'o (32)
Lihir (3)
Likum (3)
Lithuanian (2)
Litzlitz (16)
Lo-Toga (8)
Lole (7)
Loloda (3)
Longgu (4)
Loniu (5)
Lonwolwol (10)
Lote (2)
Lou (7)
Loun (2)
Lovono (2)
Lungga (36)
Ma'anyan (7)
Macedonian (2)
Madngele (23)
Madura (4)
Mae (32)
Maewo, Central (42)
Mafea (70)
Magori (6)
Mah Meri (19)
Mai Brat (7)
Maia (6)
Maiani (4)
Mailu (9)
Maisin (7)
Maiwa (3)
Makasae (9)
Makasar (4)
Makian, West (35)
Maklew (12)
Makuv'a (7)
Mala (4)
Malagasy (2)
Malango (3)
Malas (6)
Malay (94)
Malay, Ambonese (2)
Malay, Central (159)
Malay, Kedah (2)
Malay, Kupang (36)
Malay, North Moluccan (48)
Malay, Papuan (31)
Malay, Standard (4)
Malayalam (2)
Maldivian (5)
Male (39)
Maleu-Kilenge (2)
Mali (131)
Malo (48)
Malol (6)
Malua Bay (12)
Mambae (30)
Manam (10)
Manambu (2)
Manangkari (19)
Manem (14)
Mangala (9)
Mangareva (5)
Mangerr (2)
Manggarai (5)
Manikion (5)
Manombai (5)
Maori (13)
Mape (3)
Maragus (10)
Marangis (2)
Maranunggu (40)
Marathi (2)
Margany (11)
Margu (12)
Mari (13)
Maria (2)
Maridjabin (8)
Marimanindji (5)
Marind (41)
Maring (38)
Maringarr (41)
Marino (32)
Marithiel (23)
Marovo (8)
Marquesan, North (28)
Marshallese (6)
Marti Ke (7)
Martu Wangka (33)
Maskelynes (12)
Matukar (198)
Maung (71)
Mawak (4)
Maya, Yucatec (5)
Mayaguduna (2)
Mayi-Kulan (2)
Mayi-Thakurti (2)
Mbula (3)
Mbula-Bwazza (9)
Meche (23)
Mekeo (16)
Mekmek (4)
Mele-Fila (16)
Melpa (19)
Mengen (4)
Mian (60)
Migabac (2)
Misima-Paneati (9)
Modang (7)
Modole (3)
Moi (retired) (9)
Mokerang (12)
Molima (3)
Momare (2)
Mondropolon (5)
Mongol (5)
Moni (4)
Mono (retired) (5)
Mor (retired) (2)
Morisyen (35)
Morori (70)
Moskona (2)
Mota (19)
Motu (145)
Motu, Hiri (107)
Mpotovoro (2)
Mpur (5)
Mudburra (56)
Muduapa (2)
Mullukmulluk (42)
Multiple languages (71)
Mum (8)
Muna (20)
Mundari (11)
Murik (5)
Murrinh-Patha (124)
Murupi (4)
Musak (64)
Musar (4)
Musom (13)
Mussau-Emira (3)
Mutu (2)
Mwaghavul (3)
Mwerlap (9)
Mwotlap (3)
Naasioi (14)
Nabak (3)
Nafi (11)
Nafri (2)
Naga, Makuri (3)
Naga, Sumi (262)
Naga, Tase (169)
Naga, Wancho (25)
Naha'ai (27)
Nahavaq (409)
Nakara (20)
Nali (7)
Nalögo (19)
Nama (70)
Namakura (129)
Namat (5)
Nambo (64)
Namia (2)
Nangikurrunggurr (29)
Nanubae (4)
Napoletano-Calabrese (7)
Nasal (28)
Nasarian (18)
Natügu (76)
Nauna (4)
Nauruan (5)
Navajo (3)
Nde-Nsele-Nta (4)
Nehan (4)
Neme (2)
Nen (106)
Nend (4)
Nengone (4)
Nepali (47)
Neve'ei (17)
Ngaanyatjarra (112)
Ngad'a (2)
Ngaing (4)
Ngala (3)
Ngalkbun (55)
Ngalum (2)
Ngamini (6)
Ngarinyin (2)
Ngarluma (2)
Ngawun (6)
Nias (2)
Nii (39)
Ninde (34)
Ningera (2)
Ninggerum (3)
Nisu, Southern (6)
Niue (3)
Nkem-Nkum (3)
No linguistic content (2021)
Nobonob (7)
Nokuku (7)
Nomu (2)
Norwegian (3)
Notsi (4)
Nukumanu (2)
Numbami (6)
Nupe-Nupe-Tako (2)
Nyangumarta (5)
Nyindrou (10)
Nyiyaparli (6)
Nyunga (8)
Obanliku (7)
Oirata (2)
Oksapmin (35)
Olkol (2)
Olo (3)
One, Molmo (12)
Onjob (3)
Ono (3)
Ontong Java (5)
Oriya (7)
Ormu (2)
Oroha (3)
Orokolo (13)
Otank (2)
Ouma (2)
Owa (4)
Paama (31)
Pagu (3)
Pak-Tong (6)
Paku (8)
Palauan (4)
Paluan (2)
Panim (6)
Panytyima (9)
Papapana (2)
Papua New Guinean Sign Language (PNGSL) (73)
Pare (13)
Pashto, Northern (2)
Pasi (4)
Pawaia (2)
Paynamar (49)
Penchal (7)
Petats (18)
Phake (4)
Phola (645)
Phuthi (2)
Pijin (650)
Pintiini (21)
Pintupi-Luritja (28)
Pirriya (5)
Pitjantjatjara (161)
Pitta Pitta (38)
Piu (10)
Pohnpeian (6)
Polish (2)
Pom (3)
Ponam (2)
Port Sandwich (9)
Puare (8)
Puinave (3)
Pukapuka (6)
Pulabu (9)
Pumi, Southern (6)
Punthamara (2)
Purari (13)
Putukwam (14)
Qaqet (2)
Rajbanshi (5)
Rakahanga-Manihiki (33)
Ramoaaina (8)
Rangpuri (9)
Rao (5)
Rapa (3)
Rapa Nui (25)
Rapoisi (3)
Rarotongan (181)
Rawa (4)
Rawo (7)
Rembarunga (8)
Rennell-Bellona (10)
Repanbitip (2)
Rerau (8)
Rerep (15)
Ringgou (9)
Ririo (12)
Romanian (3)
Romansch (2)
Roon (2)
Rotokas (8)
Rotuman (5)
Roviana (36)
Rumu (2)
Russian (150)
Sa (15)
Sa'a (4)
Sabu (147)
Saek (42)
Safaliba (13)
Sahu (9)
Sakao (15)
Saliba (14)
Sam (2)
Samo (10)
Samoan (129)
Sanskrit (5)
Saposa (3)
Sarasira (11)
Sasak (9)
Savosavo (5)
Saweru (5)
Sawi (2)
Seimat (2)
Seke (2)
Semai (5)
Sene (2)
Sepen (4)
Sera (2)
Serbian (2)
Sewa Bay (3)
She (3)
Sialum (3)
Siane (4)
Siar-Lak (4)
Sibe (4)
Sicilian (4)
Sie (40)
Sihan (4)
Sika (3)
Sikaiana (11)
Sileibi (28)
Siliput (8)
Simbo (7)
Sinasina (2)
Sinaugoro (16)
Singpho (15)
Sio (6)
Siwai (29)
Skou (2)
Sobei (3)
Solos (4)
Som (67)
Sora (7)
Sori-Harengan (9)
Sorsoganon, Southern (10)
Spanish (14)
Suau (10)
Sudest (6)
Suki (2)
Sukurum (14)
Sulka (5)
Sumbawa (2)
Sunda (12)
Surjapuri (2)
Sursurunga (3)
Swedish (2)
Tabaru (2)
Tabriak (3)
Tagalog (28)
Tahitian (16)
Taiap (84)
Taikat (3)
Tairora, North (3)
Talise (6)
Tami (38)
Tamil (3)
Tanahmerah (2)
Tangoa (17)
Tanna, North (12)
Tanna, Southwest (14)
Tapei (5)
Taroko (4)
Taupota (2)
Tawala (6)
Teiwa (3)
Telefol (7)
Telugu (2)
Teop (19)
Terei (29)
Termanu (51)
Ternate (3)
Tetun (60)
Thai (9)
Thai, Northern (3)
Tibetan (51)
Tidore (3)
Tii (4)
Tikopia (12)
Tinputz (2)
Titan (331)
Tiwi (20)
To'abaita (143)
Toaripi (9)
Tobati (3)
Tobelo (7)
Tobo (3)
Tok Pisin (2127)
Tolomako (6)
Tombulu (7)
Tomoip (2)
Tongan (16)
Tonsawang (14)
Tonsea (14)
Torau (28)
Torres Strait Creole (2)
Torricelli (19)
Touo (10)
Toura (2)
Triqui, Chicahuaxtla (2)
Triqui, Copala (2)
Triqui, San Martín Itunyoso (2)
Tsum (78)
Tuamotuan (6)
Tukudede (4)
Tulu-Bohuai (8)
Tumleo (7)
Turkish (2)
Turung (26)
Tutong (65)
Uab Meto (299)
Uare (4)
Ubir (6)
Ugong (52)
Uisai (5)
Ujir (6)
Ukrainian (2)
Ulau-Suain (5)
Ulithian (3)
Umanakaina (4)
Umbugarla (24)
Una (11)
Undetermined language (423)
Unserdeutsch (3)
Unua (19)
Ura (retired) (18)
Urat (3)
Urdu (4)
Uri (39)
Uripiv-Wala-Rano-Atchin (43)
Uruava (7)
Usarufa (2)
Uvean, West (3)
V'ënen Taut (20)
Vaeakau-Taumako (12)
Valman (3)
Vanimo (8)
Vao (21)
Varisi (8)
Vietnamese (6)
Vurës (41)
Waboda (3)
Wadjiginy (4)
Wagaya (27)
Wahgi (6)
Waima (5)
Waioli (3)
Wala (2)
Wallisian (7)
Walmajarri (20)
Wambaya (68)
Wamin (15)
Wampar (76)
Wampur (11)
Wanambre (4)
Wandamen (98)
Wanggamala (12)
Wangkayutyuru (16)
Wanman (3)
Wantoat (4)
Wanyi (9)
Warapu (49)
Waris (3)
Warkay-Bipim (2)
Warlmanpa (115)
Warlpiri (166)
Warluwara (29)
Waropen (2)
Warumungu (7)
Warungu (146)
Warwar Feni (2)
Wasembo (233)
Waskia (7)
Watubela (2)
Watut, Middle (10)
Watut, South (14)
Wedau (12)
Wejewa (49)
Welsh (2)
Whitesands (52)
Wiarumus (2)
Wik-Mungkan (3)
Wiru (208)
Wogamusin (2)
Wogeo (2)
Woi (3)
Wolani (2)
Wom (3)
Wulna (42)
Wutung (32)
Wuvulu-Aua (17)
Wára (24)
Xaragure (4)
Xhosa (3)
Xârâcùù (6)
Yabem (6)
Yaben (4)
Yagaria (7)
Yagwoia (158)
Yanyuwa (7)
Yapese (6)
Yareba (2)
Yau (49)
Yaul (5)
Yawa (2)
Yei (11)
Yele (9)
Yelmek (187)
Yendang (3)
Yerakai (2)
Yimas (15)
Yindjilandji (16)
Yir Yoront (14)
Yonggom (10)
Yopno (2)
Yotti (2)
Yugur, West (5)
Yuracare (7)
Zabana (7)
Zazao (17)
Zhuang, Guibian (3)
Zimakani (2)
Zulu (3)
Äiwoo (70)
Ömie (25)
Afghanistan (2)
American Samoa (5)
Australia (6644)
Austria (2)
Azerbaijan (3)
Bangladesh (32)
Benin (1)
Bhutan (32)
Bolivia (7)
Botswana (2)
Brunei (65)
Bulgaria (3)
Cambodia (4)
Cameroon (19)
Chad (4)
Chile (25)
China (939)
Congo (2)
Cook Islands (173)
Czech Republic (2)
Côte d'Ivoire (1)
Denmark (2)
East Timor (118)
Egypt (1)
Estonia (2)
Ethiopia (142)
Fiji (705)
Finland (2)
France (2)
French Polynesia (58)
Georgia (3)
Germany (4)
Ghana (20)
Greece (3)
Greenland (1)
Guam (2)
Hong Kong (2)
Hungary (3)
Iceland (3)
India (622)
Indonesia (3452)
Iran (1)
Italy (303)
Japan (190)
Kenya (36)
Kiribati (15)
Korea, North (2)
Korea, South (3)
Laos (43)
Latvia (4)
Lebanon (2)
Libya (1)
Lithuania (2)
Macedonia (2)
Madagascar (2)
Malaysia (238)
Maldives (5)
Marshall Islands (9)
Mauritius (35)
Mexico (6)
Micronesia (24)
Myanmar (3241)
Nauru (5)
Nepal (530)
Netherlands (2)
New Caledonia (79)
New Zealand (77)
Niger (1)
Nigeria (121)
Niue (3)
Northern Mariana Islands (31)
Norway (3)
Pakistan (27)
Palau (5)
Palestinian West Bank and Gaza (1)
Papua New Guinea (9028)
Philippines (342)
Poland (2)
Romania (2)
Russian Federation (156)
Samoa (139)
Singapore (32)
Slovakia (2)
Solomon Islands (2031)
South Africa (7)
Spain (2)
Sri Lanka (18)
Sudan (195)
Sweden (2)
Switzerland (3)
Taiwan (36)
Thailand (71)
Togo (1)
Tonga (87)
Tuvalu (1)
Uganda (2)
United Kingdom (4)
United States (204)
Vanuatu (3571)
Viet Nam (7)
Wallis and Futuna (10)
Top 100 Collectors
Embergah Te Abo (1)
Alexander Adelaar (33)
Raymond Agber (1)
Brigitte Agnew (4)
Barry Alpher (13)
Jing An (6)
Gregory Anderson (41)
I Wayan Arka (70)
Mary Ayres (20)
Louise Baird (39)
Keira Ballantyne (1)
Chris Ballard (3)
Russell Barlow (46)
Danielle Barth (209)
Wolfgang Barth (42)
Linda Barwick (322)
Prafulla Basumatary (23)
Bristone Bayeso (1)
Jill Beckman (69)
James Bednall (136)
Bettina Beer (1)
Neil Bell (38)
Roger Bell (1)
Andrea Berez (90)
Sandrine Bessis (51)
Rosey Billington (224)
Steven Bird (1)
Barry Blake (19)
Roger Blench (37)
Ian Blue (4)
Robert Blust (10)
Krishna Boro (15)
Claire Bowern (2)
David Bradley (55)
Joel Bradshaw (5)
Eva Brandl (10)
Gavan Breen (566)
Seino Van Breugel (1)
Tim Brickell (21)
Amanda Brotchie (12)
Reuben Brown (74)
Mitchell Browne (112)
Buba (1)
John Burton (46)
Henri Campagnolo (1)
Ian Campbell (3)
Lauren Campbell (14)
Amy Cao (157)
Arthur Capell (1275)
Margaret Carew (136)
Mae Carroll (265)
J. K. (Jack) Chambers (3)
Kate Charlwood (1)
Simon Christie (9)
Sandra Chung (65)
Claudia Cialone (14)
Ross Clark (5)
John M Clifton (8)
Adrian Clynes (65)
Susan Cochrane (73)
Antonio Comin (27)
Ann Cooreman (8)
Miriam Corris (36)
Fanny Cottet (3)
Peter Crowe (151)
Terry Crowley (58)
Melissa Crowther (12)
Kirsten Culhane (18)
Mary Dalrymple (1)
Damulak (1)
Don Daniels (1279)
Virginia Dawson (26)
Simon Devylder (70)
Thomas Diaz (36)
Greg Dickson (1)
Daniela Diedrich (8)
Laura Dimock (392)
Samantha Disbray (1342)
Rikker Dockum (32)
Christian Doehler (2)
Mark Donohue (5)
Tara Douglas (25)
Wilf Douglas (11)
Andrey Drinfeld (18)
Marie France Duhamel (134)
Ros Dunlop (63)
Mark Durie (98)
Tom Dutton (298)
Wayne Dye (395)
Domenyk Eades (9)
Robert Early (26)
Shiho Ebihara (4)
Owen Edwards (158)
Niall Edwards-FitzSimons (84)
Gertrude Elai (34)
A.P. Elkin (88)
George Elliott (1)
Thomas Ennever (147)
Joseph Errington (15)
DeAndre Espree-Conaway (8)
Bethwyn Evans (1)
Nicholas Evans (330)
Ellen Facey (17)
Cathy Falk (7)
Sebastian Fedden (32)
Rick Feinberg (3)
Hugh de Ferranti (159)
Hans Fischer (62)
Janet Fletcher (19)
William Foley (43)
Linda Ford (20)
Diana Forker (5)
Zygmunt Frajzyngier (65)
Ian Frazer (374)
Cameron Fruit (3)
Steven Gagau (4)
Kristina Gallego (150)
Paul Gardissart (13)
Don Gardner (27)
Emily Gasser (108)
Volker Gast (1)
Lauren Gawne (285)
Paul Geraghty (510)
John Giacon (1)
Benjamin Gimba (1)
Sonja Gipper (7)
Marie Bembie Girado (13)
David Goldsworthy (701)
Henry Goronwy (1)
George Grace (1)
Andrew Gray (1)
James Gray (8)
Ian Green (187)
Tina Gregor (200)
Murray Groves (36)
Valerie Guerin (143)
Brian Hadfield (20)
James Hafford (12)
Amanda Hamilton-Hollaway (51)
Jeremy Hammond (38)
Wei Han (39)
Marcus Hansley (2)
Anne-Marie Hari (20)
John Harris (78)
Salome Harris (5)
Mark Harvey (376)
Yasunori Hayashi (2)
Michael Heppell (83)
Luise Hercus (1)
Stephen Hill (6)
Anglican History (8)
Gabrielle Hodge (10)
Monika Hoehlig (10)
Darja Hoenigman (72)
David Holm (3)
Gary Holton (87)
Susanne Holzknecht (160)
Fiona Honeyman (43)
Tom Honeyman (39)
Brian Harvey Hodgson Hooker (2)
Christina Hornéy (47)
Rolf Hotz (7)
Huade Huang (4)
Joyce Hudson (15)
Grace Hull (2)
Celeste Humphris (41)
Qandeel Hussain (27)
Catherine 英倩蕾 Ingram (1)
Jackse (1)
Kari James (2)
Dorothy Jauncey (35)
Gerd Jendraschek (16)
John Jensen (2)
James Martin Johansson (1)
Wesley Kuhron Jones (260)
Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka (2)
Gray Kaltapau (21)
Eri Kashima (47)
Jodie Kell (68)
Piers Kelly (62)
Tim Kemp (1)
Kierien (1)
Yukinori Kimoto (3)
Stuart Kirsch (8)
Norikazu Kogura (1)
Markos Koumoulas (15)
Ana Krajinovic (166)
Inge Kral (123)
Daniel Krausse (76)
Paul Kroeger (48)
Nicole Kruspe (35)
Don Kulick (82)
Keita Kurabe (2895)
Randy LaPolla (1)
Wolfgang Laade (1)
Roderic Lacey (106)
Sebastien Lacrampe (53)
Renée Lambert-Brétière (75)
Mary Laughren (1)
Ralph Lawton (14)
Don Laycock (133)
Jerry Wayne Leach (1)
Jenny Lee (12)
E. Leroux (1)
Shubo Li (57)
Ying-che Li (12)
Ismael Lieberherr (1)
Piet Lincoln (3)
Kate L. Lindsey (1016)
Lamont Lindstrom (24)
Naijing Liu (101)
David Lloyd (181)
Robyn Loughnane (35)
Joseph Lovestrand (6)
David Luders (56)
Jonathon Lum (5)
John Lynch (1)
Bob MacLennan (2)
Neil Maclean (36)
Carol Magnusson (1)
Alex Maikarfi (1)
Catriona Malau (42)
John Mansfield (57)
Allan Marett (25)
Anna Margetts (31)
Alexandra Marley (89)
Doug Marmion (28)
Marieke Martin (3)
Graham McDonald (9)
Lynne McDonald (27)
Bradley McDonnell (192)
Debra McDougall (96)
Ken McElhanon (57)
James McElvenny (23)
Andrew McIntyre (15)
Bonnie McLean (11)
Felicity Meakins (2057)
Sabrina C. Meier (1)
Weijian Meng (42)
Julia Colleen Miller (2)
Jadran Mimica (158)
Emil Mittag (1)
Mark W. Post and Yankee Modi (36)
Kylie Moloney (28)
Kate E Mooney (38)
Megan Morais (150)
Stephen Morey (341)
Ulrike Mosel (46)
Claire Moyse-Faurie (12)
Mijke Mulder (60)
Keira Mullan (48)
John Muniru (4)
Solomons Museum (229)
Kate Naitoro (14)
David Nash (3)
Nazarudin Nazarudin (5)
Mother Tongue Centre Nepal (78)
John Newman (5)
Sally Akevai Nicholas (170)
Hiroki Nomoto (17)
Rachel Nordlinger (224)
Åshild Næss (6)
Kazuko Obata (12)
Aslak Vaag Olesen (36)
Bruno Olsson (38)
Catalina Torres Orjuela (9)
Adam Paliwala (40)
Bill Palmer (61)
Mary Patterson (5)
Andrew Pawley (86)
Elizabeth Pearce (8)
Dalan Mehuli Perangin-Angin (24)
Manuel David Gonzalez Perez (670)
Anthony Phillips (4)
Roslyn Poignant (10)
Mark Post (2)
Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi (12)
Colin Price (1)
Kilu von Prince (78)
Evelyn Ramsay (1)
Md Mostafa Rashel (18)
Marie Reay (58)
Lauren Reed (168)
Kenneth Rehg (1)
Nicholas Reid (24)
Sonja Riesberg (72)
Jean-Claude Rivierre (1)
Laura Robinson (80)
Calvin Roesler (136)
Marta Rohatynskyj (24)
Lila San Roque (31)
Malcolm Ross (99)
Mike Rueck (25)
Alan Rumsey (293)
Philipp Rönchen (60)
Leonard Sam (11)
Giordana Santosuosso (53)
Hannah Sarvasy (48)
Samuel Saul (1)
Yusuf Sawaki (3)
Catherine Scanlon (29)
Andrea C. Schalley (2)
Meinrad Scheller (29)
Anne van Schie (9)
Cindy Schneider (62)
Dineke Schokkin (339)
Theodore Schwartz (543)
Albert Schütz (73)
Ari Sherris (13)
Vong Tsuh Shi (44)
Aviva MPI Shimelman (243)
Richard Shing (42)
Asako Shiohara (9)
Aung Si (20)
Jeff Siegel (106)
Jane Simpson (62)
Ruth Singer (41)
Sixtus (1)
Hedvig Skirgård (74)
Rebekah Slade (4)
Rebekha Slade (31)
Olaf Smedal (2)
Geoff Smith (92)
Ian Russell Smith (18)
Nannah Soji (1)
Hilário de Sousa (8)
Wolfgang Sperlich (29)
Natasha Stacey (7)
Tonya Stebbins (130)
Chester Street (25)
Laurence Stubbs (14)
S.P. Symonds (1)
Thersia Tamelan (113)
Tamisha Tan (88)
Apay Tang (4)
Allen Tanko (1)
Ian Tedder (27)
Amos Teo (264)
Tote Tepano (22)
Nick Thieberger (575)
Martin Thomas (1)
Johnny Tjia (5)
Robert Tonkinson (58)
Matthew Toulmin (19)
Yvonne Treis (140)
Darrell Tryon (14)
Atsuko Utsumi (15)
VKS (140)
Various Various (17)
Tonjes Veenstra (35)
Eline Visser (1)
Radu Voica (610)
Bert Voorhoeve (205)
Israel Wade (1)
Omonor Wade (1)
Alan Walker (45)
Mary Walworth (4)
Xiyao Wang (4)
Pema Wangdi (32)
Michael Webb (110)
Tom Webb (39)
James Weiner (79)
Geoffrey White (26)
Made Wijaya (Michael White) (210)
Sasha Wilmoth (197)
Aidan Wilson (18)
Stephen (S.A.) Wurm (212)
Yanti (351)
Asako Shiohara, Yanti (5)
Zachariah Yoder (35)
Kamaludin Yusra (1)
Muhammad Zakaria (6)
John Zgraggen (377)
Yarjis Xueqing Zhong (5)
myfany turpin (216)
zacha (1)
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
DWU-ENGA15 ENGA 15 Vocabulary from Enga David Lloyd Papua New Guinea 10 2019-07-18 View
SUY1-documentaries Edited short documentary films Lauren Gawne Nepal 8 2017-04-20 View
DWU-S36 S36 Traditional Stories from Madang David Lloyd Papua New Guinea 10 2019-08-07 View
DWU-S37 S37 Traditional Stories from Madang David Lloyd Papua New Guinea 10 2019-08-08 View
WSDS1-241014_IBL_MS_M05_2 clan history Dineke Schokkin Idi Papua New Guinea 2 2021-04-13 View
OE1-aaz20130823_02 How Kuareno' got its name Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20130823_05 Auction Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20130825_07 Stories from Jonathan Namah 2 Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20130825_08 Stories from Jonathan Namah 3 Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20130902_01 Weekend story Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20130902_07 Wedding arrangements Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20130906_01 Conversation between Roni and Jakop Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20130907_03 Stories from Frans Bani 1 Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20130913_01 A man who is ready to die Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20130914_01 Weaving Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20130928_01 The Death of Nahor Bani Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20140726 Prayer for Casuarina Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
OE1-aaz20160326 The history of Koro'oto and Nekmese' Owen Edwards Indonesia 4 2017-05-19 View
RN2-002 Elicitation: nouns and minimal pairs Rachel Nordlinger Enga Papua New Guinea 6 2017-07-29 View
RN2-004 Elicitation: basic paradigms for Sleep and Hit Rachel Nordlinger Enga Papua New Guinea 14 2017-07-29 View
RN2-005 Elicitation: tonal contrasts Rachel Nordlinger Enga Papua New Guinea 6 2017-07-29 View
SUY1-experimentmetaphor Tone metaphor experiment Lauren Gawne Nepal 28 2017-08-09 View
SUY1-experimenttone Tone perception experiment Lauren Gawne Nepal 248 2017-04-20 View
RN2-009 Elicitation: verbal morphology and argument structure Rachel Nordlinger Enga Papua New Guinea 14 2017-07-29 View
RN2-010 Elicitation: verbal morphology and argument structure Rachel Nordlinger Enga Papua New Guinea 10 2017-07-29 View
RN2-018 Transcription: text about Marriage 1 Rachel Nordlinger Enga Papua New Guinea 8 2017-07-29 View
RN2-023 Transcription: text about Pig exchange 1 Rachel Nordlinger Enga Papua New Guinea 10 2017-07-29 View
RN2-027 Elicitation: habitual verb forms Rachel Nordlinger Enga Papua New Guinea 8 2017-07-29 View
RN2-028 Elicitation: reflexives and reciprocals Rachel Nordlinger Enga Papua New Guinea 8 2017-07-29 View
RN2-029 Elicitation: clause combining, iteration and duratives Rachel Nordlinger Enga Papua New Guinea 8 2017-07-29 View
RN2-039 Elicitation: serial verbs and minimal pair for /gii/ Rachel Nordlinger Enga Papua New Guinea 6 2017-07-29 View
ASMPI-Naman002 Story: 10 brothers Aviva MPI Shimelman Naman Vanuatu 2 2019-03-27 View
MH1-002B Reel 2, Side B Monika Hoehlig Nepal 2 2017-12-09 View
LSNG06-BM13 Kufak Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 2 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-DC01 Pot-washing Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 5 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-DC09 Basket making (Fiam) Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 5 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-DC17 Fetching water Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 5 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-DC19 Cleaning echidna Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 5 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-DC20 Feeding casowary Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 5 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-DC21 Shaping house post Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 5 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-DC34 Flute Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 4 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-IND01 singing: Wiam, Semarki, and Mbi wagh Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 3 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-IND02 singing: Arammba, Urparwa, Jimakari Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 3 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-IND06 Ngaraita, Mibini, Kárèmè-kárèmè Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 3 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-IND25 Modern Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 3 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-MD93 Hunting with father Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 2 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-MD99_01 When Mawai killed Sefor Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 2 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-MD99_02 Origin story, part two Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 2 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-MK13_04 Pig-killing ceremony Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 2 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-MM13 Taking daughter to clinic Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 2 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-ND11 Maintaining custom marriage Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 5 2023-03-30 View
LSNG06-TE13 Complaint Jeff Siegel Papua New Guinea 5 2023-03-30 View
RV1-112A260408 MPI'S Caused Positions Clips (I) - Reubenson Koburu Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-117A300408 Enfield's 2002 'Body' - Nason Haidu Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-119A300408 Humans and Age Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-133A160508 Custom Story Sabela (III) Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-135A160508 Poems Sabela Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-139A160508 Custom Story Maika (II) Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-144A020608 Customs of the ancestors Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-145A020608 Ridddles Tinoni Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-148A020608 Custom Story Legata (I) Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 3 2023-08-03 View
RV1-155A040608 Personal details Samson Ura Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2020-02-20 View
RV1-156A040608 Blanga Totems - Samson Ura Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-165A110608 Guguha and Kavaberi Story Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-166A110608 Sale Olo explained by Mary Haidu and Helen Zalani Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-167A110608 Song Mary Haidu and Helen Zalani Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-168A150608 Dahl's TMA - Walter Koburu Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RV1-169A150608 Shell Names - Hughu Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
SAW1-001 collection of 17 33 1/3 RPM records collected by Strehlow Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Arrernte Australia 0 2019-10-02 View
SAW1-007 many languages represented Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Kiwai, Gidra, Papua New Guinea 0 2019-10-02 View
SAW1-011 Parcel No.6, Santa Cruz language, Te Motu reef islands, Tinakulla Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Santa Cruz Solomon Islands 0 2019-10-02 View
SAW1-013 many languages represented Stephen (S.A.) Wurm 0 2019-10-02 View
SAW1-016 Greenland Eskimo Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Inuktitut, Greenlandic Greenland 0 2019-10-02 View
SAW1-017 Malo Dict Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 0 2019-10-02 View
SAW2-002 Continuation of the same sentence list Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-004 Näkenaa ä Pesikuma Pola Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Reef Island Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-009 Näkenaa ä Nuu Nubulaa Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 22 2017-07-05 View
SAW2-020 Tahitian language recording Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Tahitian French Polynesia 2 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-025 QQ - John and his comments or his feedbacks Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-026 1st Semester 1977 Lödäi Words Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Lödäi Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-029 Reefs 1977, 7 Moia Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Moia Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-051 QQ - John Mealue His comment Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-056 Notes on Affixes Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 4 2016-06-09 View
SAW2-062 Notes of Affixes recording Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 4 2016-06-09 View
SAW2-065 Malo Language, No.2 Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Malo Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-067 Word list (cont.) Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 4 2016-06-09 View
SAW2-068 Word List contd. Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 4 2016-06-09 View
SAW2-079 3. Paper 2-4 Stephen (S.A.) Wurm New Zealand 4 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-085 Reef Island 1,2 Solomon Pidgin 1, 2 Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Reef Island, Solomon Pidgin Solomon Islands 4 2022-08-13 View
SAW2-090 Näkenaawä Nuu Siye Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 26 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-093 Sime imo deu Gäbli Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 4 2016-06-09 View
SAW2-097 Part of Näkenaawä Temaakona. Explanation of Difficult Words Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Reef Island Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-102 Patrick Bakolo Recorded in 1978 at Luesaleba New.S.School Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Reef Islands Solomon Islands 4 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-108 Simple Conversation. Conversational Sentences Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 4 2016-06-10 View
SAW2-111 Explanation of Kokänä Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 17 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-119 Breen 2 Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Bundhamara Australia 4 2016-06-10 View
SAW2-125 Nakenaawä Naboä nwe, Nakenaawä nesilo Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 4 2016-06-10 View
SAW2-126 Breen FT12 Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Bundhamara Australia 4 2016-06-10 View
SAW2-129 Three stories Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 55 2016-03-31 View
SAW2-142 Näkenaa ä Ibetemaa Stephen (S.A.) Wurm Solomon Islands 6 2016-03-31 View
Show 10 Show 50 Show 100 Show 1000