
2031 search results (6 ms)

Content Languages
'Are'are (19)
Abadi (1)
Abau (2)
Abkhaz (1)
Adyghe (1)
Ajië (2)
Akei (1)
Amba (retired) (2)
Ambae, East (2)
Ambulas (1)
Amele (1)
Amharic (1)
Aneityum (1)
Angal (1)
Angal Enen (1)
Angal Heneng (1)
Anindilyakwa (1)
Anus (1)
Anuta (1)
Arabic, Standard (1)
Arapesh, Bumbita (1)
Arop-Sissano (1)
Arosi (25)
Askopan (2)
Asumboa (2)
Au (1)
Axamb (1)
Babatana (29)
Baeggu (9)
Baelelea (11)
Baki (1)
Bauro (7)
Bengali (1)
Biak (1)
Bidayuh, Bukar-Sadong (1)
Biga (1)
Bilua (30)
Birao (1)
Bislama (4)
Blablanga (22)
Boikin (1)
Bola (1)
Bonggo (1)
Bosmun (1)
Bugawac (1)
Bughotu (24)
Bulgarian (1)
Burmese (1)
Chamorro (1)
Cheke Holo (31)
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Chinese, Hakka (1)
Chinese, Mandarin (1)
Chinese, Min Nan (1)
Chinese, Yue (1)
Czech (1)
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Dani, Western (1)
Danish (1)
Dehu (2)
Dengka (1)
Dobu (1)
Dom (1)
Duke (1)
Efate, North (1)
Efate, South (1)
Efik (1)
Ekari (1)
Emae (2)
Enga (1)
English (790)
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Ewage-Notu (1)
Fagani (1)
Fataleka (4)
Fijian (2)
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Foi (1)
French (1)
Frisian, Northern (1)
Futuna-Aniwa (1)
Gaelic, Scottish (1)
Ganda (1)
Gao (8)
Gela (12)
Georgian (1)
German, Standard (1)
Ghanongga (64)
Ghari (5)
Gogodala (1)
Greek (1)
Greek, Ancient (2)
Gugubera (1)
Hakö (1)
Halia (1)
Hano (2)
Hausa (1)
Hawaiian (1)
Hindustani, Fijian (3)
Hiw (1)
Hmong Daw (1)
Hmong Njua (1)
Hoava (2)
Hula (3)
Hungarian (1)
Iaai (1)
Icelandic (1)
Igbo (1)
Ilocano (1)
Indonesian (2)
Italian (1)
Iwam, Sepik (1)
Japanese (2)
Javanese (1)
Kabardian (1)
Kahua (6)
Kalanga (1)
Kap (1)
Kapingamarangi (1)
Karnai (1)
Karon Dori (1)
Kayardild (1)
Kaytetye (1)
Kerewo (1)
Kewa, East (1)
Kewa, West (1)
Khmer, Central (1)
Khwe (1)
Kilivila (4)
Kilmeri (1)
Kiowa (1)
Kiribati (4)
Kiwai, Southern (1)
Koitabu (1)
Kokota (28)
Korean (1)
Koro (retired) (1)
Kuanua (4)
Kuman (1)
Kuni (1)
Kuri (1)
Kusaghe (2)
Kwaio (3)
Kwamera (1)
Kwara'ae (21)
Kwoma (1)
Kâte (1)
Laghu (10)
Lakon (1)
Lamenu (1)
Lao (1)
Lardil (1)
Latvian (1)
Lau (140)
Lauan (3)
Lavukaleve (8)
Lenakel (1)
Lengo (4)
Lewo (1)
Lithuanian (1)
Lo-Toga (2)
Longgu (4)
Lonwolwol (1)
Loun (2)
Lovono (2)
Lungga (36)
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Maewo, Central (2)
Mai Brat (5)
Mailu (1)
Maisin (1)
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Malango (3)
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Malay, Kedah (1)
Malay, North Moluccan (3)
Malayalam (1)
Malo (1)
Manam (1)
Mangareva (1)
Manikion (1)
Manombai (4)
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Maranunggu (2)
Marathi (1)
Marau (1)
Marind (1)
Maring (3)
Marovo (8)
Marshallese (1)
Matbat (1)
Maya, Yucatec (1)
Mekeo (1)
Mele-Fila (1)
Melpa (1)
Misima-Paneati (2)
Mo (1)
Moi (retired) (5)
Mono (1)
Mono (retired) (5)
Mor (retired) (1)
Moraid (1)
Moskona (1)
Mota (5)
Motu (1)
Motu, Hiri (2)
Multiple languages (8)
Murik (1)
Mwerlap (2)
Mwotlap (2)
Naasioi (3)
Nalögo (19)
Namakura (3)
Natügu (76)
Nauruan (1)
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Nehan (1)
Ngalkbun (1)
Ngarinyin (1)
Ninde (1)
No linguistic content (2)
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Nupe-Nupe-Tako (1)
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Rerep (1)
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Rotokas (1)
Rotuman (2)
Roviana (35)
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Sa'a (4)
Sahu (1)
Sakao (1)
Sam (1)
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Sanskrit (1)
Savosavo (5)
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Siane (1)
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Sinaugoro (3)
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Tuvalu (1)
Uganda (2)
United Kingdom (4)
United States (204)
Vanuatu (3571)
Viet Nam (7)
Wallis and Futuna (10)
Top 100 Collectors
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
SINM-OTP46 Simon Peter Natagera village, S.Ana 31/7. 3/8/87 Reresiroa. Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP52 Interview with Peter Pauma in Honiara, Tape 2 Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-13 View
SINM-OTP56 Custom side on Suu Harbour, Malaita Province Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-14 View
SINM-OTP60 National Site Survey Project - Interviews at Titito Village Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-06-14 View
SINM-OTP63 Documentation of feather money from Reefs Islands - MLCK School Programme Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-08-14 View
SINM-OTP7 Oral History and Traditional Stories of Choiseul Province Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-08-14 View
SINM-OTP75 Evaluation of workshop and discussion (UNESCO C/76/27) Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-10-03 View
SINM-OTP77 Custom feast at Kakabona, Charles Avavei Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 2 2018-10-03 View
SINM-OTP79 Drum beating (MC/75/2) Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-10-03 View
SINM-OTP83 Custom music by women MC/77/3 Solomons Museum Solomon Islands 4 2018-10-03 View
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