
2031 search results (8 ms)

Content Languages
'Are'are (19)
Abadi (1)
Abau (2)
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Ajië (2)
Akei (1)
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Ambae, East (2)
Ambulas (1)
Amele (1)
Amharic (1)
Aneityum (1)
Angal (1)
Angal Enen (1)
Angal Heneng (1)
Anindilyakwa (1)
Anus (1)
Anuta (1)
Arabic, Standard (1)
Arapesh, Bumbita (1)
Arop-Sissano (1)
Arosi (25)
Askopan (2)
Asumboa (2)
Au (1)
Axamb (1)
Babatana (29)
Baeggu (9)
Baelelea (11)
Baki (1)
Bauro (7)
Bengali (1)
Biak (1)
Bidayuh, Bukar-Sadong (1)
Biga (1)
Bilua (30)
Birao (1)
Bislama (4)
Blablanga (22)
Boikin (1)
Bola (1)
Bonggo (1)
Bosmun (1)
Bugawac (1)
Bughotu (24)
Bulgarian (1)
Burmese (1)
Chamorro (1)
Cheke Holo (31)
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Chinese, Hakka (1)
Chinese, Mandarin (1)
Chinese, Min Nan (1)
Chinese, Yue (1)
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Dani, Western (1)
Danish (1)
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Dengka (1)
Dobu (1)
Dom (1)
Duke (1)
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Efate, South (1)
Efik (1)
Ekari (1)
Emae (2)
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English (790)
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Ewage-Notu (1)
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Foi (1)
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Frisian, Northern (1)
Futuna-Aniwa (1)
Gaelic, Scottish (1)
Ganda (1)
Gao (8)
Gela (12)
Georgian (1)
German, Standard (1)
Ghanongga (64)
Ghari (5)
Gogodala (1)
Greek (1)
Greek, Ancient (2)
Gugubera (1)
Hakö (1)
Halia (1)
Hano (2)
Hausa (1)
Hawaiian (1)
Hindustani, Fijian (3)
Hiw (1)
Hmong Daw (1)
Hmong Njua (1)
Hoava (2)
Hula (3)
Hungarian (1)
Iaai (1)
Icelandic (1)
Igbo (1)
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Indonesian (2)
Italian (1)
Iwam, Sepik (1)
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Javanese (1)
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Kahua (6)
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Kap (1)
Kapingamarangi (1)
Karnai (1)
Karon Dori (1)
Kayardild (1)
Kaytetye (1)
Kerewo (1)
Kewa, East (1)
Kewa, West (1)
Khmer, Central (1)
Khwe (1)
Kilivila (4)
Kilmeri (1)
Kiowa (1)
Kiribati (4)
Kiwai, Southern (1)
Koitabu (1)
Kokota (28)
Korean (1)
Koro (retired) (1)
Kuanua (4)
Kuman (1)
Kuni (1)
Kuri (1)
Kusaghe (2)
Kwaio (3)
Kwamera (1)
Kwara'ae (21)
Kwoma (1)
Kâte (1)
Laghu (10)
Lakon (1)
Lamenu (1)
Lao (1)
Lardil (1)
Latvian (1)
Lau (140)
Lauan (3)
Lavukaleve (8)
Lenakel (1)
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Lewo (1)
Lithuanian (1)
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Longgu (4)
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Lovono (2)
Lungga (36)
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Mai Brat (5)
Mailu (1)
Maisin (1)
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Malay, Kedah (1)
Malay, North Moluccan (3)
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Manam (1)
Mangareva (1)
Manikion (1)
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Maranunggu (2)
Marathi (1)
Marau (1)
Marind (1)
Maring (3)
Marovo (8)
Marshallese (1)
Matbat (1)
Maya, Yucatec (1)
Mekeo (1)
Mele-Fila (1)
Melpa (1)
Misima-Paneati (2)
Mo (1)
Moi (retired) (5)
Mono (1)
Mono (retired) (5)
Mor (retired) (1)
Moraid (1)
Moskona (1)
Mota (5)
Motu (1)
Motu, Hiri (2)
Multiple languages (8)
Murik (1)
Mwerlap (2)
Mwotlap (2)
Naasioi (3)
Nalögo (19)
Namakura (3)
Natügu (76)
Nauruan (1)
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Nehan (1)
Ngalkbun (1)
Ngarinyin (1)
Ninde (1)
No linguistic content (2)
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Nupe-Nupe-Tako (1)
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Purari (2)
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Rapa Nui (1)
Rarotongan (2)
Rennell-Bellona (10)
Rerep (1)
Ririo (12)
Romanian (1)
Romansch (1)
Rotokas (1)
Rotuman (2)
Roviana (35)
Sa (1)
Sa'a (4)
Sahu (1)
Sakao (1)
Sam (1)
Samoan (1)
Sanskrit (1)
Savosavo (5)
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Siane (1)
Sibe (2)
Sie (1)
Sikaiana (11)
Simbo (7)
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Sinaugoro (3)
Sio (1)
Siwai (4)
Sobei (1)
Spanish (1)
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Sudest (1)
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Tok Pisin (6)
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Triqui, Copala (1)
Triqui, San Martín Itunyoso (1)
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Ujir (4)
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Ulithian (1)
Umpila (1)
Undetermined language (6)
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Tonga (87)
Tuvalu (1)
Uganda (2)
United Kingdom (4)
United States (204)
Vanuatu (3571)
Viet Nam (7)
Wallis and Futuna (10)
Top 100 Collectors
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
AC2-SIARO104 Arosi word list and sentences Arthur Capell Arosi Solomon Islands 13 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIARO106 Arosi vocabulary Arthur Capell Arosi Solomon Islands 28 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIARO201 Letter from the Melanesian Archives about Charles E. Fox materials Arthur Capell Arosi, Are are, Gari, Ulawa Solomon Islands 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIARO202 A Short Grammar of Arosi by C. E. Fox Arthur Capell Arosi Solomon Islands 12 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIARO203 Note on Arosi Tales by C. E. Fox Arthur Capell Arosi Solomon Islands 9 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBABA101 Babatana Vocabulary Arthur Capell Babatana Solomon Islands 75 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBABA104 Babatana - Fiji comparative wordlist Arthur Capell Babatana, Fiji Fiji Solomon Islands 1 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBIL103 Voocabulary of the Dovele Language by Pastor Rore Arthur Capell Dovele Solomon Islands 2 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBUG105 Bugotu anthropology and language notes by G. Bogese IV Arthur Capell Bugotu (Bughotu) Solomon Islands 75 2016-03-18 View
AC2-SIBUG107 Bugotu anthropology and language notes by G. Bogese VI Arthur Capell Bugotu (Bughotu) Solomon Islands 39 2016-03-18 View
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