
3241 search results (6 ms)

Content Languages
Burmese (153)
Chin, Mro (47)
English (117)
Jingpho (2895)
Khamti (32)
Naga, Leinong (1)
Naga, Makuri (3)
Naga, Makyan (1)
Naga, Tase (99)
Rawang (1)
India (2)
Myanmar (3241)
Top 100 Collectors
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
CH3-091700 1700 Wordlist Christina Hornéy Mro Khimi [cmr] Myanmar 1 2016-03-20 View
CH3-091700W1i 1700 items, recorded by W1 Christina Hornéy Mro Khimi [cmr] Myanmar 150 2016-03-20 View
CH3-09MPoldtonemarkersWE Minimal Pairs of words written with old tone markers h and g, recorded by WE Christina Hornéy Mro Khimi [cmr] Myanmar 2 2016-03-20 View
CH3-09textW2 Story text, recorded by W2 Christina Hornéy Mro Khimi [cmr] Myanmar 2 2016-03-20 View
CH3-09textWE Story text, recorded by WE Christina Hornéy Mro Khimi [cmr] Myanmar 2 2016-03-20 View
CH3-09textwordlistW1 Wordlist from the story text, recorded by W1 Christina Hornéy Mro Khimi [cmr] Myanmar 2 2022-11-30 View
CH3-09textwordlistW3 Story text, recorded by W3. Christina Hornéy Mro Khimi [cmr] Myanmar 2 2016-03-20 View
CH3-09W2SentencesRevisedWErecorded W2 sentences, revised by W1 and WE, recorded by WE. Christina Hornéy Mro Khimi [cmr] Myanmar 2 2016-03-20 View
CH3-09wordlistforsentencesWE Representative wordlist from MP words, used as the basis for the creation of the sentences by WE & W2. Christina Hornéy Mro Khimi [cmr] Myanmar 2 2016-03-20 View
KK1-1128 Hpaga yen hkau myit magaw ai lam (The dishonest traders) with English translation Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2024-09-01 View
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