ID | Title | Collector | Language as given | Countries | # of files | Modification Date | Actions |
AC2-SICOMPV203 | Set of comparative vocabularies compiled by Capell | Arthur Capell | Choiseul, Vagua-Varisi-Babatana-Ririo, Sisiga (Sengga)-Kuboro (LXmaumbi), Kubokota-Luga (Lungga)-Sibo (Simbo)-Du Ke (Nluke), Riviana-Ugela (Ughele)-Kusaige (Kusaghe)-Itoava, Marovo-Bareka-Vangunu, Ysabel, Kia-Kilokaka-Maringe, Gao-Bugolu-Gela, Dai-Malu | Solomon Islands | 17 | 2016-03-18 | View |
ROHP1-867 | Ranongga Oral History, Tape 5: Stories of sacred sites in Kubokota area from John Pavukera, Silion Vaibei, Tikera, and clan origins and chiefly succession from George Hilly | Debra McDougall | Solomon Islands | 6 | 2024-02-16 | View | |
AC2-SILUNGG101 | Lungga revised Melanesian wordlist | Arthur Capell | Lungga | Solomon Islands | 10 | 2016-03-18 | View |
ROHP1-8610 | Ranongga Oral History, Tape 10: Stories and songs from John Kuero Kana, Titequla, and Zakea Lipaqeto (Lale) | Debra McDougall | Solomon Islands | 6 | 2022-06-21 | View | |
ROHP1-865 | Ranongga Oral History, Tape 5: Accounts of respectful living, childbirth practices, and other stories from Keara village | Debra McDougall | Solomon Islands | 6 | 2024-02-16 | View |