ID | Title | Collector | Language as given | Countries | # of files | Modification Date | Actions |
AC2-TETNAN102 | Atauro - Portuguese vocabulary by Antonio Leite de Magalhaes | Arthur Capell | Atauro (Adabe) | East Timor | 15 | 2016-03-18 | View |
AC2-VAMBRYM13 | Elicitation sheet (English only). Responses (unidentified language) handwritten. | Arthur Capell | Undetermined language | Vanuatu | 6 | 2018-02-14 | View |
AC2-VAMBRYM14 | Revised Melanesian Word List filled in, in both pencil (Baiap) and pen, Langue d'Olal' | Arthur Capell | Olal | Vanuatu | 4 | 2016-07-06 | View |
AC2-VAMBRYM1A | Bound dissertation (draft). W. F. Paton, The language and life of Ambrym, an Island in the New Hebrides | Arthur Capell | Ambrym | Vanuatu | 2 | 2018-04-12 | View |
AC2-VAMBRYM23 | Ambrym R6 class system. | Arthur Capell | Ambrym | Vanuatu | 1 | 2016-03-19 | View |
AC2-VAOBA115 | Letter to Capell from Paul Grant, with Story of the Prodigal Son - Walaha dialect. | Arthur Capell | Walaha | Vanuatu | 5 | 2016-03-19 | View |
AC2-VAXA106 | The Story of the Reef Numbur in Ahamb | Arthur Capell | Ahamb (Axamb) | Vanuatu | 2 | 2020-07-11 | View |
AC2-VCOMVO301A | Vocabularies of New Hebrides Tongues. English-Aneityum-Futuna-Pt Resolution and Kwamera (Tanna I.) Waesial (Tanna I.)-Efatese | Arthur Capell | New Hebrides languages | Vanuatu | 2 | 2016-03-19 | View |
AC2-VEFAT21 | Efate comparative vocabularies: English-Erakor-Eton/Ep̃u-Paunangis/Emua-Lelepa-Havannah Harbour-'Samoa'. | Arthur Capell | English, Erakor, Eton-Ep̃au, P̃aunangis-Emua, Lelepa, Havannah Habour, "Samoa" (Emua) | Vanuatu | 11 | 2016-03-19 | View |
AC2-VEMAE13 | Emae (Polynesian section). Revised Melanesian word list. | Arthur Capell | Emae | Vanuatu | 4 | 2016-07-06 | View |