ID | Title | Collector | Language as given | Countries | # of files | Modification Date | Actions |
AC2-VES22D | Two stories: The Fowl and the Scrub Duck; The Story about the Fish Called Redmouth. | Arthur Capell | Araki, English | Vanuatu | 2 | 2018-02-14 | View |
AC2-VES22C | 71 sentences and an untitled story in Araki from informant Varisipiti. | Arthur Capell | Akari | Vanuatu | 7 | 2018-02-14 | View |
AC2-VES22B | Revised Melanesian word list: Araki, S. Santo. | Arthur Capell | Araki,English | Vanuatu | 5 | 2018-02-14 | View |