ID | Title | Collector | Language as given | Countries | # of files | Modification Date | Actions |
AC2-NSBTEO102 | Teop and Rotokas revised Melanesian wordlist and texts | Arthur Capell | Teop, Rotokas | Papua New Guinea | 10 | 2016-03-18 | View |
AC2-NSBTEO104 | Letter from J. H. L. Waterhouse about the Teop language | Arthur Capell | Teop | Papua New Guinea | 10 | 2016-03-18 | View |
AC2-NSBTEO107 | Teop-Losiara survey word list | Arthur Capell | Teop (Losiara dialect) | Papua New Guinea | 10 | 2016-03-18 | View |
AC2-NSBUIS102 | Uisai text: the boys and the coconuts | Arthur Capell | Uisai | Papua New Guinea | 1 | 2016-03-18 | View |
AC2-NSBURU101 | Uruava Survey word list | Arthur Capell | Uruava | Papua New Guinea | 3 | 2016-03-18 | View |
AC2-OFNB101 | Ohei (Ase) and Nafri (Ajape) grammatical notes, words and texts | Arthur Capell | Nafri, Ohei (Ase) | American Samoa Indonesia | 37 | 2016-03-18 | View |
AC2-OLGS101 | Phonetic Laws in Melanesian Languages by C. E. Fox | Arthur Capell | Lau (Malaita), Arosi (San Christival), Gela (Florida Island) and Mota (Banks Island) | Indonesia Solomon Islands Vanuatu | 63 | 2016-03-18 | View |
AC2-OLGS102 | Passives in Oceanic Languages by C. E. Fox | Arthur Capell | Arosi, Lau, Gela, Mota | Indonesia Solomon Islands Vanuatu | 30 | 2016-03-18 | View |
AC2-OLVOC103 | Oddments from Mandated Territory | Arthur Capell | not given | Papua New Guinea | 1 | 2017-06-20 | View |
AC2-OLVOC105 | Motuna vocabulary | Arthur Capell | Motuna (Siwai) | Papua New Guinea | 22 | 2016-03-18 | View |