ID | Title | Collector | Language as given | Countries | # of files | Modification Date | Actions |
SNC1-20200720_G3_03 | Embedded sentences | Mae Carroll | Papua New Guinea | 5 | 2022-06-23 | View | |
SNC1-20200723_G2_02 | Text, adjectives | Mae Carroll | Papua New Guinea | 5 | 2022-06-23 | View | |
AHM01-elicitation_04 | Rosemary discussing pronominal prefixes | Alexandra Marley | Kunwinjku | Australia | 4 | 2022-08-19 | View |
AHM01-elicitation_09 | Jeff discussing kinterms and pronominal prefixes | Alexandra Marley | Kunwinjku | Australia | 4 | 2022-08-19 | View |
AHM01-elicitation_11 | Dominic discussing kinterms and pronominal prefixes | Alexandra Marley | Kunwinjku | Australia | 4 | 2022-08-19 | View |
AHM01-elicitation_14 | Tinnesha discussing kinterms | Alexandra Marley | Kunwinjku | Australia | 4 | 2022-08-19 | View |
AHM01-elicitation_15 | Susannah discussing kinterms and pronominal prefixes | Alexandra Marley | Kunwinjku | Australia | 2 | 2022-08-19 | View |
AHM01-elicitation_21 | women discussing kinterms | Alexandra Marley | Kunwinjku | Australia | 4 | 2022-08-19 | View |
AHM01-elicitation_26 | KN1 discussing kinterms and pronominal prefixes | Alexandra Marley | Kunwinjku | Australia | 3 | 2022-08-19 | View |
AHM01-narrative_05 | Conrad telling story | Alexandra Marley | Kunwinjku | Australia | 2 | 2022-08-19 | View |