
204 search results (6 ms)

Content Languages
'Are'are (1)
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Ambulas (1)
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Angal Enen (1)
Angal Heneng (1)
Anindilyakwa (1)
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Arapesh, Bumbita (1)
Arop-Sissano (1)
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Vanuatu (3571)
Viet Nam (7)
Wallis and Futuna (10)
Top 100 Collectors
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
DG5-PH03_036 36 Altar: Hawaiian Dance Concert David Goldsworthy United States 2 2016-03-23 View
DG5-PH03_046 46 Honolulu Slides David Goldsworthy United States 2 2016-03-23 View
DG5-PH03_057 57 Honolulu Slides David Goldsworthy United States 2 2016-03-23 View
ALB01-009 Recording of session with Markle Pete. Paradigms 'boil', 'drink hot liquid', new postposition for 'together', 'love/like/don't like'. Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-18 View
ALB01-011 Recording of a session with Virginia Pete. Kari Shaginoff and Timmy Pete also present. Topics: Martha Jackson, Bac'its'aadi, insects, long story in English about 2 sisters (at end). Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-18 View
ALB01-016 Markle Pete narrating some of the MPI Field Kit videos on staged cut/break. Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-18 View
ALB01-017 Recording of a session with Virginia Pete. Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-18 View
ALB01-023 Recording of a session with Virginia Pete. Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-18 View
ALB01-027 Markle Pete listening to a previous recording Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-18 View
ALB01-028 Recording of a session with Markle Pete to transcribe the "extended care for resources" text. Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-18 View
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