
204 search results (5 ms)

Content Languages
'Are'are (1)
Abadi (1)
Abau (1)
Abkhaz (1)
Adyghe (1)
Ahtena (79)
Ajië (1)
Akei (1)
Ambae, East (1)
Ambulas (1)
Amele (1)
Amharic (1)
Aneityum (1)
Angal (1)
Angal Enen (1)
Angal Heneng (1)
Anindilyakwa (1)
Arabic, Standard (1)
Arapesh, Bumbita (1)
Arop-Sissano (1)
Arosi (1)
Askopan (1)
Au (1)
Axamb (1)
Babatana (1)
Baelelea (1)
Baki (1)
Bauro (1)
Bengali (1)
Biak (1)
Bilua (1)
Boikin (1)
Bola (1)
Bosmun (1)
Bugawac (1)
Bughotu (1)
Bulgarian (1)
Burmese (1)
Chamorro (46)
Chinese (2)
Chinese, Hakka (1)
Chinese, Mandarin (2)
Chinese, Min Nan (1)
Chinese, Yue (1)
Czech (1)
Dakaka (1)
Dani, Western (1)
Danish (1)
Degexit'an (11)
Dehu (1)
Dengka (1)
Dobu (1)
Dom (1)
Efate, North (1)
Efate, South (1)
Efik (1)
Ekari (1)
Emae (1)
Enga (1)
English (111)
Estonian (2)
Ewage-Notu (1)
Fataleka (1)
Fijian (1)
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Foi (1)
Frisian, Northern (1)
Futuna-Aniwa (1)
Gaelic, Scottish (1)
Ganda (1)
Gao (1)
Gela (1)
Georgian (1)
Ghanongga (1)
Gogodala (1)
Greek (1)
Greek, Ancient (1)
Gugubera (1)
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Hmong Njua (1)
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Idi (3)
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Kewa, West (1)
Khmer, Central (1)
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Kilmeri (1)
Kiowa (3)
Kiribati (1)
Kiwai, Southern (1)
Koitabu (1)
Korean (1)
Koro (retired) (1)
Kuanua (1)
Kuman (1)
Kuni (1)
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Kwara'ae (1)
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Kâte (1)
Lamenu (1)
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Lavukaleve (1)
Lenakel (1)
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Lewo (1)
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Lo-Toga (1)
Lonwolwol (1)
Loun (1)
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Mailu (1)
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Malagasy (1)
Malango (1)
Malay (1)
Malay, Ambonese (1)
Malay, Kedah (1)
Malayalam (1)
Malo (1)
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Marind (1)
Maring (1)
Marovo (1)
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Maya, Yucatec (3)
Mekeo (1)
Mele-Fila (1)
Melpa (1)
Misima-Paneati (1)
Mota (1)
Motu (1)
Motu, Hiri (1)
Multiple languages (2)
Murik (1)
Mwerlap (1)
Mwotlap (1)
Namakura (1)
Natügu (1)
Nauruan (1)
Navajo (3)
Ngalkbun (1)
Ngarinyin (1)
Ninde (1)
No linguistic content (59)
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Notsi (1)
Nupe-Nupe-Tako (1)
Onjob (1)
Ontong Java (1)
Oroha (1)
Orokolo (1)
Owa (1)
Paama (1)
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Paluan (1)
Pashto, Northern (1)
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Petats (1)
Phuthi (1)
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Purari (1)
Rakahanga-Manihiki (1)
Ramoaaina (1)
Rapa Nui (1)
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Rennell-Bellona (1)
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Triqui, Copala (1)
Triqui, San Martín Itunyoso (1)
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Ubir (1)
Uisai (1)
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Ulau-Suain (1)
Ulithian (1)
Umpila (1)
Undetermined language (2)
Ura (retired) (1)
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Vaeakau-Taumako (1)
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Wantoat (1)
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Whitesands (1)
Wik-Mungkan (1)
Wogeo (1)
Wom (1)
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Italy (303)
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Kiribati (15)
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Korea, South (3)
Laos (43)
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Mauritius (35)
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Micronesia (24)
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Niger (1)
Nigeria (121)
Niue (3)
Northern Mariana Islands (31)
Norway (3)
Pakistan (27)
Palau (5)
Palestinian West Bank and Gaza (1)
Papua New Guinea (8747)
Philippines (342)
Poland (2)
Romania (2)
Russian Federation (156)
Samoa (139)
Singapore (32)
Slovakia (2)
Solomon Islands (2031)
South Africa (7)
Spain (2)
Sri Lanka (18)
Sudan (195)
Sweden (2)
Switzerland (3)
Taiwan (36)
Thailand (71)
Togo (1)
Tonga (87)
Tuvalu (1)
Uganda (2)
United Kingdom (4)
United States (204)
Vanuatu (3571)
Viet Nam (7)
Wallis and Futuna (10)
Top 100 Collectors
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
SLC1-045 fieldnotebook 45 Sandra Chung Northern Mariana Islands United States 1 2017-08-11 View
SLC1-050 fieldnotebook 50 Sandra Chung Northern Mariana Islands United States 1 2017-08-11 View
SLC1-054 fieldnotebook 54 Sandra Chung Northern Mariana Islands United States 1 2017-08-11 View
IDI1-Elicitation Idi Field Methods Audio Recordings Nicholas Evans Idi Papua New Guinea United States 14 2022-04-21 View
ALB01-001 Markle Pete narrating to book 'Frog, Where Are You?' Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-19 View
ALB01-006 Recording of a Session with Markle Pete. Mostly spot-checking recordings with Jim Kari, including Mr. Pete's two recordings of "Nekon' Tsnestnak/Our Fire Has Gone Out". Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-19 View
ALB01-007 Elders luncheon held in Gulkana Village. Discussion of potlatch etiquette in preparation for the Ahtna Cultural Summit to be held on May 28-29 2009. Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-19 View
ALB01-013 Markle Pete narrating some of the MPI Field Kit videos on staged events. Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-19 View
ALB01-021 Recording of a session with Markle Pete. Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-19 View
ALB01-024 Andrea Berez, Markle Pete and Jeannie Maxim proofreading "Frog Where Are You?" for printing. First half of book. Andrea Berez Ahtna United States 2 2016-03-19 View
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