
2031 search results (5 ms)

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'Are'are (19)
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Ghanongga (64)
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Kewa, West (1)
Khmer, Central (1)
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Kokota (28)
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Kuanua (4)
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Kuri (1)
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Kwara'ae (21)
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Mono (retired) (5)
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Motu, Hiri (2)
Multiple languages (8)
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Uganda (2)
United Kingdom (4)
United States (204)
Vanuatu (3571)
Viet Nam (7)
Wallis and Futuna (10)
Top 100 Collectors
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
JLOT1-14 Tape 14 Ian Tedder Solomon Islands 4 2022-06-23 View
RV1-062V131209 The way to Gazuhungari Radu Voica Blanga Solomon Islands 2 2023-08-03 View
RN4-LLU20210804 Solomon islands information, body parts and kinship terms Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 3 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20210810 Fourau verbs, animal names, particles and demonstratives Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 12 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20210908 Grammar information include location phrases, question words, market words, negative existentials, pointing words and rain Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 6 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20210923 'A visit to grannies' translation session 2 and 'A journey to Honiara' translation session 1 Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 2 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20211011 Negation session 1 and word class session 2 (noun and adjective) and demonstratives Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 3 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20211013 Nominalisation and causative Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 9 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20211015 Small scale spatial concepts (session 2), aspect and mood (session 1) i Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 3 2023-03-26 View
RN4-LLU20211022A Small scale spatial concepts session 4 (from LLU20210924), elicit aspect and mood (session 3) Rachel Nordlinger Fourau Solomon Islands 3 2023-03-26 View
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