
77 search results (15 ms)

Content Languages
'Are'are (1)
Abadi (1)
Abau (1)
Abkhaz (1)
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Akei (1)
Ambae, East (1)
Ambulas (1)
Amele (1)
Amharic (1)
Aneityum (2)
Angal (1)
Angal Enen (1)
Angal Heneng (1)
Anindilyakwa (1)
Arabic, Standard (1)
Arapesh, Bumbita (1)
Arop-Sissano (1)
Arosi (1)
Askopan (1)
Au (1)
Axamb (1)
Babatana (1)
Baelelea (1)
Baki (1)
Bauro (1)
Bavarian (2)
Bengali (1)
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Bilua (1)
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Bola (1)
Bosmun (1)
Bugawac (1)
Bughotu (2)
Bulgarian (1)
Burmese (1)
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Chinese (1)
Chinese, Hakka (1)
Chinese, Mandarin (1)
Chinese, Min Nan (1)
Chinese, Yue (1)
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Dom (1)
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Efate, South (1)
Efik (1)
Ekari (1)
Emae (2)
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English (20)
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Ewage-Notu (1)
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Futuna-Aniwa (1)
Gaelic, Scottish (1)
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Gela (1)
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German, Standard (2)
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Khmer, Central (1)
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Koitabu (1)
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Koro (retired) (1)
Kuanua (1)
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Misima-Paneati (1)
Mota (1)
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Mwotlap (1)
Namakura (2)
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Ninde (1)
No linguistic content (11)
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Ontong Java (1)
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Pashto, Northern (1)
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Petats (1)
Phuthi (1)
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Rapa Nui (1)
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Rennell-Bellona (1)
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Ujir (3)
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Ulau-Suain (1)
Ulithian (1)
Umpila (1)
Undetermined language (1)
Ura (retired) (1)
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Vaeakau-Taumako (1)
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Wik-Mungkan (1)
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Palestinian West Bank and Gaza (1)
Papua New Guinea (8747)
Philippines (342)
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Russian Federation (156)
Samoa (139)
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Sri Lanka (18)
Sudan (195)
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Switzerland (3)
Taiwan (36)
Thailand (71)
Togo (1)
Tonga (87)
Tuvalu (1)
Uganda (2)
United Kingdom (4)
United States (204)
Vanuatu (3571)
Viet Nam (7)
Wallis and Futuna (10)
Top 100 Collectors
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
SN1-ETauRongo20160414HSBNWS Tauraki Raea Rongo: The North Wind and the Sun Sally Akevai Nicholas New Zealand 2 2016-06-03 View
DL1-015 Staab informant Don Laycock Staab German New Zealand 4 2016-04-22 View
JN2-ANALYSIS Pohowa Grammar & Dictionary John Newman Bohuai/Pohowa New Zealand Papua New Guinea 2 2021-08-09 View
SN1-20171016PrirRoi Modals with Roi and Piri Sally Akevai Nicholas Cook Islands Māori New Zealand 6 2017-12-22 View
PC1-East_Aoba East Aoba 1971-1972 Peter Crowe New Zealand Vanuatu 32 2023-06-09 View
DG5-PH03_004 4 MAORI NIGHT SHOW DANCE GROUP David Goldsworthy New Zealand 2 2016-03-23 View
DG5-PH03_005 5 MAORI NIGHT SHOW DANCE GROUP David Goldsworthy New Zealand 2 2016-03-23 View
DG5-PH03_006 6 MAORI NIGHT SHOW DANCE GROUP David Goldsworthy New Zealand 2 2016-03-23 View
AC1-222 Polynesian languages Arthur Capell Aitutake, Atiu, Rarotonga, Pakapuka, Uvea, Manihiki, Niue, Fijian, Tahiti, Tongan, Samoa American Samoa Cook Islands Fiji French Polynesia New Zealand Tonga Wallis and Futuna 14 2022-02-15 View
AC2-INIJAK103 Comparative word list in Wokam and Ujir Arthur Capell wokam and Uhir (Aro Island) East Timor Fiji Indonesia Kiribati Marshall Islands New Caledonia New Zealand Papua New Guinea Philippines Solomon Islands Vanuatu 9 2023-12-31 View
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