
2282 search results (5 ms)

Content Languages
'Are'are (1)
Abadi (1)
Abau (2)
Abkhaz (1)
Adyghe (1)
Ajië (1)
Ak (4)
Akei (1)
Akrukay (1)
Ambae, East (1)
Ambulas (3)
Amele (2)
Amharic (1)
Aneityum (1)
Angal (1)
Angal Enen (1)
Angal Heneng (1)
Anindilyakwa (1)
Anor (1)
Apali (2)
Arabic, Standard (1)
Arapesh, Bumbita (4)
Arop-Sissano (1)
Arosi (1)
Aruamu (4)
Askopan (1)
Atemble (12)
Au (1)
Auslan (73)
Axamb (1)
Babatana (1)
Baelelea (1)
Bahinemo (2)
Baki (1)
Baluan-Pam (5)
Bau (4)
Bauro (1)
Bengali (1)
Berinomo (1)
Biak (1)
Biem (1)
Bilakura (4)
Bilua (1)
Bislama (4)
Biwat (16)
Bo-Ung (360)
Boikin (2)
Bola (1)
Bongu (1)
Bosmun (2)
Bugawac (1)
Bughotu (1)
Bulgarian (1)
Buna (1)
Burmese (1)
Chamorro (2)
Changriwa (2)
Chinese (1)
Chinese, Hakka (1)
Chinese, Mandarin (1)
Chinese, Min Nan (1)
Chinese, Yue (1)
Czech (1)
Dakaka (1)
Dani, Western (1)
Danish (1)
Dehu (1)
Dengka (1)
Dobu (1)
Dom (1)
Duna (1)
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Efate, South (1)
Efik (1)
Ekari (1)
Emae (1)
Enga (1)
English (543)
Estonian (1)
Ewage-Notu (1)
Fas (30)
Fataleka (1)
Fijian (1)
Finnish (1)
Foi (2)
Frisian, Northern (1)
Futuna-Aniwa (1)
Gaelic, Scottish (1)
Ganda (1)
Gants (11)
Gao (1)
Garus (4)
Gedaged (1)
Gela (1)
Georgian (1)
Ghanongga (1)
Gimi (1)
Gogodala (2)
Gorakor (1)
Greek (1)
Greek, Ancient (1)
Gugubera (1)
Guriaso (54)
Hakö (1)
Halia (1)
Hano (1)
Hausa (1)
Hawaiian (1)
Heyo (36)
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Hmong Njua (1)
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Iaai (1)
Iatmul (2)
Icelandic (1)
Igbo (1)
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Ipili (1)
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Iwal (1)
Iwam, Sepik (2)
Iyo (4)
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Jilim (2)
Kabardian (1)
Kahua (1)
Kalam (39)
Kalanga (1)
Kap (2)
Kapingamarangi (1)
Karnai (1)
Kaytetye (1)
Kerewo (1)
Kewa, East (1)
Kewa, West (1)
Khehek (4)
Khmer, Central (1)
Khwe (1)
Kilivila (6)
Kilmeri (2)
Kiowa (1)
Kiribati (1)
Kis (1)
Kiwai, Southern (1)
Koitabu (1)
Korean (1)
Koro (retired) (1)
Kuanua (49)
Kuman (6)
Kuni (2)
Kurti (2)
Kwamera (1)
Kwara'ae (1)
Kwoma (4)
Kâte (1)
Lamenu (1)
Langam (29)
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Latvian (2)
Lau (2)
Lavukaleve (1)
Leipon (1)
Lele (10)
Lenakel (1)
Lengo (1)
Lewo (1)
Lithuanian (1)
Lo-Toga (1)
Loniu (2)
Lonwolwol (1)
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Loun (1)
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Maewo, Central (1)
Maia (5)
Maiani (4)
Mailu (1)
Maisin (1)
Mala (4)
Malagasy (1)
Malango (1)
Malas (5)
Malay (1)
Malay, Ambonese (1)
Malay, Kedah (1)
Malayalam (1)
Malo (1)
Manam (5)
Manambu (1)
Mangareva (1)
Manikion (1)
Maori (2)
Maranunggu (2)
Marathi (1)
Marind (1)
Maring (21)
Marovo (1)
Marshallese (1)
Matukar (103)
Mawak (4)
Maya, Yucatec (1)
Mekeo (2)
Mekmek (3)
Mele-Fila (1)
Melpa (2)
Misima-Paneati (1)
Mokerang (11)
Mondropolon (1)
Mota (1)
Motu (22)
Motu, Hiri (14)
Multiple languages (5)
Murik (2)
Murupi (4)
Musak (17)
Musar (4)
Mwerlap (1)
Mwotlap (1)
Nali (5)
Namakura (1)
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Nauruan (1)
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Ngalkbun (1)
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Ninde (2)
Nobonob (6)
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Numbami (1)
Nupe-Nupe-Tako (1)
Nyindrou (1)
One, Molmo (1)
Onjob (1)
Ontong Java (1)
Oroha (1)
Orokolo (1)
Owa (1)
Paama (3)
Pak-Tong (2)
Palauan (1)
Paluan (1)
Panim (3)
Papapana (1)
Papua New Guinean Sign Language (PNGSL) (73)
Pashto, Northern (1)
Pawaia (1)
Paynamar (13)
Penchal (2)
Petats (1)
Phuthi (1)
Pijin (4)
Piu (2)
Pohnpeian (1)
Polish (1)
Puare (1)
Puinave (2)
Pukapuka (1)
Pulabu (58)
Purari (1)
Rakahanga-Manihiki (1)
Ramoaaina (4)
Rao (2)
Rapa Nui (1)
Rarotongan (1)
Rawa (4)
Rennell-Bellona (1)
Rerep (1)
Romanian (1)
Romansch (1)
Rotokas (1)
Rotuman (1)
Roviana (1)
Sa (1)
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Sakao (1)
Saliba (1)
Sam (2)
Samoan (1)
Sanskrit (1)
Savosavo (1)
Sepen (2)
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Siane (1)
Siar-Lak (3)
Sibe (1)
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Sihan (4)
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Taiap (82)
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Terei (2)
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Toaripi (1)
Tok Pisin (2282)
Tongan (1)
Touo (1)
Triqui, Chicahuaxtla (1)
Triqui, Copala (1)
Triqui, San Martín Itunyoso (1)
Tuamotuan (1)
Tulu-Bohuai (1)
Tumleo (3)
Turkish (1)
Uare (1)
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Uisai (1)
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Ulau-Suain (2)
Ulithian (2)
Umpila (1)
Undetermined language (15)
Unserdeutsch (2)
Ura (retired) (1)
Urat (2)
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Uri (16)
Uvean, West (1)
Vaeakau-Taumako (1)
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Vietnamese (1)
Waima (1)
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Wallisian (1)
Wampar (18)
Wanambre (4)
Wandamen (1)
Wantoat (2)
Warapu (3)
Warumungu (1)
Warwar Feni (1)
Waskia (5)
Wedau (1)
Welsh (1)
Whitesands (1)
Wik-Mungkan (1)
Wogeo (2)
Wom (2)
Wutung (3)
Xhosa (1)
Yabem (2)
Yaben (4)
Yagwoia (151)
Yapese (2)
Yau (1)
Yaul (4)
Yele (1)
Yir Yoront (1)
Yopno (2)
Zabana (1)
Zulu (1)
Top 100 Collectors
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
GS1-H7b Students from Hagen Park High School, Western Highlands Province Geoff Smith Papua New Guinea 2 2019-01-29 View
GS1-H8a Students from Mt Hagen High School, Western Highlands Province Geoff Smith Papua New Guinea 2 2019-01-29 View
GS1-H9a Girl from Sinasina, Simbu Province, relative of a friend Geoff Smith Papua New Guinea 2 2019-01-29 View
GS1-H10b Continuation of Wabag Community School, Enga Province Geoff Smith Papua New Guinea 2 2019-01-29 View
GS1-H11a 1. Student from Wabag High School, Enga Province. 2. Continuation of students from Kondiu High School. Simbu Province Geoff Smith Papua New Guinea 2 2019-01-29 View
GS1-I1b 1. Students at Kimbe High School, West New Britain Province. 2. Kimbe Catholic Primary School, West New Britain Province. Geoff Smith Papua New Guinea 2 2019-01-29 View
GS1-I4b Students from Keravat Primary School, East New Britain Province Geoff Smith Papua New Guinea 2 2019-01-29 View
GS1-I7a 1. Continuing with students from Vanakanau Teachers' College, East New Britain Province; 2 Stories from friends of a colleage, Rabaul, East New Britain Geoff Smith Papua New Guinea 2 2019-01-29 View
GS1-I8a (5 minute intro of traditional music) Students from Utu High School, Kavieng, New Ireland Province Geoff Smith Papua New Guinea 2 2019-01-29 View
GS1-I8b 1. Continuing with students from Utu High School, Kavieng, New Ireland Province; 2. Students at Carteret Primary School, Kavieng, New Ireland Province Geoff Smith Papua New Guinea 2 2019-01-29 View
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