Item details
Item ID
Title Contents of Minidisc recorded in several Aiton villages, February 2005
Description This item contains a number of recordings from a single minidisc. The detailed metadata contains the following fields separated by a pipe | . Recording Name | Data type | Origination Date | Place Of Recording | Consultant(s) | Language Content | Item Description | Other Information. Metadata for each recording is separated by a % sign from the next recording. % SDM02-20050203-001 | Primary Text | 9/2/05 | Tengani | Nomal and Horen | Aiton | Tengani History | % SDM02-20050203-002 | Primary Text | 9/2/05 | Tengani | Nomal and Horen | Aiton | Tengani History continued | % SDM02-20050203-003 | Primary Text | 9/2/05 | Tengani | Nomal and Horen | Aiton | Tengani History continued | % SDM02-20050203-004 | Primary Text | 10/2/05 | Ban Nam Thum | Sa Cham | Aiton | History – treaty between British and Aitons | % SDM02-20050203-005 | Primary Text | 10/2/05 | Ban Nam Thum | Sui Khong | Aiton | On money values | % SDM02-20050203-006 | Primary Text | 10/2/05 | Ban Nam Thum | Sui Khong | Aiton | Kham Chat | % SDM02-20050203-007 | Primary Text | 10/2/05 | Ban Nam Thum | Sui Khong | Aiton | About hang | % SDM02-20050203-008 | Primary Text | 10/2/05 | Ban Nam Thum | Nang Wi | Aiton | Sangkyen Song | % SDM02-20050203-009 | Primary Text | 10/2/05 | Ban Nam Thum | Sa Cham | Aiton | Length of life and Buddhist teaching | % SDM02-20050203-010 | Primary Text | 10/2/05 | Ban Nam Thum | Sa Cham | Aiton | Length of life and Buddhist teaching continued | % SDM02-20050203-011 | Primary Text | 10/2/05 | Ban Nam Thum | Sa Cham | Aiton | Hunting tigers and snakes | % SDM02-20050203-012 | Primary Text | 10/2/05 | Ban Nam Thum | Sa Cham | Aiton | Pitakat Khau Tong Cang | % SDM02-20050203-013 | Primary Text | 11/2/05 | Silonijan | Nang Am | Aiton | On making Paper Tang Khon | % SDM02-20050203-014 | Primary Text | 11/2/05 | Silonijan | Nang Am | Aiton | On dancing | % SDM02-20050203-015 | Primary Text | 16/2/05 | Ahomani | Hu Map | Aiton | Language usage in Ahomani | % SDM02-20050203-016 | Primary Text | 17/2/05 | Ahomani | Hu Map | Aiton | Language usage in his family | % SDM02-20050203-017 | Primary Text | 17/2/05 | Ahomani | Hu Map | Aiton | Language usage in his family | %
Origination date 2005-01-01
Origination date free form February 2005
Archive link
Stephen Morey
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Aiton, Southwestern Tai language, about 1500 speakers (2005)
Subject language(s)
Content language(s)
Region / village Tengani and Duburoni (Ban Nam Thum) villages, Golaghat District; Ahomani village, Karbi Anglong District
Map No map data given - please add.
Originating university La Trobe University
Operator Stephen Morey
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles Stephen Morey : researcher
DOI 10.4225/72/56FBF11393B79
Cite as Stephen Morey (collector), Stephen Morey (researcher), 2005. Contents of Minidisc recorded in several Aiton villages, February 2005. MPEG/VND.WAV. SDM02-20050203 at
Content Files (34)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
SDM02-20050203-011.mp3 audio/mpeg 5.67 MB 00:06:11.860
SDM02-20050203-011.wav audio/vnd.wav 62.9 MB 00:06:12.656
SDM02-20050203-012.mp3 audio/mpeg 4.58 MB 00:05:00.370
SDM02-20050203-012.wav audio/vnd.wav 50.9 MB 00:05:01.0
SDM02-20050203-013.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.82 MB 00:01:59.444
SDM02-20050203-013.wav audio/vnd.wav 20.4 MB 00:01:59.664
SDM02-20050203-014.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.53 MB 00:01:40.236
SDM02-20050203-014.wav audio/vnd.wav 17.1 MB 00:01:40.415
SDM02-20050203-015.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.79 MB 00:01:57.542
SDM02-20050203-015.wav audio/vnd.wav 20.1 MB 00:01:57.748
10 files -- 187 MB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 34

Collection Information
Collection ID SDM02
Collection title Tai Aiton (India)
Description Audio recordings of Aiton made in several villages (India). Includes word lists, history, stories, proverbs, songs, chanting, and discussions about language and cultural activities.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Stephen Morey
Maria Karidakis
View/Download access Maria Karidakis
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative
RO-Crate Metadata

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