Collection details
Collection ID OOP1
Title OUT OF PAPUA Project
Description This collection contains language data of multiple languages of the proposed West Papuan language family that are collected for the purposes of the OUTOFPAPUA project. The OUTOFPAPUA project combines urgent documentation of endangered languages in Indonesia with rigorous investigation of a linguistic puzzle that has important implications for our understanding of both Melanesian and Southeast Asian prehistory. Some two dozen Papuan languages, scattered over a 1000km on and around the Bird's Head of West Papua, show signs of sharing a common origin. The OUTOFPAPUA project aims to test the hypothesis that these languages belong to a single West Papuan language family, and to investigate the possibility that their distribution reflects a migration of Papuan people, in relatively late prehistoric times, from the New Guinea mainland outward and westward into the Indonesian archipelago.

There are different Collector's for the Items in this Collection:

Items -- Collector
mqs_DP -- Dalan Perangin-Angin
SWR_NU -- Nazarudin Nazarudin
Archive link
Anne van Schie
Operator Nick Ward
Originating university Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Region / village
DOI 10.26278/0GAR-JE27
Cite as Anne van Schie (collector), 2018. OUT OF PAPUA Project. Collection OOP1 at [Closed Access].
Access information
Edit access Nick Ward
Data access conditions Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Data access details contact depositor or M. Zielenbach for access.
Items in Collection (39)

Item Title Actions
mqs_DP2_1 Text: a funny story about durians View
mqs_DP2_2 Text: a funny story about a husband and wife View
mqs_DP2_3 Text: a story about sumur da ao View
mqs_DP2_4 Text: a story about Japanese occupation View
mqs_DP2_5 Text: how to make cooking oil from coconuts View
mqs_DP2_6 Text: Makean language and culture in general View
mqs_DP2_7 Text: history of the Bacan Sultanate View
mqs_DP2_8 Text: the origin of the Tegono village View
mqs_DP2_9 Text: why young people don't speak the language View

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