Item details
Item ID
Title Ba'a Wordlist
Description A wordlist of 1228 items recorded in the Ba'a from Oelunggu village, Rote.

The wordlist was recorded in 23 sessions, roughly corresponding to semantic domains. Metadata of the speaker is recorded on the first recording.

1. 1-45; The physical world
2. 46-85; The physical world
3. 86-197; People, Animals
4. 198-249; Animals
5. 250-274; Animals
6. 275-407; The Body
7. 408-440; The Body
8. 441-554; Food and drink, Clothing and grooming, The house
9. 555-669; Agriculture and vegetation
10. 670-722; Basic actions
11. 723-785; Motion
12. 786-810; Possession
13. 811-835; Spatial relations
14. 838-884; Spatial relations
15. 885-932; Quantity
16. 933-970; Time
17. 971-1032; Sense perception
18. 1033-1076; Emotions and values
19. 1077-1125; Cognition
20. 1126-1156; Speech and language
21. 1157-1175; Social and political relations
22. 1176-1200; Warfare and hunting
23. 1201-1228; Law/Religion and belief

Each recording is accompanied by a video (.mp4) an audio file extracted from the video (.wav) and a backup recording made with a separate device. Items 1-45 and 670-722 also have accompanying time-aligned ELAN transcriptions.

LLG_20220708-WORDLIST contains a scan of the wordlist written by James Ngginak in orthography. Numbers correspond to the item number in the wordlist.

LLG_20220708-WORDLIST_1TO147_670TO722.pdf contains a scan of items 1-147 and 670-722 transcribed by Zuvyati Tlonaen.

Name of speaker James Ngginak.
Age 34.
Education Magister.
Occupation teacher.
Languages Ba'a Oelunggu, Indonesian, Kupang Malay, English.
Place of birth Rote Ba'a Oelunggu.
Father and mother place birth in Ba'a Oelunggu.
Father and mother languages Ba'a Oelunggu.
Collector is Zuviyati Tlonaen.
Place of recording in Uppsala University.
Origination date 2022-07-08
Origination date free form
Archive link
Owen Edwards
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Ba'a
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Ba'a Oelunggu
Region / village Ba'a, Desa: Oelunggu, Island: RoteProvince: Nusa Tenggara Timor, Country: Indonesia
Originating university
Data Categories lexicon
Data Types
Discourse type formulaic_discourse
Roles James Ngginak : consultant
James Ngginak : transcriber
Zuvyati Tlonaen : interviewer
Zuvyati Tlonaen : recorder
Zuvyati Tlonaen : transcriber
DOI 10.26278/E4NA-CA91
Cite as Owen Edwards (collector), James Ngginak (consultant, transcriber), Zuvyati Tlonaen (interviewer, recorder, transcriber), 2022. Ba'a Wordlist. MPEG/MP4/MXF/VND.WAV/PDF/EAF+XML. OCSEAN-LLG_20220703 at
Content Files (98)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_198TO249.mp4 video/mp4 1.69 GB 00:08:53.759
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_198TO249.mxf application/mxf 16.9 GB
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_198TO249.wav audio/vnd.wav 293 MB 00:08:53.802
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_1TO147_670TO722.pdf application/pdf 1.99 MB
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_1TO45.eaf application/eaf+xml 36.1 KB
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_1TO45.mp3 audio/mpeg 19.2 MB 00:21:00.549
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_1TO45.mp4 video/mp4 3.98 GB 00:21:00.480
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_1TO45.mxf application/mxf 42.9 GB
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_1TO45.wav audio/vnd.wav 693 MB 00:21:00.519
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_250TO274.mp3 audio/mpeg 3.97 MB 00:04:19.769
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_250TO274.mp4 video/mp4 841 MB 00:04:19.680
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_250TO274.mxf application/mxf 8.23 GB
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_250TO274.wav audio/vnd.wav 143 MB 00:04:19.733
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_275TO407.mp3 audio/mpeg 19.2 MB 00:21:00.549
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_275TO407.mp4 video/mp4 3.98 GB 00:21:00.480
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_275TO407.mxf application/mxf 40 GB
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_275TO407.wav audio/vnd.wav 693 MB 00:21:00.519
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_408TO440.mp3 audio/mpeg 3.69 MB 00:04:01.509
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_408TO440.mp4 video/mp4 782 MB 00:04:01.439
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_408TO440.mxf application/mxf 7.5 GB
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_408TO440.wav audio/vnd.wav 133 MB 00:04:01.492
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_441TO554.mp3 audio/mpeg 13.6 MB 00:14:51.907
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_441TO554.mp4 video/mp4 2.82 GB 00:14:51.840
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_441TO554.mxf application/mxf 28.2 GB
OCSEAN-LLG_20220703-WORDLIST_441TO554.wav audio/vnd.wav 490 MB 00:14:51.883
25 files -- 160 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 98

Collection Information
Collection ID OCSEAN
Collection title Wordlists of languages of Indonesia and the Philippines
Description Recordings and transcription of a large wordlist (c. 1,100 items) for many languages of Indonesia and the Philippines. Additional textual data was collected for a subset of languages.

Made as part of the OCSEAN (OCeanic and South East Asian Navigators; MSCA-RISE-2019, Project Number 873207) project. The initial workshop was held in Uppsala, Sweden from 20 June to 15 July 2022.
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Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Nick Ward
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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