Item details
Item ID
Title Iluwanti Ken, Rene Kulitja, Josephine Mick & Tinpulya Mervyn
Description Thursday 9 November 2017

Myfany Turpin's ARC songs project

Interpretor: Patrick Hookey
Film Shooter: Shane Malcahey, format of original is .mxf

Pitjatjatjara women:
Iluwanti Ken
Renee Kulitja
Josephine Mick
Tinpulya Mervyn

recorded at Angela Lynch and Patrick Hokey's place, Ragget St Alice Springs

discussing memories of wanji-wanji songs, singing and some discussion of song texts.
Played Moyle 076 recordings of some wanji wanji songs
See attached word doc of questions and song texts (not all of which were played.

File listing

DVp_4730: MMT1-20171109-4730 Iluwanti 35 mins
DVp_4731: MMT1-20171109-4731 Tinpulya 14 mins
DVp_4732: MMT1-20171109-4732 Josephine 11 mins
DVp_4733: MMT1-20171109-4733 All, demonstrating dance to verse 'litampirrka' 1:46 min
DVp_4734: MMT1-20171109-4734 All, singing and discussing verse 'tuntunparturla nyinanya' 6:30 min
DVp_4735: MMT1-20171109-4735 nothing
DVp_4736: MMT1-20171109-4736 All, singing verse 'yami-yampi' 2:32
DVp_4737: MMT1-20171109-4737 nothing
DVp_4738: MMT1-20171109-4738 discussing ngangkari and marrali 1:26
DVp_4739.mxf: MMT1-20171109-4739 discussing police tracks ?? 1:33

Pitjantjatjara women remember Wanji-wanji, a song from their childhood

Interview with Iluwanti Mervyn, Tinpulya Ken, Josephine Mick and Renee Kulitja by Patrick Hookey about a public ceremony that was once sung across central and western Australia. The song takes them back to their childhood in the north-west of south Australia, as well as Ernabella, Ooldea and Gerard Aboriginal Reserve.

From 2017-2019 musicologist Myfany Turpin and Interpretor Patrick Hookey interviewed Aboriginal people from NT, SA and WA about this song, playing recordings of it to people and learning about the time when it was popular.

Made with the financial support of the University of Sydney and the Australian Research Council - FT40100783

Translation by Beth Sometimes, with assistance from Lorna Wilson and Teresa XXX.

Camera: Shane Malcahey
Subtitles: Wanyima Wighton
Origination date 2017-11-09
Origination date free form Thursday 9 November 2017
Archive link
myfany turpin
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
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Region / village
Originating university University of Sydney
Operator Jodie Kell
Data Categories historical text
primary text
Data Types MovingImage
Discourse type interactive_discourse
DOI 10.26278/VXYV-NF64
Cite as myfany turpin (collector), 2017. Iluwanti Ken, Rene Kulitja, Josephine Mick & Tinpulya Mervyn. MP4/MXF/PDF. MMT1-20171109 at
Content Files (27)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
MMT1-20171109-4739.mxf application/mxf 1.71 GB
MMT1-20171109-4739txt.pdf application/pdf 9.68 KB
2 files -- 1.71 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 27

Collection Information
Collection ID MMT1
Collection title Interviews about the Wanji-wanji ceremony, a travelling corroboree of inland Australia
Description Interviews and playings of legacy recordings of Wanji-wanji an Aboriginal travelling song popular in the western half of Australia in the early 20th Century.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access myfany turpin
Jodie Kell
Clint Bracknell
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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