Item details
Item ID
Title Gorragorra
Description This item has video recorded at Jibalbal outstation in 1995 originally on VHS. The footage shows Charlie Mawundanga, Rosie Jinmujinggul and Betty Warnduk building a traditional wet season shelter. Some of Rosie and Charlie's grandchildren also appear in the video. In 2013 this footage was digitised and shared with the family, after the passing of Rosie and Charlie. The following year, Rose Ngardiny Darcy recorded a voiceover track for an edited version of the film and this was produced as a DVD for family viewing.
This edited version is included in the deposit. Also included is video and audio files aligned to a transcription file. Sentence examples and audio have been extracted for inclusion in the Gijingarliya Wengga dictionary.

The original audio recordings of Rose Darcy are in item 20130517_GN - see files: 20130517-07, 20130517-08
Origination date
Origination date free form
Archive link
Margaret Carew
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Gun-nartpa
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Gun-nartpa
Region / village Maningrida
Originating university Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education (N.T.)
Operator Margaret Carew
Data Categories
Data Types
Discourse type
DOI 10.26278/XDQA-ZB46
Cite as Margaret Carew (collector). Gorragorra. EAF+XML/MPEG/MP4/MXF/VND.WAV. MLC2-1995JBB at
Content Files (7)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
MLC2-1995JBB-compile.eaf application/eaf+xml 336 KB
MLC2-1995JBB-compile.mp3 audio/mpeg 35.8 MB 00:39:02.829
MLC2-1995JBB-compile.mp4 video/mp4 626 MB 00:39:02.800
MLC2-1995JBB-compile.mxf application/mxf 12.1 GB
MLC2-1995JBB-compile.wav audio/vnd.wav 1.26 GB 00:39:02.800
MLC2-1995JBB-gorragorra.mp4 video/mp4 1.14 GB 00:31:18.200
MLC2-1995JBB-gorragorra.mxf application/mxf 6.37 GB
7 files -- 21.5 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 7

Collection Information
Collection ID MLC2
Collection title Burarra/Gun-nartpa and Djinang/Wurlaki material collected since 2010 in Maningrida
Description Audio and video recordings of Maningrida languages since 2010, primarily from the Burarra/Gun-nartpa and Djinang/Wurlaki languages. Items also include text-based works (dictionary and grammar). The collection also includes a number of filmed public performances of song and dance from a range of language groups and some other miscellaneous material. Additional languages represented include Ndjébbana, Kuninjku, Kune and Gupapuyngu.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Margaret Carew
Julia Colleen Miller
Nick Thieberger
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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RO-Crate Metadata

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