Item details
Item ID
Title Photographs
Description LG1-PICS-1644 ; Pondri and Maling ; 2010-10-23 ; View of Maling (above) and Pondri (below) form Kapurgaun. | LG1-PICS-1646 ; Path to Namgyu ; 2010-10-23 ; The path through to Namgyu off the Maling-bound road. | LG1-PICS-1656 ; Corn stacks ; 2010-10-23 ; Stacks of corn drying in Toljung. | LG1-PICS-1667 ; Beehive ; 2010-10-23 ; A beehive built into the house. In Toljung. | LG1-PICS-1670 ; Rice fields ; 2010-10-23 ; Terraced fields planted with rice. | LG1-PICS-1680 ; Nayagaun and Namgyu from Toljung ; 2010-10-23 ; The view of Nayagaun (foreground) and Namgyu (background) from theToljung/Nayagaun kompa. | LG1-PICS-1683 ; Ermang leaves ; 2010-10-23 ; "Leaves of ermang, a traditional herb used in cooking and medicine." | LG1-PICS-1689 ; Sho' for chang ; 2010-10-24 ; "A 'Sho' used for straining chang, a milky looking millet beer." | LG1-PICS-1691 ; "Cooking area, image 1" ; 2010-10-24 ; The cooking area in the house of Nanda Badu and Aitimaya Lama. | LG1-PICS-1692 ; "Cooking area, image 2" ; 2010-10-24 ; The cooking area in the house of Nanda Badu and Aitimaya Lama. | LG1-PICS-1694 ; Ploughing ; 2010-10-24 ; Ploughing the fields in Toljung for potato planting. | LG1-PICS-1695 ; House ; 2010-10-24 ; The house of Nanda Badu and Aitimaya Lama in Toljung. | LG1-PICS-1700 ; Corn mill ; 2010-10-24 ; A small corn mill on the balcony of the house of Nanda Badu and Aitimaya Lama in Toljung. | LG1-PICS-1725 ; Phap yeast ; 2010-10-24 ; Basket of 'phap' the yeast starter for making alcohol. | LG1-PICS-1745 ; Sifter and basket ; 2010-10-26 ; "A large bambo sifter (loma) and basket (chelba), in the house of Kasi Lama, Kapurgaun." | LG1-PICS-1746 ; basket (dalo) ; 2010-10-26 ; A small bambo storage basket (dalo). | LG1-PICS-1747 ; Bamboo (milin) ; 2010-10-26 ; smaller bamboo used for making dalo baskets. | LG1-PICS-1748 ; "Bamboo (milin, split)" ; 2010-10-26 ; "smaller bamboo, this time split for making other househouse items." | LG1-PICS-1759 ; "Dalo making, pt. 1" ; 2010-10-26 ; "The process of making dalo, in Ghaleshing." | LG1-PICS-1762 ; "Dalo making, pt. 2" ; 2010-10-26 ; "The process of making dalo, in Ghaleshing." | LG1-PICS-1764 ; "Dalo making, pt. 3" ; 2010-10-26 ; "The process of making dalo, in Ghaleshing." | LG1-PICS-1765 ; "Dalo making, pt. 4" ; 2010-10-26 ; "The process of making dalo, in Ghaleshing." | LG1-PICS-1767 ; "Dalo making, pt. 5" ; 2010-10-26 ; "The process of making dalo, in Ghaleshing." | LG1-PICS-1768 ; "Dalo making, pt. 6" ; 2010-10-26 ; "The process of making dalo, in Ghaleshing." | LG1-PICS-2145 ; completed dalo ; 2010-11-17 ; A completed dalo. | LG1-PICS-2164 ; Drying millet ; 2010-11-20 ; Drying millet in Nayagaun. | LG1-PICS-2171 ; Husking rice ; 2010-11-21 ; "Husking rice after harvest, for comsumption." | LG1-PICS-2172 ; Winnowing rice ; 2010-11-21 ; Winnowing rice as part of the husking process shown in imaage 2171. | LG1-PICS-2176 ; Stores of millet ; 2010-11-21 ; Large storage baskets of recently harvested millet - not yet dried. In the family house of Kasi Lama's husband. | LG1-PICS-2180 ; Crushing rice into flour ; 2010-11-21 ; Crushing husked rice to make flour for roti. | LG1-PICS-2181 ; Haystack ; 2010-11-21 ; Typical haystack found in Yolmo villages. This one is in lower Nayagaun and is constructed from rice hay| LG1-PICS-2183 ; Door inscription ; 2010-11-21 ; Instription pasted to a door of a Yolmo house in Nayagaun. | LG1-PICS-2186 ; "Millet harvest, image 1" ; 2010-11-21 ; Millet harvest in lower Nayagaun. | LG1-PICS-2187 ; "Millet harvest, image 1" ; 2010-11-21 ; Millet harvest in lower Nayagaun. | LG1-PICS-2190 ; Mat weaving ; 2010-11-22 ; Weaving aparatus for making rice-straw woven mats. | LG1-PICS-2720 ; "Dalo making, sides" ; 2011-01-17 ; Adding the sides to the dalo for weaving. | LG1-PICS-2721 ; "Dalo making, outer later, pt. 1" ; 2011-01-17 ; Starting the outer layer of a double layered dalo. | LG1-PICS-2722 ; "Dalo making, outer layer, pt. 2" ; 2011-01-17 ; Starting the outer layer of a double layered dalo. | LG1-PICS-2723 ; "Distilling arak, pt. 1" ; 2011-01-19 ; Filling the kún_e with t_há_ over the fireplace. | LG1-PICS-2726 ; Breaking up phap to make t_há_ ; 2011-01-19 ; Breaking up the phap (yeast) for the making of t_há_. | LG1-PICS-2727 ; "Distilling arak, pt. 2" ; 2011-01-19 ; Placing the tsáma in the há_a on top of the kún_e. | LG1-PICS-2728 ; "Distilling arak, pt. 3" ; 2011-01-19 ; The há_a on top of the kún_e. | LG1-PICS-2729 ; "Distilling arak, pt. 4" ; 2011-01-19 ; "The pòni on top of the há_a, filled with cold water to create condensation. The thére is wrapped around to seal the apparatus. | LG1-PICS-2730 ; Tsarmu and mustard greens ; 2011-01-19 ; "A wide, open basket used for holding greens, in this case mustard greens." | LG1-PICS-2731 ; Potato harvest ; 2011-01-19 ; Harvested potato in Namgyu village. | LG1-PICS-2735 ; "Churn, image 1" ; 2011-01-21 ; Churning milk to make cream and butter. | LG1-PICS-2736 ; "Churn, image 2" ; 2011-01-21 ; Churning milk to make cream and butter. Here we see the inside of the churn. | LG1-PICS-2738 ; Torma- masa tamsum ; 2011-01-21 ; "Torma are used in funeral celebrations, these are not finished being decorated. " | LG1-PICS-2739 ; Torma – shing gong pomo ; 2011-01-21 ; "Torma are used in funeral celebrations, these are not finished being decorated. " | LG1-PICS-2740 ; Torma – tinglo and karto-marto ; 2011-01-21 ; "Torma are used in funeral celebrations, these are not finished being decorated. " | LG1-PICS-2741 ; Torma – Kyektor ; 2011-01-21 ; "Torma are used in funeral celebrations, these are not finished being decorated. " | LG1-PICS-2747 ; Torma – decorated ; 2011-01-21 ; Decorations (ken) being placed on a torma. | LG1-PICS-2757 ; Torma – edible ; 2011-01-21 ; Edible torma that is handed out during the course of the funeral event. | LG1-PICS-2743 ; Torma – all decorated ; 2011-01-21 ; "Torma, all decorated and set out for the funeral event. " | LG1-PICS-2752 ; "Butter candles, arranging" ; 2011-01-21 ; "Setting out butter candles into lots of 108, an auspicious number in Buddhism. " | LG1-PICS-2756 ; "Butter candles, filling" ; 2011-01-21 ; Filling the candles with melted butter. | LG1-PICS-2761 ; "Butter candles, lighting" ; 2011-01-21 ; Lighting the candles as a part of the funeral celebrations. | LG1-PICS-2768 ; "Funeral offerings pyre, image 1" ; 2011-01-22 ; Pyre at a funeral in which Torma are placed. | LG1-PICS-2770 ; "Funeral offerings pyre, image 2" ; 2011-01-22 ; "The fire being lit, lots of greenery is used to create a very visible smoke." | LG1-PICS-2772 ; "Funeral offerings pyre, image 3" ; 2011-01-22 ; "Offerings of food, including the edible torma are thrown into the fire. " | LG1-PICS-2784 ; Digging for Taro ; 2011-01-25 ; Digging for wild Taro in Lower Nayagaun. | LG1-PICS-2788 ; Taro ; 2011-01-25 ; "The taro, once dug up." | LG1-PICS-2792 ; "Puzi, Raksi cup" ; 2011-01-25 ; A puzi – a small wooden tumbler with a lid for drinking raksi (alcohol). | LG1-PICS-2793 ; Milling corn ; 2011-01-25 ; Kasi Lama using a lagor (millstone) to grind corn. The corn is for making alcohol. | LG1-PICS-2800 ; "Dancing at wedding, Toljung" ; 2011-01-30 ; "Dancing on the first evening of a wedding in the bride's village (Toljung). The girl is Sermila Lama, and is wearing a traditional Tibetan dress." | LG1-PICS-2802 ; "Wedding procession, image 1" ; 2011-01-31 ; The wedding procession leaving the bride's village (Toljung) in the morning. The bride is carried on the backs of members of the groom's family and the groom is also carried triumphantly on the shoulders of his family members. | LG1-PICS-2820 ; "Wedding procession, image 2" ; 2011-01-31 ; The wedding procession entering the groom's village (Pondri). | LG1-PICS-2822 ; Guests seated at wedding feast ; 2011-01-31 ; "Guests, on arrival at the groom's village, seating for the wedding feast. " | LG1-PICS-2823 ; Bride and Groom ; 2011-01-31 ; The bride and groom receive tika (blessings) and gifts of money from family members. | LG1-PICS-2824 ; "Dancing at wedding, Pondri" ; 2011-01-31 ; Dancing also occurs in the groom's village. | LG1-PICS-2825 ; Pondri ; 2011-01-31 ; Pondri village as seen from the half-way rest point on the path up to the jeep road. | LG1-PICS-2841 ; Toljung and other villages ; 2011-02-04 ; "In this image, taken from the fields of Toljung can be seen Toljung village, the Toljung-Nayagaun gompa, and some of Nayagaun. In the distance can be seen Namgyu, and above it in the very distance, Ghaleshing. " | LG1-PICS-2854 ; Dancing in Nayagaun ; 2011-02-05 ; A small group of people in Nayagaun sing and dance to celebrate Losar (Tibetan New Year). LG1-PICS-3758 ; Newly installed water tap in Kapurgaun ; 2012-03-02 ; Kapurgaun completed a network of drinking water taps at the end of 2011. There is one tap out the front of each house. There are still only communal taps in the Yolmo speaking villages | LG1-PICS-3806 ; Plant for making brooms ; 2012-03-03 ; This is a phyáma tʃhée (lit. 'broom grass') tree - the leaves are fed to animals and the fronts are used to construct brooms. | LG1-PICS-3811 ; kùgu tséema - edible greens ; 2012-03-03 ; One of the many varieties of edible leafy greens. | LG1-PICS-3813 ; kùgu tséema - edible greens ; 2012-03-03 ; One of the many varieties of edible leafy greens. Image of an individual leaf. | LG1-PICS-3841 ; Dali Maya Lama basket weaving ; 2012-03-05 ; Dali Maya Lama basket weaving in her backyard in Kapurgaun. | LG1-PICS-3871 ; Clan pray event ; 2012-03-06 ; The ʃàŋba clan's prayer ceremony, held every three years. This year it was held in Kapurgaun. | LG1-PICS-3873 ; Clan pray event ; 2012-03-06 ; The ʃàŋba clan's prayer ceremony, held every three years. This year it was held in Kapurgaun. | LG1-PICS-3876 ; Clan pray event ; 2012-03-06 ; The ʃàŋba clan's prayer ceremony, held every three years. This year it was held in Kapurgaun. | LG1-PICS-3883 ; Clan pray event ; 2012-03-06 ; The ʃàŋba clan's prayer ceremony, held every three years. This year it was held in Kapurgaun. | LG1-PICS-3885 ; Clan pray event ; 2012-03-06 ; The ʃàŋba clan's prayer ceremony, held every three years. This year it was held in Kapurgaun. | LG1-PICS-3887 ; Clan pray event ; 2012-03-06 ; The ʃàŋba clan's prayer ceremony, held every three years. This year it was held in Kapurgaun. | LG1-PICS-3911 ; Tree felling in Toljung ; 2012-03-08 ; Tree felling in Toljung. LG1-PICS-8837 ; Shri Jana Jyoti School in Baglung Pani where many of the Yolmo children go to school. New wing. ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8838 ; Funding for assembly hall at Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8840 ; Library at Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8841 ; Computer room at Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8842 ; Funding for the new wing at Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8843 ; Funding for the new wing at Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8845 ; Funding for an older wing of the Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani ; where the junior year level students are ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8846 ; Funding for the wing where year 8-10 students study at Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8847 ; Grounds of Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8848 ; Junior wing of Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani with Himalayas in background ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8852 ; Funding for teachers office wing of the Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8860 ; Entrance to Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8864 ; Subsidised canteen at Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani where Kasi Lama works ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8865 ; View of Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani from the hill above ; 2016-05-15. | LG1-PICS-8871 ; Funding for lower entrance gate of Shri Jana Jyoti School ; Baglung Pani ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8880 ; Family heirloom Buddha statue belonging to Nanda Bahadur ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8881 ; Family heirloom Buddha statue belonging to Nanda Bahadur ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8882 ; Family thanka belonging to Nanda Bahadur ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8883 ; Detail of family thanka belonging to Nanda Bahadur ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8884 ; Detail of family thanka belonging to Nanda Bahadur ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8885 ; Detail of family thanka belonging to Nanda Bahadur ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8886 ; Detail of family thanka belonging to Nanda Bahadur ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8887 ; Detail of family thanka belonging to Nanda Bahadur ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8888 ; Detail of family thanka belonging to Nanda Bahadur ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8891 ; Dali Maya Lama reading the book on basketmaking containing her words and images ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8908 ; A hanging made from eggs to keep a house safe ; in Toljung ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8909 ; The 2073BS Yolmo Society Calendar ; top half ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8928 ; Nanda Bahadur's new house ; 2016-05-16. | LG1-PICS-8941 ; Dali Maya Lama putting the top on an almost complete basket ; 2016-05-19. | LG1-PICS-8947 ; Dali Maya Lama putting the top on an almost complete basket ; 2016-05-19. | LG1-PICS-8956 ; The start of a new road down to Toljung ; started around 12 months ago and uncompleted ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8962 ; Banana tree in fruit at Nanda Bahadur's house in Toljung ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8963 ; Certificate for completing a basket-making course ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8967 ; Corn growing in Toljung ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8968 ; Corn growing in Toljung ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8969 ; Nanda Bahadur's house in Toljung ; now empty ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8979 ; Inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8980 ; Inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun ; detail of central Buddha ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8982 ; Ceremonial shell horn inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8983 ; Thanka inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8984 ; Thanka inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8985 ; Thanka inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8986 ; Thanka inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-8987 ; Thanka inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9000 ; Kneeding rice to make Torma inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9007 ; Alter inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun decorated for a candle lighting ceremony to mark the birthday of the Buddha ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9009 ; Lamas performing prayers inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun decorated for a candle lighting ceremony to mark the birthday of the Buddha ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9010 ; Kasi ; Nirmila and Nabina participating in the prayers inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun decorated for a candle lighting ceremony to mark the birthday of the Buddha ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9012 ; Lighting 108 candles inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun decorated for a candle lighting ceremony to mark the birthday of the Buddha ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9013 ; Lighting 108 candles inside the Yolmo Gompa between Toljung and Nayagaun decorated for a candle lighting ceremony to mark the birthday of the Buddha ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9021 ; A sign in Toljung from aid agencies advocating DFZ ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9022 ; Nirmila and Nabina in Toljung ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9023 ; A chicken's claw and dear antlers outside a door in Toljung ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9024 ; Decorative window in a house in Nayagaun. This checkered pattern is very popular ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9025 ; Nayagaun with the gompa in the distance ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9026 ; An abandoned house in Nayagaun ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9027 ; Houses in Nayagaun with the new electricty lines ; 2016-05-21. | LG1-PICS-9028 ; Terraces of Nayagaun and Toljung ; 2016-05-21.
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Lauren Gawne
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Lamjung Yolmo
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Lamjung
Region / village
Map No map data given - please add.
Originating university University of Melbourne
Data Categories primary text
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DOI 10.4225/72/56F6AB7C503DA
Cite as Lauren Gawne (collector). Photographs. JPEG. LG1-PICS at
Content Files (143)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
LG1-PICS-8843.JPG image/jpeg 2.77 MB
LG1-PICS-8845.JPG image/jpeg 2.62 MB
LG1-PICS-8846.JPG image/jpeg 2.92 MB
LG1-PICS-8847.JPG image/jpeg 2.29 MB
LG1-PICS-8848.JPG image/jpeg 2.24 MB
LG1-PICS-8852.JPG image/jpeg 2.59 MB
LG1-PICS-8860.JPG image/jpeg 2.85 MB
LG1-PICS-8864.JPG image/jpeg 3.35 MB
LG1-PICS-8865.JPG image/jpeg 2.45 MB
LG1-PICS-8871.JPG image/jpeg 2.98 MB
10 files -- 27 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID LG1
Collection title Yolmo (also known as Helambu Sherpa, Nepal)
Description Audio recordings of grammatical elicitation, words lists, texts, narratives and conversations. Also one video recording of conversation picture task. Sessions mainly conducted in Nepali and Yolmo. Accompanying Transcriber or ELAN files provided for most files. Also a small number of recordings with Kagate speakers (Ramechhap district), Melamchi Valley Yolmo speakers and Ilam Yolmo speakers.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
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