Collection details
Collection ID LB2
Title Tuscan sung popular theatre field recordings, 1992-2000
Description Field recordings of maggio sung popular theatre and related events recorded by Linda Barwick from 1992-2000, mainly in the Garfagnana region of Tuscany (Italy). Linda Barwick also holds annotated booklets of the texts published by the Centro tradizioni popolari della Provincia di Lucca, which have been marked up with details of when relevant recordings start and finish.
Archive link
Linda Barwick
Originating university University of Sydney
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Region / village Garfagnana valley, provincia di Lucca, Toscana
DOI 10.4225/72/56E825A594458
Cite as Linda Barwick (collector), 1956. Tuscan sung popular theatre field recordings, 1992-2000. Collection LB2 at [Open Access].
Access information
Edit access Linda Barwick
anje rossendell-piper
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access details These recordings are of public performances.
Items in Collection (338)

Item Title Actions
92PIX01 Photographs of Maggio 'I Vichinghi' by Compagnia Val Dolo at Gragnanella 12/7/1992 View

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