Item details
Item ID
Title Adalbertrange II (Madang Comparative Wordlists)
Description Notebook #Vb-34838.0767 in the Basel Museum collection of John Z'Graggen's materials.
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John Zgraggen
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Data Types Image
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Roles John Zgraggen : compiler
DOI 10.26278/N87G-PC83
Cite as John Zgraggen (collector), John Zgraggen (compiler). Adalbertrange II (Madang Comparative Wordlists). JPEG/TIFF. JZ3-ADALBERTRANGE_II at
Content Files (372)
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Collection Information
Collection ID JZ3
Collection title John Z'Graggen's notebooks, questionnaires in languages from the Madang region
Description A set of notebooks that represent questionnaires per language, filled in by hand, in addition to summaries that list each word and its equivalent in the range of languages covered in the set of around 180 languages. These notebooks are held by the Basel Museum and were imaged by the curator for Oceania, Beatrice Voirol, with assistance from the ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language in 2021.

Many of the questionnaires include the article: "New Guinea Comparative Wordlist" (1971 Anthropos Institute). Copies of this article are not included for each item, but an example can be seen in JZ3-ROINDJI.

Note that images of blank pages, including pages with no added information, are not stored in this collection (hence the gaps in the sequence of filenames). Languages covered in this work are listed by the author as follows: Abasakur; Adalbert; Adalbertrange; Adjora; Adzera; Aiome; Aion; Akrukay; Amaimon; Amele; Andarum; Angaua; Anor; Arawum; Ariangon; Arop; Asas; Asat; Atample; Awar; Bagupi; Bai; Baimak; Banaro; Bau; Bemal; Bepour; Bilakura; Bilbil; Biyom; Bogadjim; Bom; Bongli; Bonkiman; Bosman; Breri; Bulgobi; Bunabun; Dahating; Danaru; Degenan; Dimir; Domung; Duduela; Dumpu; Emerum; Erima; Faita; Forak; Gabutamon; Gal; Gamaei; Ganglau; Garuh; Garus; Gedaged; Gende; Gira; Girawa; Giri; Gorovu; Guarak; Gumalu; Ham; Hininon; Igana; Ikundun; Isabi; Isan; Isebe; Itutang; Jgom; Jilim; Kaian; Kamba; Kananam; Kare; Katiai; Kesawai; Kewieng; Koguman; Kolom; Kominimung; Komunimug_igana; Korak; Korige; Kosilanta; Kowaki; Kuman; Kuminimung_igana; Kwato; Lapting; Lemio; Lilau; Malalamai; Malas; Male; Mapi; Matepi; Matukar; Mawak; Mawan; Megiar; Midsivindi; Mikarew; Mindiri; Moere; Morafa; Moresada; Moromoringa; Mosimo; Mugil; Munit; Murupi; Musak; Musar; Nahu; Nahu_koki; Nake; Nankina; Nekgini; Neko; Ngaing; Nokopo; Osum; Panim; Parawen; Pay; Paynamar; Pila; Pondoma; Pulab; Pulabu; Rao; Rawa; Rempi; Rerau; Roindji; Romkun; Roro; Saep; Saki; Samosa; Saruga; Sausi; Sengam; Sepen; Sihan; Sileibi; Silopi; Sinsauri; Songum; Sumau; Suroy; Takia; Tangu; Tanguat; Tani; Tauya; Tevari; Ukuriguma; Ulingan; Urigina; Usino; Usu; Utu; Wab; Wadaginamp; Wamas; Wanambre; Wanuma; Waskia; Watam; Yaben; Yabong; Yagomi; Yangulam; Yarawata; Yogayoga; Yoidik.
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Edit access Nick Thieberger
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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