Item details
Item ID
Title MalakMalak Field notebook (4)
Description Notebook corresponds to tapes:
IG8-018 to IG8-036

Miscellaneous pages are as follows:
N04016 - N04024 (These pages include check lists)
N04044 - N04046 (Dated 13/6/91)

Correspondences between field note pages and audio recordings are as follows. These are based on dates and titles in the field notes; the recordings have not been listened to to confirm the correspondences. Many (but not all) of the following pages are also archived with their respective tapes.

IG8-018: N04001 - N04008, maybe N04014 - N04015
IG8-019: N04001 - N04008, maybe N04014 - N04015
IG8-020: N04009 - N04013
IG8-021: N04009 - N04012, N04025 - N04028
IG8-022: N04025 - N04028
IG8-023: N04029 - N04035
IG8-024: N04035 - N04045
IG8-025: N04031 - N04045
IG8-026: N04047 - N04051
IG8-027: N04052 - N04065
IG8-028: N04052 - N04065
IG8-029: N04065 - N04070
IG8-030: N04071 - N04080
IG8-031: N04081 - N04089
IG8-032: N04081 - N04096
IG8-033: N04090 - N04101
IG8-034: N04097 - N04101
IG8-035: N04102 - N04120
IG8-036: N04110 - N04120

File names for each of the above are adapted to reflect the tape they relate to (e.g. IG8-N04-N04001 becomes IG8-018-N04001 in tape item).

Origination date 1991-05-21
Origination date free form 21st May 1991 - 29th May 1992
Archive link
Ian Green
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Region / village
Originating university
Data Categories
Data Types
Discourse type
DOI 10.4225/72/59888ea713d43
Cite as Ian Green (collector), 1991. MalakMalak Field notebook (4). JPEG/TIFF. IG8-N04 at
Content Files (240)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
IG8-N04-N04051.jpg image/jpeg 1.66 MB
IG8-N04-N04051.tif image/tiff 98.4 MB
IG8-N04-N04052.jpg image/jpeg 1.21 MB
IG8-N04-N04052.tif image/tiff 99.5 MB
IG8-N04-N04053.jpg image/jpeg 2.17 MB
IG8-N04-N04053.tif image/tiff 99.4 MB
IG8-N04-N04054.jpg image/jpeg 2.08 MB
IG8-N04-N04054.tif image/tiff 99.6 MB
IG8-N04-N04055.jpg image/jpeg 1.25 MB
IG8-N04-N04055.tif image/tiff 97.5 MB
10 files -- 503 MB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 240

Collection Information
Collection ID IG8
Collection title MalakMalak
Description Recordings and field notebooks.
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
Kate Charlwood
Rachel Nordlinger
View/Download access Rachel Nordlinger
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative
RO-Crate Metadata

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