Item details
Item ID
Title Marrithiyel Field notebook (6)
Description Notebook corresponds to tapes IG1-030, IG1-031 and IG1-032

Page matching not yet done.

However, the following correspondences between audio recording and field notes may apply. They are based on dates and other clues in the field notes. The recordings themselves have not been listened to for confirmation of correspondence.

IG1-030: N06001 to N06032 (these pages cover phonology), maybe also N06033 to N06056
IG1-031: N06057 to N06064, N06084
IG1-032: maybe N06065 to N06070 (9/7/1991), maybe N06071 to N06083 (10/7/1991)

When page matching is done, these files should be copied into the relevant audio recording items and names adapted to reflect the tape they relate to (e.g. IG1-N01-N01001 becomes IG1-001-N01001 in tape item).


N06003: 8/6/90 | N06007: [Page ¾] – Tape 1/ Side 1 {Daniel John}. P Taping/ Check Out. p/b/f contrasts | N06011: Tape 1/Side 2 [Jack Skewes (pp 5-8)] . | N06033: 26/6/90 Jack Skewes . N06057: Marrithiyel (Jack Skewes) 28/6/90 | N06061: further notes about dates of note-taking | N06065: 9/7/91 Marrithiyel Jack Skewes | N06071: "10/7/91" or “15/7/91” or “13/7/91” (date semi-legible. probably 10/7/91). N06078: 28/6/91
Origination date 1990-06-08
Origination date free form from 8 June to 29 June 1990
Archive link
Ian Green
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Marrithiyel
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s)
Region / village
Originating university Australian National University
Operator Geneva Goldenberg
Data Categories primary text
Data Types StillImage
Discourse type
DOI 10.4225/72/57092AB2A6C2D
Cite as Ian Green (collector), 1990. Marrithiyel Field notebook (6). JPEG/TIFF. IG1-N06 at
Content Files (168)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
IG1-N06-N06016.jpg image/jpeg 340 KB
IG1-N06-N06016.tif image/tiff 24.9 MB
IG1-N06-N06017.jpg image/jpeg 350 KB
IG1-N06-N06017.tif image/tiff 24.9 MB
IG1-N06-N06018.jpg image/jpeg 356 KB
IG1-N06-N06018.tif image/tiff 24.9 MB
IG1-N06-N06019.jpg image/jpeg 377 KB
IG1-N06-N06019.tif image/tiff 24.9 MB
IG1-N06-N06020.jpg image/jpeg 336 KB
IG1-N06-N06020.tif image/tiff 24.9 MB
10 files -- 126 MB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 168

Collection Information
Collection ID IG1
Collection title Marrithiyel - Daly River Language Materials
Description Recordings and notebooks

Daly River Languages - audio field recordings and field notes, collected by Ian Green, 1980 - 1995
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
Access Information
Edit access Ian Green
Brighde Collins
Rachel Nordlinger
View/Download access Ian Green
Brighde Collins
Rachel Nordlinger
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative
RO-Crate Metadata

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