Item details
Item ID
Title Canzoniere popolare italiano - Gruppo La Questua and the Corale Maschile Italiano (Adelaide)
Description Concert given at Norwood Concert Hall, South Australia, by the Gruppo La Questua and the Corale Maschile Italiano, 23 October 2004. Missing from this deposit are 7 songs performed to open the concert by Corale Maschile Italiana. Only tracks 8 to 36 are archived here. Refer to program for full details and text in English and Italian (and various Italian minority languages). Tracks:

Corale Maschile Italiana (missing from this deposit)
1. Sul ponte di Bassano
2. Voi tu venire in Merica
3. Stelutis alpinis
4. La smortina
5. O Angiolina
6. Montaignes Valdôtaines
7. Benia Calastoria

Gruppo «La Questua» (deposited tracks begin here)
8. Introduction to Gruppo La Questua (1; in Italian and English);
9. Quando nasceste voi;
10. Accattari vurria na virrinedda;
11. In su monti Gonare;
12. Di te m'innamorai;
13. La pesca dell'anello;
14. Seghe l'erba murelina;
15. Dove vai bella fantina;
16. Chi vene a laurà;
17. A lavorar gh'andem;
18. Quaranta giorni che dormo sulla paglia;
19. E mi sont chi in filanda / Quando sento il primo fischio / O giovanotti cari;
20. Alla mattina con la luna - Fate merenda (stornelli) - Caporale a noi ci dice;


Corale Maschile Italiana
21. Era sera;
22. Il 29 luglio;
23. Ai preat;
24. La villanella;
25. La strada ferrata;

Gruppo «La Questua»
26. Se jo ves di maridami;
27. Vui maridarme st'ano;
28. Che s'ha mangiata La Zita;
29. Sgiré Promané (Matiné);
30. I' bambino è della mamma;
31. Antonuccio;
32a. Prendi il fucile - Tapum - Gorizia - Tapum; 32b. E quei vigliacchi di quei signori - Figghiu sciatu meu - Prendi il fucile (2);
33. La lega;
34. Saltarello (Stornelli dell'emigrante);

Gruppo «La Questua» with Corale Maschile Italiana
35. La montanara;
36. Maria Giuana.
Origination date 2004-10-23
Origination date free form
Archive link
Antonio Comin
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Italian (various dialects)
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect various Italian dialects
Region / village Adelaide, South Australia
Originating university Flinders University
Operator Linda Barwick
Data Categories song
Data Types Sound
Discourse type singing
DOI 10.4225/72/5705ABE820D43
Cite as Antonio Comin (collector), 2004. Canzoniere popolare italiano - Gruppo La Questua and the Corale Maschile Italiano (Adelaide). MPEG/VND.WAV/PDF. GAC1-19 at
Content Files (61)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
GAC1-19-32B.mp3 audio/mpeg 2.15 MB 00:02:20.807
GAC1-19-32B.wav audio/vnd.wav 35.8 MB 00:02:19.72
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GAC1-19-33.wav audio/vnd.wav 45.5 MB 00:02:57.385
GAC1-19-34.mp3 audio/mpeg 3.83 MB 00:04:10.366
GAC1-19-34.wav audio/vnd.wav 63.4 MB 00:04:09.58
GAC1-19-35.mp3 audio/mpeg 2.62 MB 00:02:51.32
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GAC1-19-36.mp3 audio/mpeg 3.96 MB 00:04:19.377
GAC1-19-36.wav audio/vnd.wav 65.7 MB 00:04:18.149
10 files -- 269 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID GAC1
Collection title Italian Folk Ensemble collection, Adelaide
Description Recordings of the Italian Folk Ensemble and associated groups (Adelaide, South Australia), 1980s-2007, collected by Antonio Comin. Five quarter-inch reel tapes, seven cassette tapes, 11 CDs and associated texts. For background information see Comin, Antonio, & Barwick, Linda. (2012). Re-presenting Italy in Australia through Theatre and Music, 1972-2002. In L. Barwick & M. Sorce Keller (Eds.), Italy in Australia's musical landscape (pp. 41–64). Melbourne: Lyrebird Press. See also Barwick, Linda. (2012). Italian Traditional Music in Adelaide in the 1970s and 1980s. In L. Barwick & M. Sorce Keller (Eds.), Italy in Australia's Musical Landscape (pp. 65–82). Melbourne: Lyrebird Press.
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Languages To view related information on a language, click its name
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative Recordings will be open, with the possible exception of 07
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