Item details
Item ID
Title "And So She Sang"
Description Sound and songs for "And so she sang"
Sound effects for the feature program 'And So She Sang'. This recording comprises twenty nine cuts. 1. The [?Karapuna] song-- 2. Mekeo song with rattles and drums ending in a shout of victory -- 3. A Mekeo song with rolling drums -- 4. A Mekeo love song, sung by a girl while she is waiting for a man -- 5. Conversation between a Mekeo man and a Mekeo woman -- 6. A love duet between a Mekeo man and a Mekeo woman -- 7. Conversation between two girls as they decorate themselves with flowers -- 8. A whistled love charm -- 9. A Motuan love song sung by a girl -- 10. The same Motuan love song as a duet -- 11. Background conversation between a man and a woman -- 12. A Mekeo feast song -- 13. Mekeo solos that may be suitable for the village fire at evening -- 14. Mekeo dance theme song sung first by a woman than by a man -- 15. Mekeo people cheering quietly, a scene suitable for the girls first steps down the house -- 16. Loud cheering, suitable for the final steps down from the house -- 17. The story teller calls to the people to be quiet and listen to his story -- 18. The magic spoken when a baby is 6 months to strengthen its legs -- 19. An old Mekeo love song as a male solo - 20. A village song sung at dusk -- 21. The Mekeo song, 'we are the Moru people' -- 22. A trading song, 'we would like to have a market' -- 23. A working song, 'Making Sago' -- 24. Sago making again , this time with children's laughter -- 25. A harvest song, sung after harvest -- 26. the magic made as the canoes leave for [?Wyma] -- 27. A love song sung first by the woman and then by the man and the woman -- 28 .A speech of the thanks for the people of the village for looking after the baby -- 29. A [?Garli katoro] a dance song suitable for the village of [?Mura Mura].

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Redefined Map to Region/Village to Mekeo Kairuku, Central Province.
Inferred language as Mekeo (mek)
(Steven Gagau, March 2018)

Origination date 1966-01-01
Origination date free form 1949-1966
Archive link Item not owned by Paradisec
Susan Cochrane
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Language as given
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Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Region / village Mekeo, Kairuku-Hiri District, Central Province
Originating university University of Wollongong
Data Categories song
Data Types Sound
Discourse type singing
DOI 10.4225/72/56F00D26F007D
Cite as Susan Cochrane (collector), 1966. "And So She Sang". D160_5-056 at
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Collection Information
Collection ID D160_5
Collection title Audio and songs from Papua New Guinea and Samoa
Description Audio recordings from Papua New Guinea and Samoa. Areas and languages include Mekeo, Manus, Motu, Sepik, Mila Mila, Manam, Mambu also Pidgin and Samoan. Data includes songs, radio recordings, music, and interviews.
Files held in University of Wollongong Archives:
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Data access narrative "Access Conditions: Available for reference. Contact University of Wollongong Archives in advance to arrange access""Access Conditions: Available for reference. Contact University of Wollongong Archives in advance to arrange access"
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