Item details
Item ID
Title Mekeo - Papuan Songs (Mekeo Tape 3)
Description Loose Insert (1). P.N. Cochrane - Papuan Songs from Mekeo and Rigo subdistrict, recorded 1950's. Tape 3 MekeoCUT 1 Kereupum Dance Theme (with KUNOTS)CUT 2 Mekeo song of victory (rolling drums)CUT 3 Mekeo song of welcome (rolling drums)CUT 4 Mekeo courting song (duet)CUT 5 Mekeo whistled love charmCUT 6 Conversation (in Mekeo) between two girls decorating themselves with flowers before a feast CUT 7 Mekeo feast songCUT 8 Mekeo sorcerers' incantation spoken over a 6 month old baby to strengthen its legsCUT 9 Mekeo traditional love song (male solo)CUT 10 Traditional Mekeo song always sung at dusk.CUT 11 Mekeo song invitation to a feast. We are the Moru people come to the land and we will sing together.CUT 12 Mekeo trading song - We would like to make a market. (Sung to the people of another clan or tribe).CUT 13 Mekeo Women's work song - Making Sago (village child in background).CUT 14 Mekeo harvest song to be sung only when the Sweet potato, yam taro and bananas harvest is complete.CUT 15 Mekeo incantation - Sung over a canoe load of dancers setting of to visit a distant village for a sing song.CUT 16 Mekeo Love Song - Duet for male and female voices.CUT 17 Speech of thanks in Mekeo. A young mother thanks the village women for their help during her first child's birth.CUT 18 Rigo Kitoro (sung in Gaile village in Motu, not Sinangaro because Gaile is on the border of the two subdistricts. This is the most popular dance theme on the whole coast.CUT 19 Rigo Hunter's Song of Triumph (to be sung only when the hunters have killed more than 50 wallabies).CUT 20 Mada - a Motuan song there may be sung only after numerous bandicoots have appeared in the gardens. This ensures a large harvest. Sung by a combination of Motu and Doura people.

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(Steven Gagau, March 2018)
Origination date 1966-01-01
Origination date free form 1949-1966
Archive link Item not owned by Paradisec
Susan Cochrane
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Region / village Mekeo, Kairuku-Hiri District, Central Province
Originating university University of Wollongong
Operator Aidan Wilson
Data Categories song
Data Types Sound
Discourse type singing
DOI 10.4225/72/56EEC589D42F7
Cite as Susan Cochrane (collector), 1966. Mekeo - Papuan Songs (Mekeo Tape 3). D160_5-014 at
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Collection Information
Collection ID D160_5
Collection title Audio and songs from Papua New Guinea and Samoa
Description Audio recordings from Papua New Guinea and Samoa. Areas and languages include Mekeo, Manus, Motu, Sepik, Mila Mila, Manam, Mambu also Pidgin and Samoan. Data includes songs, radio recordings, music, and interviews.
Files held in University of Wollongong Archives:
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Data access narrative "Access Conditions: Available for reference. Contact University of Wollongong Archives in advance to arrange access""Access Conditions: Available for reference. Contact University of Wollongong Archives in advance to arrange access"
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