Item details
Item ID
Title Bininj Kunwok rock art protection
Description This item contains only audio and some video files related to rock art protection technical language in Bininj Kunwok (BIMKUNWOK). This was recorded to assist the Warddeken Ltd. With their rock art protection program. The files have been recorded in two rock art sites: Yenamarraway and Bukbuk. The numbers after each content file name represent a temporal succession of recordings in the same area. This item also contains the track from one location to the other (BIMGEOT1_BUKBUK, BIMGEOT2_YENAMARRAWAY) and the waypoints (BIMGEOW1_2)
Origination date 2017-07-26
Origination date free form
Archive link
Claudia Cialone
Language as given
Subject language(s)
Content language(s)
Region / village Oceania
Originating university Australian National University
Operator Claudia Cialone
Data Categories
Data Types Sound
Discourse type
Roles Claudia Cialone : researcher
DOI 10.26278/5b4629aadbd3c
Cite as Claudia Cialone (collector), Claudia Cialone (researcher), 2017. Bininj Kunwok rock art protection. MPEG/VND.WAV. CC01-BIMKUNWOK at
Content Files (22)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_1.mp3 audio/mpeg 526 KB 00:00:33.488
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_1.wav audio/vnd.wav 18.6 MB 00:00:33.482
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_2.mp3 audio/mpeg 1.28 MB 00:01:23.801
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_2.wav audio/vnd.wav 46.3 MB 00:01:23.771
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_3.mp3 audio/mpeg 626 KB 00:00:39.941
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_3.wav audio/vnd.wav 22.2 MB 00:00:39.927
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_4.mp3 audio/mpeg 23.3 MB 00:25:31.250
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_4.wav audio/vnd.wav 841 MB 00:25:31.220
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_5.mp3 audio/mpeg 24 MB 00:26:13.490
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_5.wav audio/vnd.wav 865 MB 00:26:13.460
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_6.mp3 audio/mpeg 6.51 MB 00:07:07.389
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_6.wav audio/vnd.wav 235 MB 00:07:07.380
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_7.mp3 audio/mpeg 7.4 MB 00:08:05.798
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-BUKBUK_7.wav audio/vnd.wav 267 MB 00:08:05.781
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-YENAMARRAWAY_1.mp3 audio/mpeg 3.95 MB 00:04:18.951
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-YENAMARRAWAY_1.wav audio/vnd.wav 142 MB 00:04:18.947
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-YENAMARRAWAY_2.mp3 audio/mpeg 2.61 MB 00:02:50.944
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-YENAMARRAWAY_2.wav audio/vnd.wav 94.1 MB 00:02:50.931
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-YENAMARRAWAY_3.mp3 audio/mpeg 13.3 MB 00:14:36.15
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-YENAMARRAWAY_3.wav audio/vnd.wav 481 MB 00:14:36.4
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-YENAMARRAWAY_4.mp3 audio/mpeg 30.3 MB 00:33:10.369
CC01-BIMKUNWOK-YENAMARRAWAY_4.wav audio/vnd.wav 1.07 GB 00:33:10.349
22 files -- 4.12 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 22

Collection Information
Collection ID CC01
Collection title Recordings of Bininj Kunwok bush culture, language, spatial navigation documentation
Description audio-video data of Bininj Kunwok language recorded in free-recalls, interviews, conversations, commentaries some of it recorded with GoPro cameras, and geotagged.
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Access Information
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Data access conditions Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Data access narrative for the time being (Until consent is granted by the community) this is only open to the community of Manmoyi, the researcher and the Warddeken Ltd.
If consent is not granted for public access this item will be removed as per the PARADISEC conditions of archival.
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