Item details
Item ID
Title Arnhem Land bushwalk
Description This item represents a 'walk' event (BWALK). This is a walk in Arnhem land. This Item contains a full GoPro movie (GOPRO) navigated by speakers 5 (S5). It contains a long version of the stimulus (STMLS) created by the researcher for this event based on free recalls (STIMLSS5_long) and it contains a short version for the stimulus created for this event by Bininj and researcher (STIMLS5); a free recall (FREEREC) by S5 of the event; a back up audio (AUDIO) in addition to the GoPro sound ; a geographic track (GEOT) of the path navigated by S5; a synchronization of the full GoPro movies for S5 with its geo track (GOPROSYNC); a better synchonization of the Geo track with the GoPro movie made with VIRB app by Garmin (GEOTS5_VIRB) with visual telemetrics; A set of commentaries for S5 navigation (COMMS5) by vairous speakers for this event.. The item also contains ELAN files where material has been transcribed and translated. It also contains a cultural resource (CULTRES) (a short movie made by the community based on the previous files but with English subtitles and Bininj Kunwok audio). The S represents the speaker who did the navigation (S5). The _S at the end of the file name represents the speakers who commented this event, so the number is the unique ID of each speaker of this collection.
Origination date 2017-07-28
Origination date free form
Archive link
Claudia Cialone
Language as given
Subject language(s)
Content language(s)
Region / village Oceania
Originating university Australian National University
Operator Claudia Cialone
Data Categories
Data Types MovingImage
Discourse type
Roles Claudia Cialone : researcher
DOI 10.26278/5b4629a4883de
Cite as Claudia Cialone (collector), Claudia Cialone (researcher), 2017. Arnhem Land bushwalk. EAF+XML/MP4/MXF/XML/QUICKTIME. CC01-004 at
Content Files (37)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
CC01-004-BWALKGEOTS5_VIRB.mxf application/mxf 78.1 GB
CC01-004-BWALKGOPROS5_better.eaf application/eaf+xml 194 KB
CC01-004-BWALKGOPROS5_better.mp4 video/mp4 1.9 GB 00:24:42.900
CC01-004-BWALKGOPROS5_better.mxf application/mxf 55.4 GB
CC01-004-BWALKGOPROS5.mp4 video/mp4 1.9 GB 00:24:42.900
CC01-004-BWALKGOPROS5.mxf application/mxf 59.8 GB
CC01-004-BWALKGOPROSYNCS5.mp4 video/mp4 1.93 GB 00:24:42.900
CC01-004-BWALKGOPROSYNCS5.mxf application/mxf 29.9 GB
CC01-004-BWALKSTIMLSS5_long.mp4 video/mp4 1.65 GB 00:11:39.131
CC01-004-BWALKSTIMLSS5_long.mxf application/mxf 14.4 GB
CC01-004-BWALKSTIMLSS5.mp4 video/mp4 175 MB 00:02:14.634
CC01-004-BWALKSTIMLSS5.mxf application/mxf 2.58 GB
12 files -- 248 GB -- --

Show 10 Show 50 Show all 37

Collection Information
Collection ID CC01
Collection title Recordings of Bininj Kunwok bush culture, language, spatial navigation documentation
Description audio-video data of Bininj Kunwok language recorded in free-recalls, interviews, conversations, commentaries some of it recorded with GoPro cameras, and geotagged.
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Data access conditions Closed (subject to the access condition details)
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