Collection details
Collection ID ALB01
Title Recordings of Ahtena (United States)
Description A collection of elicitation and narrative in Ahtena (United States)
Archive link
Andrea Berez
Operator Andrea Berez
Originating university University of California, Santa Barbara
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
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Region / village
DOI 10.4225/72/56E7A759B570F
Cite as Andrea Berez (collector), 1964. Recordings of Ahtena (United States). Collection ALB01 at [Closed Access].
Access information
Edit access Aidan Wilson
Andrea Berez
Data access conditions Closed (subject to the access condition details)
Data access details Free access to metadata only (no free access to files themselves please); Restricted, only acccessed by members of the families involved or by bona fide researchers with the permission of those members
Items in Collection (81)

Item Title Actions
AHTNB002 Ahtna fieldnotes View

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