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Item details
Item ID
Title ACTION: lie down
Description ACTION: lie down, old scan: W96
Origination date 2022-12-31
Origination date free form
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Samantha Disbray
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Originating university
Operator Julia Colleen Miller
Data Categories
Data Types Image
Discourse type
Roles Christine Bruderlin : illustrator
Samantha Disbray : depositor
DOI 10.26278/DRHN-B666
Cite as Samantha Disbray (collector), Christine Bruderlin (illustrator), Samantha Disbray (depositor), 2022. ACTION: lie down. JPEG/TIFF. AILIB-ACTION_182 at
Content Files (2)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
AILIB-ACTION_182-00.jpg image/jpeg 385 KB
AILIB-ACTION_182-00.tif image/tiff 33 MB
2 files -- 33.3 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID AILIB
Collection title Arlkeny map-akert / Australian Indigenous Languages Image Bank ‘AILIB’
Description Arlkeny map-akert or the Australian Indigenous Languages Image Bank ‘AILIB’ is a collection of over 1300 line-drawn illustrations. The collection has been compiled and deposited at PARADESIC with permission of the illustrators for illustrations to support the creation of non-commercial learning resources and reference materials.

The collection is duel named, with the Anmatyerr name Arlkeny map-akert ('having many designs/pictures') contributed by April Campbell. April's work teaching Anmatyerr language and driving the development of picture-based language resources is acknowledged here.

The compilers are Inge Kral, Samantha Disbray and Jenny Green. The project was supported by the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Languages, the University of Queensland and the University of Melbourne.

Please cite the collection as:

Inge Kral, Samantha Disbray and Jennifer Green (Compilers), 2022. Arlkeny map-akert / Australian Indigenous Languages Image Bank ‘AILIB’. Collection AILIB at [Open Access].

The contributing illustrators are Faye Alexander, Christine Bruderlin, Jennifer Green, Julie Jones, David Le May, Jenny Taylor and Brenda Thornley. Intellectual copyright for illustrations remains with the individual illustrator.

Use of illustrations must acknowledge the individual illustrator. Please refer to the Arlkeny map-akert /Australian Indigenous Languages Image Bank Guide (Item "000_GUIDE" in this collection) for details for attribution and citation of individual illustrations. It is also a helpful map of the collection and the item numbers of each illustration.

For permission to reproduce illustrations in commercial publications, please contact individual illustrators. Details are available in the Guide.
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Access Information
Edit access Jennifer Green
Inge Kral
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Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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