Welcome to the catalog of the PARADISEC collection
Who runs this site?
PARADISEC has been developed since 2003 by a consortium of Australian researchers from the University of Sydney, the University of Melbourne and the Australian National University.
See the PARADISEC website for further details.
What system runs this site?
Nabu is a media management system that provides a catalog of items, metadata for these items, and information about the workflow status of the items. It also provides access, where possible, to those items.
'Nabu' is a word in the South Efate language for 'road', as a connector of various locations.
PARADISEC developed the Open Source system 'Nabu' in 2012 with funding from the Australian Research Council LIEF (Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities) scheme (LE11000142).
The source code can be found on GitHub.
Depositor Tote Tepano (Rapanui) collecting some CDs from Amanda at PARADISEC in 2004.
What material does this collection contain?
PARADISEC (Pacific And Regional Archive for DIgital Sources in Endangered Cultures) curates digital material about small or endangered languages.
The catalog entry for an item is usually written by the depositor, and some are more detailed than others. In the case of collections that we have digitised from deceased researchers, we do the best we can to describe the records, but often there is little information available. By placing these items in the collection we hope that other researchers will enrich the descriptions as they use the material. PARADISEC has a commitment to freedom of expression and universal access to information. PARADISEC recognises that there may be occasions when online material contains information that is culturally sensitive, or breaches copyright or other relevant law, and enforces access restrictions whenever we are made aware of such issues. If you find material in PARADISEC’s online collections that you believe infringes your rights, or, for example, contravenes privacy law, is defamatory, or is in breach of copyright, you may submit a takedown request by sending an email to [email protected].
What can I do on this site?
You can search by collections or by items.
If you would like to deposit material in this collection, you will need to sign up.
Please refer to the PARADISEC depositor's page for more information.