Item details
Item ID
Title Records of a Conferences of Protestant Mission Native Pastors held at Khuine, New Caledonia, 1926, 1928, 1929
Description In French. 117pp. Original held by M. J. Guiart.
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Nick Thieberger
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Originating university University of Melbourne
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Data Types Image
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Roles Protestant Mission of New Caledonia. : author
DOI 10.26278/5f6e148fa87dd
Cite as Nick Thieberger (collector), Protestant Mission of New Caledonia. (author). Records of a Conferences of Protestant Mission Native Pastors held at Khuine, New Caledonia, 1926, 1928, 1929. PDF. NLA1-SPCmf53 at
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NLA1-SPCmf53-001.pdf application/pdf 80.3 MB
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Collection Information
Collection ID NLA1
Collection title Microfilms from the National Library of Australia
Description Images from a collection of microfilms made from South Pacific Commission documents representing dictionaries and other documents in a number of Pacific languages. These microfilms were digitised in 2020 with the support of ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language and PARADISEC.
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Access Information
Edit access Nick Thieberger
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