
3241 search results (6 ms)

Content Languages
Burmese (153)
Chin, Mro (47)
English (117)
Jingpho (2895)
Khamti (32)
Naga, Leinong (1)
Naga, Makuri (3)
Naga, Makyan (1)
Naga, Tase (99)
Rawang (1)
India (2)
Myanmar (3241)
Top 100 Collectors
ID Title Collector Language as given Countries # of files Modification Date Actions
KK3-0038 Ma yen wa hte mam nsi a lam | The father, the son, and the ears of rice Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 5 2023-06-08 View
KK3-0039 Maitau nat hte ahpyi nat | The Maitau spirit and the Ahpyi spirit Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 3 2023-12-07 View
KK3-0048 Grai tsawra hkat ai yen nau a lam | Brotherly love Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 5 2023-06-08 View
KK3-0052 Sumbra shabrang a lam | The caterpillar boy Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 5 2023-06-08 View
KK3-0055 Wa hte gwi a lam | The pig and the dog Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 5 2023-12-07 View
KK3-0063 Ja si si ai hpun a lam | The tree that bears golden fruit Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 5 2023-12-07 View
KK3-0069 Nat shayi sha hte jahkrai ma a lam | The spirit girl and the orphan boy Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 5 2023-06-08 View
KK3-0070 Nat hka lu ai dinggai hte dingla a lam | The old couple who drank the water of the spirits Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 5 2023-12-07 View
KK3-0082 U hkru du a katsa ba | The uncles of the dove Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 5 2023-06-08 View
KK3-0084 Ga tsun ga la a lam | The communal work Keita Kurabe Jinghpaw Myanmar 5 2023-06-08 View
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