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Title Jahkrai ma hte La law ma u hkam hkam ai lam | An orphan and bullies who set a bird trap
Description Translation (Rita Seng Mai & Keita Kurabe)
This story is about an orphan and bullies who set a bird trap. Long ago, there were an orphan and bullies in a village. One day, the bullies said to the orphan. "Hey, orphan, let's go set a bird trap in the forest!" The orphan refused to go, saying, "No, I don't even know how to set a trap." But, since the bullies coerced him into going to set a trap Not daring to say no, the orphan went with them. When they got to a place with lots of birds The bullies said, "I'll set a trap on this branch! I'll set a trap on this branch!" They set traps in all the right places to catch the birds. The orphan didn't have any branches to set a bird trap on, so he set a trap on the ground. "Are you done?" "Done!" And then the children went home. The next morning, the bullies called the orphan again. "Come on, let's go check out the bird traps we set yesterday!" The orphan said, "No, I couldn't set a bird trap on a branch like you did." "I could only set a trap on the ground, so there wouldn't be anything on it." "So I'm not going." But they forced him to go again, "Come on, let's go," so he went along. The bullies arrived at the place of the trap first before the orphan did. Then they found a deer in the trap that the orphan had set on the ground. And they found a great hornbill caught in a trap they had set on the tree. Before the orphan arrived, the bullies brought the great hornbill down from the tree and trapped it in the orphan's trap. The deer that had been caught in the orphan's trap, they hooked it into their own trap on the tree. After the exchange, the orphan arrived and said. "There's no way a ground-dwelling deer would be caught in a tree trap." "There's no way a tree dwelling great hornbill would be caught in a ground trap." The bullies said, "The great hornbill came down to the ground looking for nuts." "The deer couldn't find the bait on the ground, and when it looked up at the tree" "The deer saw the nuts, so it hooked its legs on the tree and climbed up," they lied. The orphan said, "No, it can't be." "Deer don't climb trees." "The great hornbills won't look for food on the ground," he disagreed. "Then let's call elders to help us figure it out." The bullies called many elders they knew. The orphan had no one to help him. So, he asked a wise owl for help. The owl said, "Okay." When the elders the bullies called and the elder the orphan called met The owl, called by the orphan, came in late. The owl came very late, so the people asked. "Hey, Mr. Owl, what brings you here so late?" Then the owl said, "Oh, the sandy soil was burning with wildfire on the way here." "So I was carrying water in a basket made of ivy to put out the fire." And what did they all say? "No, silly owl, how could the sandy soil burn?" That's impossible. "How could you possibly carry water in a basket made of ivy?" Then the owl said, "Think about it, everyone." "Likewise, a greater hornbill in a tree will not be caught in a trap on the ground." "Neither will a deer on the ground be caught in a trap on a tree." Everyone said, "That's true." In the end, the orphan won. This is the end of the story.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Ya gaw jahkrai ma hte lalaw ma u hkam hkam ai nga ai maumwi hpe hkai dan na re. Moi shawng de kahtawng langai mi hta jahkrai ma hte lalaw ma ni nga ma ai da. Lani mi na aten hta, lalaw ma ni gaw jahkrai ma hpe "E jahkrai ma e, nam de u hkam hkam sa saga i," ngu nna saw la ma ai. Dai shaloi jahkrai ma gaw "E, ngai gaw u hkam hkam ma n chye ai," ngu di n hkraw ai. N hkraw ai rai ti mung, lalaw ma ni gaw atik anang jahkrai ma hpe u hkam hkam sa shaga saw ai majaw Jahkrai ma gaw lalaw ma ni a saw ai ga hpe n gwi lu ai majaw u hkam hkam hkan nang ai. U hkam hkam sa yang gaw, u ni hpun si grai sha ai shara langai mi kaw du yang she Lalaw ma ni gaw "Ndai lakung hkan mung ngai hkam na, ndai lakung hta e mung ngai hkam na," ngu nna U hkam hkam htuk ai shara shagu yawng hta lalaw ma ni chyu u hkam hkam ai. Rai jang she, jahkrai ma gaw hpun lakung gara kaw n lu hkam ai majaw le ga de u hkam hkam ai da. "U hkam hkam tawn ngut sai i, ngut sai," nga jang gaw, jahkrai ma hte lalaw ma ni gaw nta de wa sai. Hpang jahpawt du yang gaw, lalaw ma ni gaw jahkrai ma hpe "Saw law, jahkrai ma e, mani anhte hkam da ai u hkam hpe bai sa yu ga," ngu saw ai da. Saw ai shaloi jahkrai ma gaw "E, ngai gaw nanhte hkam ai hpun ningdung de n hkam lu ai." "Le ga de hkam da ai majaw gaw hpa mung n lu na re." "Dai majaw ngai gaw n sa na," ngu tsun ai. Rai ti mung "Saw law, she sa ga law," atik anang saw ai majaw sa ai da. Sa yang gaw lalaw ma ni gaw jahkrai ma na shawng de sa nna shawng de du ai da. Du yang gaw jahkrai ma ga de hkam da ai kaw gaw chyahkyi mi lu Lalaw ma ni hpun ndung de hkam ai kaw gaw hkawngrang mi lu ai hpe mu ma ai da. Re she, lalaw ma ni hkam lu ai hkawngrang hpe gaw le ga de, jahkrai ma hkam ai chyahkyi lu ai shara kaw bai noi da ya. Chyahkyi wa hpe gaw raw la na hto shanhte hkam tawn ai hpun ningdung de bai noi da ai da. Hpang de du ai jahkrai ma gaw dai hpe yu nna "Ga kaw nga ai chyahkyi gaw hpun ningdung de n lu ai." "Hpun kaw nga ai hkawngrang gaw ga de n lu ai," ngu tsun yang she Lalaw ma ni gaw, "Hkawngrang u gaw hpun si hkan tam na yu wa ai rai na re." "Rai nna, chyahkyi mung ga de tam sha yang hpun si n mu ai majaw ndung de mada yu ai shaloi" "Hpun si noi ai mu ai majaw lahpri lung di sha ai rai na re," ngu di tsun ai da. Dai shaloi gaw jahkrai ma gaw "Hmm, n mai byin ai." "Hpun ningdung de chyahkyi n lung ai." "Ga de gaw hkawngrang yu di n hpre sha ai," ngu di ga law ai. Dai majaw "Dai kaw salang shaga nna jahta saga," ngu jang she Lalaw ma ni gaw chye ai salang ni law law shaga tawn. Jahkrai ma gaw myi lalaw ma ni saw sai majaw shi gaw kadai hpe mung n lu saw ai. Dai majaw hpaji rawng ai u hku du langai kaw sa nna hpaji sa hpyi ai da. U hku du dai gaw "Mai ai," nga sa. Re yang lalaw ma ni shaga ai hte jahkrai ma shaga ai wa hkrum ai shaloi Jahkrai ma shaga ai u hku du gaw hpang hkrat na sa wa ai da. Aten grai hprang hkrat na sa wa ai majaw lalaw ma ni gaw tsun ai. "E u hku du, nang hpa na dai ram hpang hkrat ai ma," ngu tsun ai. Shaloi gaw u hku du gaw "E, ngai sa wa ai shaloi hto zaibru jang ntsa kaw sharaw wan grai hkru taw ai mu ai majaw" "Sumbwi ka ran hte hka lahka di, kumtsai sharaw hkru ai hpe wan sat taw ai," ngu tsun ai da. Dai shaloi she yawng gaw kaning nga na tsun ai i nga yang "E u hku du, pau pau mana, kaning rai zaibru sharaw ma n hkru." "N mai byin ai." "Sumbwi ka ran hta e kaning rai hka n ja ai," ngu tsun ai. Shaloi u hku du gaw "Nanhte mung myit yu mu." "Dai hte maren, hpun ningdung na hkawngrang gaw ga de kaning n yu ai." "Ga de nga ai chyahkyi gaw hpun ningdung de n lung ai," ngu tsun ai. Yawng gaw "Teng ai," ngu di she Hpang jahtum gaw jahkrai ma e dang kau ai da. Maumwi ndai kaw ngut sai re.
Origination date 2021-08-09
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
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Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types MovingImage
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
Lu Awng Gumtung : speaker
Ikumi Wakana : illustrator
DOI 10.26278/RWC1-8038
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), Lu Awng Gumtung (speaker), Ikumi Wakana (illustrator), 2021. Jahkrai ma hte La law ma u hkam hkam ai lam | An orphan and bullies who set a bird trap. EAF+XML/MPEG/MP4/MXF/VND.WAV. KK3-0022 at
Content Files (5)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
KK3-0022-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 97.7 KB
KK3-0022-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 3.62 MB 00:03:56.834
KK3-0022-A.mp4 video/mp4 214 MB 00:04:01.560
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KK3-0022-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 130 MB 00:03:56.818
5 files -- 7.08 GB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK3
Collection title Animated videos of Kachin folktales
Description These materials were produced by Keita Kurabe and members of the Kachin community as part of a community-based collaborative documentation and revitalization project in northern Myanmar. Narration was contributed by Sumlut Gun Mai, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Gumtung Lu Awng, and Jumhpawk Nyein Chan Thu. Illustrations were contributed by Kahtantu Htoi Awng, Shatum Naw Ra, Sumlut Mun San Pan, and Ikumi Wakana. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP20K13024, "Linguistic Dynamics Science 3" (LingDy3), and "Description and Documentation of Language Dynamics in Asia and Africa: Toward a More In-depth Understanding of the Languages and Cultures of People Living in Asia and Africa (DDDLing)" from the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS).
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