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Title N hkru ai tsahte hte jahkrai ma (Orphan and evil wealthy man) with English translation
Description Translation (Htoi Awng)
Once upon a time, there was an evil wealthy man in a village. And there was an orphan boy in that village too. He was poor, so he worked for the rich man. He had to look after the buffaloes and cows. The rich man was narrow-minded. Since he had many servants, he didn't work a bit. He was a sybarite. But he didn't support clothes for his servants and didn't treat them well. He let six seventeen-year-old girls stay with him. He treated them as his mistresses. But he couldn't sexually attack the youngest girl. So, he beat and bullied her. Then, that girl and the orphan boy, who had to look after the rich man's buffaloes, fell in love since they had seen each other very often. Unfortunately, the rich man got to know their love story. He was mad and tried many ways to break them. But the love between the girl and the orphan boy was so strong that he couldn't break them. So, the rich man fired the boy. Then, the boy had to go hunting in a forest. One day, he saw a tiger chasing a deer while he was hunting. The deer was running at his fastest speed. The tiger kept chasing him too. Then, the hunter followed them and shot the tiger with his gun. The tiger was dead, and the deer could escape from the danger. He saved the life of the deer. One day, the girls went to the forest to collect woods. The girl knew that her lover usually went hunting in this forest. She longed for her boyfriend. So, she sang a pleasant song while she was collecting wood. At that time, the hunter heard the girl's singing. So, he followed the sound. There, he met his girlfriend. When they met, the girl didn't want to go back to her house. She said, "I miss you so much. Now, I'm with you. I will not go home. I will be with you." Then, they lived together in the forest by hunting some animals. One year later, they thought to farm. They farmed beside the main road. One day, the rich man went to his parents-in-law's house with his wife, children and some guards. On the way, they walked past the couple's farm. The rich man saw the orphan boy and ordered his guards to arrest him. They tied his hands from the back. When the orphan boy's wife saw that they were beating up her husband, she quickly ran towards them. At that time, the rich man pulled his knife from the sheath to kill the orphan boy. Unfortunately, she was cut by the knife when the rich man raised his hands to kill the orphan. At that moment, the deer that the orphan boy saved before walked past them. It saw that the orphan boy was bullied, and his wife was dead. So, it ran towards the rich man and gored him with its horns. The orphan boy was beaten unconscious. After attacking the rich man, the deer quickly ran into the forest. Then, the rich man and his guards chased it. It deceived them and ran back to the orphan boy and his wife. It plucked some medicinal herbs. It crushed herbs and put them into the girl's mouth. Surprisingly, it could bring her back to life. And then, the deer fed the medicinal herbs to the orphan boy too. The boy came to his consciousness. On the other hand, the rich man and his guards didn't know the deer ran back to the orphan boy. They kept chasing it. At that time, one of the guards was holding his gun while he was chasing the deer. Unfortunately, the trigger was accidentally pulled and hit right at the rich man's neck. The rich man was dead in the end.

Transcription (Lu Awng)
Moi da ndai sahte langai mi gaw grai nhkru ai sahte langai mi nga ai da. Dai kaw e jahkrai ma langai mi gaw grai matsan ai, jahkrai re majaw dai sahte wa kaw e nga rem n chyang sa shang ai da. Nga rem n chyang sa shang yang gaw dai sahte wa dai gaw grai nhkru ai da, myit mung grai magaw, grai n kaja re sahte wa re da. Shi gaw bungli gaw nau n galaw, mayam num mayam la mung grai rem da ai re majaw bungli gaw n galaw timmung shi gaw tsawm tsawm htap htap lusha mung mu mu mai mai hku na nga ai da. Retim mung shi a mayam num mayam la ni hpe gaw hpa labu palawng mung n myit ya, hpun na bu na, shat sha na ni atsawm n jaw sha dai hku re ai da. Re yang she dai mare kaw na numsha tsawm dik ai asak 17,18 ning re grai grai tsawm ai numsha 6 hpe gaw shi shaga kahkyin tawn na she shi kam ai hku roi, shi kajam mayu ai hku kajam pyaw chyai, shi a gasup rai shatai, shi kam ai hku pyaw la dai hku la re ai da. Re yang she ndai asak kaji dik ai marai 6 kaw na kaji dik ai ndai numsha hpe gaw shi nlu roi hkraw ai da. Nlu roi hkra re jang she dai numsha hpe gaw shi gaw adup a byen di na zingri ai da. Dai hku ni zingri re yang she dai kaw e la kasha dai nga sa rem chyang ai la kasha jahkrai ma dai hte dai numsha kaji dik ai mare du wa shi n lu roi hkraw re numsha dai gaw dai yen 2 gaw mu hkau chyap hkat na she shan 2 gaw sumtsaw byin ai da. Sumtsaw byin dai yen 2 sumtsaw byin ai wa hpe mare du sahte wa gaw chye kau ai da. Chye kau na shi gaw grai pawt mayu sai da lo, grai pawt mayu, ndai yen n lu ra hkat hkra ngu na she gara hku nyan yu tim shan hpe n lu jahka ai da. Nlu jahka hkraw re jang she lani mi na gaw ndai jahkrai ma la kasha hpe she jahkrai ma la kasha hpe she ndai sahte wa gaw grau shapraw kau dat ai da. Gau shapyraw kau dat re jang gaw ndai la kasha wa gaw oh nam de mukhkyu sha hkyu sha re na nga mat ai da. Tsawm ra ning na hkra dai hku na nga hkawm mat re yang lani mi hta gaw ndai jahkrai ma ndai sanat sha hpai re na e shan gyam hkawm yang she jahkyi langai mi hpe she sharaw gaw hkan shachyut ai hpe mu ai da. Jahkyi gaw aw grai shi a atsawm htum kade shachyut, kade hprawng tim sharaw gaw shachyut tik tik, ganoi dep ganoi dep re na dai hpe ndai jahkrai ma gaw mu na she shi mung hkan shachyut na she ndai sharaw hpe shi gaw hkan gap kau dat ai da. Hkan gap kau dat jang gaw jahkyi gaw lawt mat ai da. Dai hku re na nga nga re yang shi gaw ndai jahkyi hpe mung hkye da re na shi gaw matut mukhkyu sha re na nam maling kaw dai hku nga nga re yang she lana de mi bai shi gaw shan gyam nga na bai ndai nam maling hkan bai hkawm nga she mi shi hte sumtsaw tsaw hkat ai ndai numsha gaw shi manang num sha ni hte bum de e hpun hta na nga na sa wa ma ai da. Shanhte marai 6 hte sa wa re yang she ndai jahkrai ma hte ra hkat ai ndai numsha gaw shi a sumtsaw jahkrai ma hte nhkrum ai tsawm ra na mat wa re majaw dai shana de gaw dai shi a sumtsaw wa jahkrai ma nam de nga ai dai hpe mung dai numsha gaw chye ai. Retim shi hte gaw n hkrum yu mat re majaw dai shana de gaw dai nam de shang wa jang gaw ma sumtsaw manang wa hpe dum re na shi gaw ndai yu ngwi ning chyun ngu ai hpe shapraw re na she sa wa ai da. Ndai jahkrai ma mung shan gyam nga na hkawm sa wa yang she dai n chyun chyun ai nsen hpe na dat ai da. Na dat na she dai nsen shapraw ai maga de shi shanang na sa mat wa yang she dai numsha ni hte hkrum ai da. Hkrum ai shaloi gaw dai shi sumtsawm jan gaw n wa hkraw sai da. Ngai nang hpe galoi mung a dum nga ai re, nang hpe ngai grai marit ai re, ya nang hte hkrum sai majaw ngai n wa sai, ngai n kam wa sai, nang gara kaw nga yang ngai nang hte sha nga mat sa na ngu na she nga nang nga ta mat ai da. Re jang she shan 2 gaw nam de e shan ni sha gyam sha re na tsawm ra ning jawm nga ai da, jawm nga re yang she 1 ning mi gaw shan 2 gaw yi hkyen sha na bawng la na yi hkyen ai da. Yi hkyen re yang gaw ndai lam kaba lam maw kaba makau kaw she shan yi hkyen ai re da. Dai re yang she yi hkyen na yi galaw na dai kaw nga nga she lani mi gaw mare du sahte wa gaw kasha yen nu ni hpe mung woi da, hpyen la ni hpe mung woi re na she, mayu ga de mayu ni hpe wa jahkrum na nga na dai lam hku lai wa re yang gaw yi makau na lam hku lai wa ang ai da. Lai wa yang she dai yen wa dai mare du wa gaw dai jahkrai ma hte numsha dai kaw nga nga ai hpe mu jang dai hpyen la ni hpe she ndai yen hpe gyit mu ngu da. Gyit nru gaw lalam mi hku galu ai numru gawng la na she gyit shangun ai da. Gyit shangun re yang gaw ndai numsha gaw dai jahkrai ma hpe oh ra mare du wa gaw shi pyada ni hpe gyit shangun na she gyit a dup zingri re hpe she numsha gaw mu na she shi mung si ntsang re na she kagat wa sai da. Kagat wa yang she dai mare du sahte wa gaw shi hpye ai nhtu ngang hkret di na shaw dat ai wa she dai numsha hpe e ndai shi n htu shaw dat na she ret sat hkrup kau dat ai da. Re yang she oh ra dan re hpe mu jang she n dai mi jahkrai ma hkye kau dat ai jahkyi wa gaw dai hku bai lai wa ai da. Lai wa re yang she dai numsha mung si taw nga, jahkrai ma hpe mung dai hku na zingri re hpe shi mu re na she ndai jahkyi gaw kagat wa na she mare du sahte wa a lagaw shinglang kaw e lahkat kau ya ai da. Lahkat kau tawn da ya re jang she ndai jahkrai ma hpe gaw shanhte nau zingri na she ndum ndam re na taw mat ai da. Re yang gaw ndai jahkyi wa ndai salang wa a lagaw shinglang kaw lahkat kau dat ya na kagat lai mat wa ai mu jang she dai mare du sahte wa hte hpyenla ni gaw dai jahkyi hpe shachyut mat wa sai da. Jahkyi hpe bai shachyut mat wa re na she nga nga yang she ndai jahkyi gaw oh kaga hku na ohra ni shachyut dat ai kaw na kaga maga hku bai hprawng gayin wa na she tsi lap sha di hpai re na she ndai numsha n gup kaw she dai jahkyi gaw tsi lap maya la na a hprup bang ya re jang she ndai numsha gaw bai dum wa na she hkrung wa yang oh ra jahkrai ma ndum ndam na nsa gaw nhti ai dung taw nga ai hpe bai jahkyi gaw tsi lap maya na a hpyup bang ya re na she e shan 2 gaw dai hku bai dum hkrung wa ai da. Re yang she e ndai mi shanhte gaw ndai jahkyi hpe she shachyut mat wa ai shaloi e jahkyi gaw ndai mi ndai jahkrai ma hte numsha sha nga ai maga gayin wa ai hpe shanhte gaw n chye, dai du wa gaw jahkyi e shinglang lahkat machyi ya pyi naw machyi pyi n dum hkra shi hpyenla ni hpe woi na she jahkyi dai hpe shachyut mat wa ai gaw hto shada a shawng hpang re na she shachyut kung kung re na she n hkap de e shachyut a kung lung wa ai kaw she ndai hpyen la langai mi gaw ndai sanat shachyen lang re na a hkum gaw kung kung re na hkan kagat nang ai wa she hto shawng kaw hkawm nga ai mare salang sahte wa hpe she ndai sanat wa tat kau dat na she dai sahte mare du wa hpe e gap sat kau ai da. Gap sat hkra kau dat ai da.
Origination date 2017-03-23
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Keita Kurabe
Countries To view related information on a country, click its name
Language as given Jinghpaw
Subject language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Content language(s) To view related information on a language, click its name
Dialect Standard Jinghpaw
Region / village Northern Myanmar
Originating university Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Data Categories primary text
Data Types Sound
Discourse type narrative
Roles Keita Kurabe : depositor
Shadau Hkawn Shawng : speaker
DOI 10.26278/5fa17144c6c09
Cite as Keita Kurabe (collector), Keita Kurabe (depositor), Shadau Hkawn Shawng (speaker), 2017. N hkru ai tsahte hte jahkrai ma (Orphan and evil wealthy man) with English translation. EAF+XML/MPEG/VND.WAV. KK1-1891 at
Content Files (3)
Filename Type File size Duration File access
KK1-1891-A.eaf application/eaf+xml 32.9 KB
KK1-1891-A.mp3 audio/mpeg 9.26 MB 00:10:05.918
KK1-1891-A.wav audio/vnd.wav 333 MB 00:10:05.879
3 files -- 342 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID KK1
Collection title Kachin folktales told in Jinghpaw
Description Recordings of Kachin folktales and related narratives in Jinghpaw. These materials were collected by Keita Kurabe, Gumtung Lu Awng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, Labang Tu La, Gumtung Htu Nan, and Lashi Seng Nan as part of community-based collaborative fieldwork in northern Myanmar. A total of 2,491 stories with 2,481 ELAN files, 2,481 transcriptions, and 1,548 translations are currently available (February 25, 2025). Transcriptions were contributed by Gumtung Lu Awng, Pausa La Ring, Galang Lu Hkawng, Sumdu Ja Seng Roi, Hpauhkum Htu Bu, and Keita Kurabe. Stories were translated by Nbanpa Rita Seng Mai, Sumlut Gun Mai, Lazing Htoi San, Maran Seng Pan, Dumdaw Mike Tu Awng, Nhkum Htoi Awng, and Keita Kurabe.

Animated stories are available at:

Other Kachin culture and history are available at:

Our research was made possible under the support of JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17H04523, JP20K13024, JP20H01256, JP24K03887, Linguistic Dynamics Science 3 (LingDy3) from Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa (ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), and JSPS Program for Advancing Strategic International Networks to Accelerate the Circulation of Talented Researchers "A collaborative network for usage-based research on lesser-studied languages."
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Access Information
Edit access Keita Kurabe
View/Download access Keita Kurabe
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
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