Item details
Item ID
Title Notebook - "(Totoya I) vosa, veiwekani, vanua, naunimate"
Description Handwritten fieldwork notebook. pp1-44 contains a paradigm, notes and word lists, some pages illegible due to water damage. p45 data table/word list
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Paul Geraghty
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Region / village Totoya
Originating university
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Data Types Text
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DOI 10.26278/JHMN-SQ56
Cite as Paul Geraghty (collector). Notebook - "(Totoya I) vosa, veiwekani, vanua, naunimate". PDF. PG1-089 at
Content Files (1)
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PG1-089-001.pdf application/pdf 3.94 MB
1 files -- 3.94 MB -- --

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Collection Information
Collection ID PG1
Collection title Paul Geraghty's Fiji materials
Description This is a collection of notes and images made by Paul Geraghty over many years in his work with speakers of Fijian varieties.

These files were digitised by Ritsuko Kikusawa who then deposited them with PARADISEC. Casey Ford structured the files into items and collections, and converted files into the format required.
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Access Information
Edit access Ritsuko Kikusawa
Casey Ford
Paul Geraghty
View/Download access Ritsuko Kikusawa
Casey Ford
Paul Geraghty
Data access conditions Open (subject to agreeing to PDSC access conditions)
Data access narrative Waiting on advice from depositor
RO-Crate Metadata

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